Language: | German |
Source text — English | Translation — German |
{"cxt": "survey_title_html", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 2282706801}Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema. | Titel der Studie: Erhebung der Lebensqualität von Kindern und jungen Menschen mit Lymphödemen. |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99339100, "checksum": 3050997372}Information and Consent for Parents, Children and Young People | Informationen und Einverständniserklärung für Eltern, Kinder und junge Erwachsene |
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99339100, "checksum": 617635042}<div>Name of Researcher(s): Dr Aimee Aubeeluck, Professor Christine Moffatt, CBE and Professor Isabelle Quéré<br><br>We would like to invite you to take part in our research study. Before you decide we would like you to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. <br><br></div>
<div><strong>What is the purpose of the study?</strong></div> <div> </div> <div>This study aims to explore the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema and to validate a Lymphoedema specific quality of life tool (LYMPHOQOL) for use with children and young people with Lymphoedema.</div> |
<div>Namen der Wissenschaftlerinnen: Dr Aimee Aubeeluck, Professor Christine Moffatt, CBE und Professor Isabelle Quéré.<br><br>
Wir möchten Sie bitten an unserer wissenschaftlichen Studie teilzunehmen. Bevor Sie sich entscheiden, möchten wir Ihnen erklären warum diese Studie durchgeführt wird und was diese für Sie bedeutet.<br><br></div> <div><strong>Was ist der Ziel dieser Studie?</strong></div> <div> </div> <div>Diese Studie möchte die Lebensqualität von Kindern und jungen Menschen mit Lymphödemen erheben und das neu entwickelte Instrument zur Messung von Lebensqualität bei Lymphödemen (LYMPHOQOL) für den Einsatz bei Kindern und jungen Menschen mit Lymphödemen prüfen.</div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 361678037, "checksum": 347111901}<strong>Why have I been invited?</strong><br><br>You are being invited to take part because you or your child are living with Lymphoedema.<br><br><strong>Do I have to take part?</strong><br><br>It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. When you have read this information and if you decide to take part please read the consent form below and tick your agreement to take part.<br><br>You are still free to withdraw at any time while filling in the questionnaires without providing any reason. This would not affect your legal rights. <br><br>It is important for the children and young people to answer the questionnaires themselves whenever possible, however parents can assist children to complete the questionnaires if they feel it is helpful. <br><br><strong>What will happen to me if I take part?</strong><br><br>You will be asked to complete 2 online questionnaires (LYMPHOQOL and KIDSCREEN) that are written in your own language and according to your age. These questionnaires aim to measure your quality of life and understand any worries you may be experiencing. You will also be asked to tell us what you think about the new LYMPHOQOL questionnaire and how long it took you to complete the online survey.<br><br><strong>Expenses and payments</strong><br><br>Participants will not be paid to participate in the study.<br><br><strong>What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part? </strong><br><br>There are no anticipated disadvantages to taking part in this study although it may prompt you to think about aspects of living with Lymphoedema that are distressing to yourself. If you are upset by taking part in any aspect of the study, we will provide an email for you to contact us for help.<br><br><strong>What are the possible benefits of taking part?</strong><br><br>We cannot promise the study will help you but the information we get from this study may help provide us with a better understanding of how it feels to live with Lymphoedema and how we may better support children and young people who have the condition in the future. <br><br><strong>What happens when the research study stops?</strong><br><br>When the study stops, we will take 6 months to analyse the findings before we present them. We will provide a summary of the findings on the International Lymphoedema Framework website and will keep everyone updated this way. We will publish the results in medical journals and make the questionnaires that come out of this study widely available for use. The study results will further be published via social media. This will help you to see how your contribution has helped the Lymphoedema Community.<br><br><strong>What if there is a problem?</strong><br><br>If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you should ask to speak to the researchers who will do their best to answer your questions. The researcher’s contact details are given at the end of this information sheet. | <strong>Warum wurde ich ausgewählt?</strong><br><br>Sie wurden ausgewählt, weil Sie selbst oder Ihr Kind ein Lymphödem haben.<br><br><strong>Muss ich teilnehmen?</strong><br><br>Es ist allein Ihre Entscheidung, ob Sie teilnehmen oder nicht. Nachdem Sie diese Informationen gelesen haben und entschieden haben teilzunehmen, sollten Sie bitte die Einverständniserklärung am Ende lesen und Ihr Einverständnis geben.<br>Sie können Ihr Einverständnis jederzeit widerrufen ohne Gründe zu nennen. Dies hat keine weiteren Konsequenzen.<br>Es ist wichtig, dass die Kinder und jungen Menschen die Fragen des Fragebogens wenn immer möglich eigenständig beantworten. Eltern können jedoch auch Ihren Kindern helfen, den Fragebogen auszufüllen, wenn Sie denken, dass dies hilfreich ist.<br><br><strong>Was genau wird mit mir passieren, wenn ich teilnehme?</strong><br><br>Sie werden gebeten 2 Fragebögen (den LYMPHOQOL und den KIDSCREEN), die in Ihrer Sprache verfasst sind und auf Ihr Lebensalter angepasst wurden, “online” auszufüllen. Diese Fragebögen sollen Ihre Lebensqualität und Ihre Probleme, die Sie haben, erfassen. Sie werden auch zum neu entwickelten LYMPHOQOL Fragebogen befragt und wie lange es gedauert hat diesen auszufüllen.<br><br><strong>Kosten und Bezahlung</strong><br><br>Die Teilnehmer werden für Ihre Teilnahme nicht bezahlt.<br><br><strong>Was sind mögliche Nachteile und Risiken durch die Teilnahme?</strong><br><br>Es gibt keine bekannten Nachteile durch Ihre Teilnahme an der Studie ausser, dass es dazu führen kann, dass Sie über Ihre Situation als betroffene Person mit einem Lymphödem nachdenken werden und bedrückt sein könnten. Wenn Sie durch die Teilnahme an der Studie beunruhigt werden, können Sie uns per email um Hilfe bitten.<br><br><strong>Was sind die möglichen Vorteile durch die Studienteilnahme?</strong><br><br>Wir können Ihnen nicht versprechen, dass Ihnen die Studie persönlich helfen wird; aber die Informationen die wir durch die Studie erheben, werden uns helfen besser zu verstehen, wie es sich anfühlt mit einem Lymphödem zu leben und wie wir Kinder und junge Menschen in Zukunft besser unterstützen können.<br><br><strong>Was passiert, wenn die Studie beendet ist?</strong><br><br>Am Ende der Studie werden wir während 6 Monate die Daten analysieren und dann die Ergebnisse präsentieren. Wir werden eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse auf der Internetseite des «International Lymphoedema Framework» veröffentlichen und so alle informiert halten. Wir werden die Ergebnisse in medizinischen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlichen und die Fragebögen zur Verfügung stellen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie werden auch über die Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht. Dies wird Ihnen zeigen können, wie Ihre Teilnahme der Lymphödem «Community» geholfen hat.<br><br><strong>Was passiert, wenn es ein Problem gibt?</strong><br><br>Wenn Sie über irgendeinen Aspekt der Studie Bedenken haben, sollten Sie darum bitten, mit den Wissenschaftlerinnen zu sprechen. Sie werden versuchen Ihnen zu antworten. Die Kontaktdaten zu den Wissenschaftlerinnen finden Sie am Ende dieses Informationsblatts. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 361678038, "checksum": 3891094816}<strong>Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?</strong><br><br>We will follow ethical and legal practice and all information about you will be handled in confidence.<br><br>If you join the study, the data collected for the study will be looked at by authorised persons from the University of Nottingham and the University of Montpellier Hospital who are jointly organising the research. <br><br>Under UK Data protection laws the University of Nottingham is the data controller (legally responsible for the data security) and the chief investigators of this study are the data custodians who manage access to the data. This means we are responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. Your rights to access, change or movement of your information are limited as we need to manage your information in specific ways to comply with certain laws and for the research to be reliable and accurate. To safeguard your rights we will use the minimum personally identifiable information possible. You can find out more about how we use your information and to read our privacy notice at<br><br>The data could be looked at by authorised people to check that the study is being carried out correctly. All will have a duty of confidentiality to you as a research participant and we will do our best to meet this duty. <br><br><strong>What will happen if I don’t want to carry on with the study?</strong><br><br>Your participation is voluntary, you are free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, and without your legal rights being affected. If you withdraw then any anonymous information collected so far cannot be erased and this information may still be used in the project analysis. Any identifiable data already collected will be withdrawn at your request. <br><br>All information which is collected about you during the course of the research will be kept <strong>strictly confidential</strong> and stored on a password protected database. <br><br>You will have a choice of whether you provide your name and contact details for us. This would only be used with your consent and if you wished us to contact you to participate in future studies using the questionnaires. <br><br>All other data (research data) will be kept securely for 7 years and then safely disposed of. During this time all precautions will be taken by all those involved to maintain your confidentiality, only members of the research team will have access to your personal data.<br><br><strong>Involvement of the General Practitioner/Family doctor (GP)</strong> <br><br>There will be no involvement of your GP / Family doctor.<br><br><strong>Who is organising and funding the research?</strong><br><br>This research is being organised by the University of Nottingham and is being sponsored by the the Centre de Reference des maladies Lymphatiques Primaires, University Hospital of Montpellier and supported by the International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF), a UK registered charity. <br><br><strong>Who has reviewed the study?</strong><br><br>This study has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by The University of Nottingham, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee<br><br><strong>Further information and contact details</strong><br><br>Professor Christine Moffatt CBE Emeritus Professor, University of Nottingham,<br>Clinical Professor<br>Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust<br>Queens Medical Centre,<br>Derby Road,<br>Nottingham, NG7 2UH<br>Email: <br><br> | <strong>Wird meine Teilnahme an der Studie vertraulich behandelt?</strong><br><br>Wir halten uns an ethische und gesetzliche Regeln und alle Ihre Informationen werden vertraulich behandelt.<br><br>Wenn Sie an der Studie teilnehmen, werden die für die Studie gesammelten Daten von autorisierten Personen der Universität Nottingham und der Universität Montpellier, die gemeinsam das Forschungsprojekt organisieren, geschützt gespeichert.<br><br>Die Universität Nottingham wird unter den Gesetzen des Englischen Datenschutzes (UK Data protection laws) die Daten Kontrolle durchführen (gesetzlich Verantwortlich für den Datenschutz). Die Studienleiterinnen erheben die Daten und regeln auch den Zugang zu den Daten. Dies bedeutet, dass wir dafür verantwortlich sind, Ihr Informationen zu beaufsichtigen und dafür zu sorgen, dass sie korrekt verwendet werden. Ihre Zugangsrechte zu Ihren Informationen, Rechte diese zu ändern oder sie zu verschieben sind limitiert, weil wir Ihre Informationen speziell verwalten, um die Forschungsgesetzte zu respektieren, damit diese zuverlässig und präzise belieben. Um Ihre Rechte zu schützen werden wir identifizierbare persönliche Informationen nur in minimalem Umfang verwenden. Sie können hier weiter Informationen über die Verwendung Ihrer Daten und unsere Datenschutzerklärung nachlesen:<br><br>Die Daten können von autorisierten Personen geprüft werden, damit die Studie korrekt durchgeführt wird. Alle Personen sind zur Vertraulichkeit gegenüber Ihnen als Teilnehmer der Studie verpflichtete und wir werden unser Bestes dafür tun, dass dies eingehalten wird.<br><br><strong>Was wird passieren, wenn ich an der Studie nicht teilnehmen möchte?</strong><br><br>Ihre Teilnahme ist freiwillig, Sie können jederzeit die Studie abbrechen ohne Gründe zu nennen. Falls Sie Ihr Einverständnis zurückziehen, können die bisher erhobenen anonymen Daten nicht gelöscht werden und die Informationen können für die Analyse der Studie weiterverwendet werden. Alle gesammelten identifizierbaren Daten können auf Ihren Wunsch jedoch gelöscht.<br><br>Alle Informationen, die im Laufe des Projekts gesammelt werden streng vertraulich behandelt und in einer mit einem<stong>Kennwort geschützten Datenbank gespeichert.<br><br>Sie können entscheiden, ob Sie uns Ihren Namen und Ihre Kontaktdaten angeben möchten. Diese Informationen werden nur verwendet, wenn Sie es wünschen, dass wir sie mit Hilfe des Fragebogens für zukünftige Studien kontaktieren.<br><br>Alle Daten werden für 7 Jahre gesichert gespeichert und dann gelöscht. Während dieser Zeit wird von allen beteiligten Personen die Einhaltung von Vertraulichkeit zugesichert und nur Mitglieder des Forschungsteams haben Zugang zu den persönlichen Daten.<br><br><strong>Teilnahme des Allgemein Mediziner / des Hausarztes</strong> <br><br>Der Allgemein Mediziner / Hausarzt wird nicht an der Studie beteiligt.<br><br><strong>Wer organisiert und finanziert die Studie?</strong><br><br>Dieses Forschungsprojekt wird von der Universität Nottingham organisiert und Sponsor der Studie ist das Referenzzentrum für Primäre Lympherkrankungen des Universitätsklinikum Montpellier. Es wird unterstützt vom Internationalen Lymphödem Framework (ILF), eine registrierte Hilfsorganisation.<br><br><strong>Wer hat die Studie geprüft?</strong><br><br>Die Studie wurde von der Ethik Kommission der Medizinischen und Gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Forschungsfakultät der Universität Nottingham geprüft und positiv begutachtet.<br><br><strong>Weitere Informationen und Kontaktdaten:</strong><br><br>Professor Christine Moffatt CBE Emeritus Professor, University of Nottingham,<br>Clinical Professor, <br>Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust,<br>Queens Medical Centre,<br>Derby Road,<br>Nottingham, NG7 2UH<br>Email: |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94878240, "checksum": 2982729375}Consent for Parents, Children and Young People | Einverständniserklärung für Eltern, Kinder und junge Erwachsene |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204620, "checksum": 3101476466}I confirm I have read and understand the study information above | Ich bestätige, dass ich die oben aufgeführten Studieninformationen gelesen und verstanden habe |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444806, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes | Ja |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444807, "checksum": 178677096}No | Nein |
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311278344, "checksum": 3892204746}This question requires an answer. | Für diese Frage ist eine Antwort erforderlich. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204623, "checksum": 4066703684}For the child or young person to answer | Für das Kind oder die junge Personen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444817, "checksum": 3621376500}Yes, I agree to take part in the study | Ja, Ich bin einverstanden an der Studie teilzunehmen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444818, "checksum": 2618505856}No, I do not want to take part in the study | Nein, ich möchte nicht an der Studie teilnehmen |
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311279511, "checksum": 3892204746}This question requires an answer. | Für diese Frage ist eine Antwort erforderlich. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204624, "checksum": 1629544147}Parental Consent (For all children under the age of 16 years) | Einverständnis der Eltern (Für alle Kinder unter dem Alter von 16 Jahren) |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444819, "checksum": 1310525229}I agree to my child taking part in the study | Ich bin einverstanden, dass mein Kind an der Studie teilnimmt |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444820, "checksum": 1064070866}I do not agree to my child taking part in the study | Ich bin nicht damit einverstanden, dass mein Kind an der Studie teilnimmt |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2613062130}NA | |
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2613080760, "checksum": 3892204746}This question requires an answer. | Für diese Frage ist eine Antwort erforderlich. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204626, "checksum": 3534579939}Please tell us your gender | Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihr Geschlecht mit |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444821, "checksum": 2712308043}Male | Männlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444822, "checksum": 336155985}Female | Weiblich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444823, "checksum": 1716118382}Prefer not to say | Ich möchte diese Angabe nicht machen |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204648, "checksum": 2058515500}Please tell us your age | Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihr Alter mit |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260455995}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}. | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260456002, "checksum": 837694376}Years | Jahre |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260456001, "checksum": 4252452532}21 | 21 |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260455999, "checksum": 2226203566}5 | 5 |
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311271385, "checksum": 3892204746}This question requires an answer. | Für diese Frage ist eine Antwort erforderlich. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204649, "checksum": 3517488286}Please tell us the country you live in | Bitte teilen Sie uns mit in welchem Land Sie leben |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532254, "checksum": 3653753787}Canada | Kanada |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532255, "checksum": 111561334}Denmark | Dänemark |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532256, "checksum": 3470068217}France | Frankreich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444909, "checksum": 3731867190}United Kingdom | Großbritannien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263257266, "checksum": 3675294799}Germany | Deutschland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532257, "checksum": 4234712407}Italy | Italien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532258, "checksum": 3588643194}Japan | Japan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532259, "checksum": 3963072919}Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532260, "checksum": 51537925}Albania | Albanien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532261, "checksum": 3163600721}Algeria | Algerien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532262, "checksum": 852496325}Andorra | Andorra |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532263, "checksum": 1162053508}Angola | Angola |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532264, "checksum": 2336326999}Anguilla | Anguilla |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532265, "checksum": 3599463275}Antigua & Barbuda | Antigua & Barbuda |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532266, "checksum": 3750997669}Argentina | Argentinien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532267, "checksum": 807771011}Armenia | Armenien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532268, "checksum": 1961916839}Australia | Australien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532269, "checksum": 612121086}Austria | Österreich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532270, "checksum": 198324697}Azerbaijan | Aserbaidschan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532271, "checksum": 6776016}Bahamas | Die Bahamas |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532272, "checksum": 2986610412}Bahrain | Bahrain |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532273, "checksum": 569616077}Bangladesh | Bangladesch |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532274, "checksum": 1634627899}Barbados | Barbados |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532275, "checksum": 2363783830}Belarus | Weißrussland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532276, "checksum": 427053859}Belgium | Belgien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532277, "checksum": 2088652358}Belize | Belize |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532278, "checksum": 3029696926}Benin | Benin |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532279, "checksum": 897707104}Bermuda | Bermuda |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532290, "checksum": 2212868307}Bhutan | Bhutan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532291, "checksum": 597827770}Bolivia | Bolivien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532295, "checksum": 1237727564}Bosnia & Herzegovina | Bosnien und Herzegowina |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532296, "checksum": 596893160}Botswana | Botswana |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532297, "checksum": 1211887465}Brazil | Brasilien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532298, "checksum": 2020591476}Brunei Darussalam | Brunei Darussalam |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532300, "checksum": 1004055632}Bulgaria | Bulgarien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532301, "checksum": 1011078324}Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532303, "checksum": 3176289576}Burundi | Burundi |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532305, "checksum": 2828357384}Cambodia | Kambodscha |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532307, "checksum": 3668306717}Cameroon | Kamerun |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532308, "checksum": 3653753787}Canada | Kanada |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532310, "checksum": 2648458844}Cape Verde | Kap Verde |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532312, "checksum": 116890113}Cayman Islands | Cayman Inseln |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532313, "checksum": 4033555055}Central African Republic | Zentralafrikanische Republik |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532314, "checksum": 3250670735}Chad | Tschad |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532315, "checksum": 2490715067}Chile | Chile |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532316, "checksum": 2704207136}China | China |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532317, "checksum": 1935972774}China - Hong Kong | China - Hong Kong |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532318, "checksum": 384944252}China - Macau | China - Macao |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532319, "checksum": 2717331174}Colombia | Kolumbien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532321, "checksum": 3318773848}Comoros | Komoren |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532322, "checksum": 1069293203}Congo | Kongo |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532323, "checksum": 3326052786}Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC) | Kongo, Demokratische Republik (DRC) |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532325, "checksum": 2133546300}Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532326, "checksum": 638138235}Croatia | Kroatien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532329, "checksum": 1377170032}Cuba | Kuba |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532331, "checksum": 2050356976}Cyprus | Zypern |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532332, "checksum": 3252129217}Czech Republic | Tschechische Republik |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532333, "checksum": 111561334}Denmark | Dänemark |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532335, "checksum": 828108440}Djibouti | Dschibuti |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532338, "checksum": 2111389695}Dominica | Dominica |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532340, "checksum": 2222908663}Dominican Republic | Dominikanische Republik |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532343, "checksum": 2754020105}Ecuador | Ecuador |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532346, "checksum": 2250661805}Egypt | Ägypten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532348, "checksum": 3931414468}El Salvador | El Salvador |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532349, "checksum": 1135445672}Equatorial Guinea | Äquatorialguinea |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532350, "checksum": 3363862927}Eritrea | Eritrea |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532351, "checksum": 2214573572}Estonia | Estland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532354, "checksum": 132244067}Eswatini | Eswatini |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532356, "checksum": 1909992703}Ethiopia | Äthiopien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532357, "checksum": 1403998842}Fiji | Fidschi |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532358, "checksum": 155627767}Finland | Finnland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532359, "checksum": 3470068217}France | Frankreich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532360, "checksum": 1819971901}French Guiana | Französisch-Guayana |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532361, "checksum": 477773184}Gabon | Gabun |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532362, "checksum": 2247105749}Gambia, Republic of The | Gambia, Republik von |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532363, "checksum": 1572855406}Georgia | Georgia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532364, "checksum": 3675294799}Germany | Deutschland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532365, "checksum": 1522342488}Ghana | Ghana |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532366, "checksum": 3731867190}Great Britain | Großbritannien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532367, "checksum": 3005505704}Greece | Griechenland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532368, "checksum": 2721062452}Grenada | Grenada |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532369, "checksum": 1627627404}Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532370, "checksum": 659484291}Guatemala | Guatemala |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532371, "checksum": 3035980871}Guinea | Guinea |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532372, "checksum": 2517450508}Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532373, "checksum": 205827374}Guyana | Guyana |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532374, "checksum": 352379218}Haiti | Haiti |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532375, "checksum": 43389802}Honduras | Honduras |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532376, "checksum": 2472855629}Hungary | Ungarn |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532377, "checksum": 2929945308}Iceland | Island |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532378, "checksum": 4267012205}India | Indien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532379, "checksum": 3556455952}Indonesia | Indonesien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532380, "checksum": 1187078700}Iran | Iran |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532381, "checksum": 917214883}Iraq | Irak |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532382, "checksum": 1588683021}Israel and the Occupied Territories | Israel und die besetzten Gebiete |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532383, "checksum": 4234712407}Italy | Italien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532384, "checksum": 4162290850}Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) | Elfenbeinküste |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532385, "checksum": 2805799201}Jamaica | Jamaika |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532386, "checksum": 3588643194}Japan | Japan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532387, "checksum": 1550284135}Jordan | Jordan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532388, "checksum": 443173083}Kazakhstan | Kasachstan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532389, "checksum": 691732094}Kenya | Kenia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532390, "checksum": 1328485922}Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea) | Nord Korea |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532391, "checksum": 3584201290}Korea, Republic of (South Korea) | Südkorea |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532392, "checksum": 1364630086}Kosovo | Kosovo |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532393, "checksum": 3116722250}Kuwait | Kuwait |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532394, "checksum": 1279522862}Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) | Kirgisistan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532395, "checksum": 2465910368}Laos | Laos |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532396, "checksum": 3610994837}Latvia | Lettland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532397, "checksum": 1534261175}Lebanon | Libanon |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532398, "checksum": 3088612922}Lesotho | Lesotho |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532399, "checksum": 130646243}Liberia | Liberia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532400, "checksum": 636862818}Libya | Libyen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532401, "checksum": 2822517842}Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532402, "checksum": 1582182798}Lithuania | Litauen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532403, "checksum": 3519656620}Luxembourg | Luxemburg |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532404, "checksum": 4109408459}Madagascar | Madagaskar |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532405, "checksum": 3399694733}Malawi | Malawi |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532406, "checksum": 4011157223}Malaysia | Malaysia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532407, "checksum": 165299960}Maldives | Malediven |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532408, "checksum": 4228449212}Mali | Mali |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532409, "checksum": 3589285115}Malta | Malta |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532410, "checksum": 1089480288}Martinique | Martinique |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532411, "checksum": 3744418679}Mauritania | Mauretanien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532412, "checksum": 2165472496}Mauritius | Mauritius |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532413, "checksum": 3387726714}Mayotte | Mayotte |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532414, "checksum": 3781162581}Mexico | Mexiko |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532415, "checksum": 3092303102}Moldova, Republic of | Moldawien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532416, "checksum": 408370439}Monaco | Monaco |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532417, "checksum": 3183764001}Mongolia | Mongolei |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532418, "checksum": 688719438}Montenegro | Montenegro |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532420, "checksum": 3086700570}Montserrat | Montserrat |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532421, "checksum": 2227808678}Morocco | Marokko |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532422, "checksum": 1876970853}Mozambique | Mosambik |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532423, "checksum": 96634599}Myanmar/Burma | Myanmar (Burma) |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532424, "checksum": 2829424830}Namibia | Namibia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532425, "checksum": 1091176897}Nepal | Nepal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532426, "checksum": 3432162012}New Zealand | Neuseeland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532427, "checksum": 1676074813}Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532428, "checksum": 2362899435}Niger | Niger |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532429, "checksum": 1488330426}Nigeria | Nigeria |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532430, "checksum": 3339773302}North Macedonia, Republic of | Nordmakedonien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532431, "checksum": 3660819078}Norway | Norwegen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532432, "checksum": 1959844285}Oman | Oman |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532433, "checksum": 4218967632}Pacific Islands | Pazifische Inseln |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532434, "checksum": 390748188}Pakistan | Pakistan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532435, "checksum": 1628738218}Panama | Panama |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532436, "checksum": 2123513836}Papua New Guinea | Papua Neu-Guinea |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532437, "checksum": 1586065334}Paraguay | Paraguay |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532438, "checksum": 2570274738}Peru | Peru |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532439, "checksum": 4239704929}Philippines | Philippinen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532440, "checksum": 1849245306}Poland | Polen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532441, "checksum": 785973496}Portugal | Portugal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532442, "checksum": 1849910666}Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532443, "checksum": 4220421209}Qatar | Katar |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532444, "checksum": 2074331297}Reunion | Wiedervereinigung |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532445, "checksum": 2295871969}Romania | Rumänien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532446, "checksum": 1995521002}Russian Federation | Russland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532447, "checksum": 994176705}Rwanda | Ruanda |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532448, "checksum": 520093866}Saint Kitts and Nevis | St. Kitts und Nevis |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532449, "checksum": 404463679}Saint Lucia | St. Lucia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532450, "checksum": 1910150539}Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | St. Vincent und die Grenadinen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532451, "checksum": 2731846837}Samoa | Samoa |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532452, "checksum": 2386642723}Sao Tome and Principe | Sao Tome und Principe |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532453, "checksum": 845259304}Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532454, "checksum": 2296960656}Senegal | Senegal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532455, "checksum": 819142024}Serbia | Serbien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532456, "checksum": 2580844893}Seychelles | Seychellen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532457, "checksum": 587004761}Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532458, "checksum": 2187428504}Singapore | Singapur |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532459, "checksum": 2872147508}Slovak Republic (Slovakia) | Slowakei |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532460, "checksum": 1055295107}Slovenia | Slowenien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532461, "checksum": 562626696}Solomon Islands | Salomon-Inseln |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532462, "checksum": 1535901989}Somalia | Somalia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532463, "checksum": 555082918}South Africa | Südafrika |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532464, "checksum": 1458503333}South Sudan | Südsudan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532465, "checksum": 241097802}Spain | Spanien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532466, "checksum": 3125662550}Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532467, "checksum": 2084726765}Sudan | Sudan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532468, "checksum": 2910112812}Suriname | Suriname |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532469, "checksum": 1512471468}Sweden | Schweden |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532470, "checksum": 342406158}Switzerland | Schweiz |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532471, "checksum": 4222227009}Syria | Syrien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532472, "checksum": 4202880152}Tajikistan | Tadschikistan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532473, "checksum": 1515873885}Tanzania | Tansania |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532474, "checksum": 3537494992}Thailand | Thailand |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532475, "checksum": 1805103136}Netherlands | Die Niederlande |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532476, "checksum": 1140024666}Taiwan | Taiwan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532477, "checksum": 3882446197}Timor Leste | Timor Leste |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532478, "checksum": 3507571293}Togo | Togo |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532479, "checksum": 3791338290}Trinidad & Tobago | Trinidad & Tobago |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532480, "checksum": 3846072238}Tunisia | Tunesien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532481, "checksum": 682486305}Turkey | Truthahn |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532482, "checksum": 796223240}Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532483, "checksum": 1742873442}Turks & Caicos Islands | Turks- und Caicosinseln |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532484, "checksum": 1013193371}Uganda | Uganda |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532485, "checksum": 261809775}Ukraine | Ukraine |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532486, "checksum": 2946047658}United Arab Emirates | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532487, "checksum": 2032520137}United States of America (USA) | Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532488, "checksum": 984427620}Uruguay | Uruguay |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532489, "checksum": 878062860}Uzbekistan | Usbekistan |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532490, "checksum": 2929262514}Venezuela | Venezuela |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532491, "checksum": 1253127102}Vietnam | Vietnam |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532492, "checksum": 385538140}Virgin Islands (UK) | Jungferninseln (UK) |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532493, "checksum": 340084993}Virgin Islands (US) | Amerikanische Jungferninseln |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532494, "checksum": 706099978}Yemen | Jemen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532495, "checksum": 2468295863}Zambia | Sambia |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532496, "checksum": 2099115062}Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409240, "checksum": 2479047532}Ireland | Irland |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409241, "checksum": 2050247299}Kiribati | Kiribati |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409242, "checksum": 1148939738}Marshall Islands | Marshallinseln |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409243, "checksum": 4180985169}Micronesia | Mikronesien |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409244, "checksum": 3441931567}Nauru | Nauru |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409245, "checksum": 1626293665}Palau | Palau |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409246, "checksum": 1203416792}San Marino | San Marino |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409247, "checksum": 984888263}Tonga | Tonga |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409248, "checksum": 4186536882}Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409249, "checksum": 1175183064}Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409250, "checksum": 3788955829}Vatican City | Vatikanstadt |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532251, "checksum": 3538365630}Please enter a comment. | Bitte geben Sie einen Kommentar ein. |
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2260532497, "checksum": 1226722147}Other (please specify) | Sonstiges (bitte angeben) |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204650, "checksum": 1379837553}Please tell us about your Lymphoedema – what part of your body is affected? Tick all that apply. | Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihr Lymphödem – welche Stelle ihres Körpers ist betroffen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444910, "checksum": 2771661222}Head | Kopf |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444911, "checksum": 209193221}Face | Gesicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444912, "checksum": 4773970}Eyes | Augen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444913, "checksum": 3493094905}Lips | Lippen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444914, "checksum": 2594634301}Cheek | Wange |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444915, "checksum": 3176005188}Tongue | Zunge |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444916, "checksum": 917834484}Neck | Hals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444917, "checksum": 80964416}Left shoulder | Linke Schulter |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444918, "checksum": 1343680754}Left upper chest/breast | Linke obere Brust |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2331358863, "checksum": 1748642731}Left lower chest/breast | Linke untere Brust |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2331358866, "checksum": 734377704}Right lower chest/breast | Rechte untere Brust |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192244, "checksum": 1850160392}Left abdomen | Linker Bauch |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192245, "checksum": 3684221624}Left buttocks | Linkes Gesäß |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192246, "checksum": 2439953307}Left upper arm | Linker Oberarm |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192247, "checksum": 659218658}Left lower arm | Linker Unterarm |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192248, "checksum": 541477442}Left upper leg | Linkes Oberschenkel |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192249, "checksum": 3629925931}Left lower leg | Linker Unterschenkel |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192250, "checksum": 3840971121}Left hand | Linke Hand |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192251, "checksum": 1581778544}Left fingers | Linke Finger |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192252, "checksum": 2978001963}Left foot | Linker Fuß |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192253, "checksum": 3610905775}Left toes | Linke Zehen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192254, "checksum": 2952409232}Right shoulder | Rechte Schulter |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192255, "checksum": 3328367002}Right upper chest/breast | Rechte obere Brust |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192256, "checksum": 1784706005}Right abdomen | Rechter Bauch |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192257, "checksum": 1890687336}Right buttocks | Rechtes Gesäß |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192258, "checksum": 977789003}Right upper arm | Rechter Oberarm |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192259, "checksum": 2704415597}Right lower arm | Rechter Unterarm |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192260, "checksum": 3486557685}Right upper leg | Rechtes Oberschenkel |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192261, "checksum": 2377578219}Right lower leg | Rechter Unterschenkel |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192262, "checksum": 1034971946}Right hand | Rechte Hand |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192263, "checksum": 75806317}Right fingers | Rechter Finger |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192264, "checksum": 1306557613}Right foot | Rechter Fuß |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192265, "checksum": 727368745}Right toes | Rechte Zehen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192266, "checksum": 797777954}Vulva | Vulva |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192267, "checksum": 795153988}Scrotum | Hodensack |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192268, "checksum": 3451070885}Penis | Penis |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263259570, "checksum": 3538365630}Please enter a comment. | Bitte geben Sie einen Kommentar ein. |
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2263259578, "checksum": 1226722147}Other (please specify) | Sonstiges (bitte angeben) |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204651, "checksum": 4067363641}Has your Lymphoedema been diagnosed by a specialist? | Wurde Ihr Lymphödem von einem Spezialisten diagnostiziert? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444920, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes | Ja |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444921, "checksum": 178677096}No | Nein |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444922, "checksum": 3701121575}Don’t know | Unbekannt |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204652, "checksum": 6005200}What age were you when you developed your Lymphoedema? | In welchem Alter haben Sie das Lymphödem entwickelt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540848}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}. | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540852, "checksum": 4108050209}0 | 0 |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540853, "checksum": 4252452532}21 | 21 |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540854, "checksum": 837694376}Years | Jahre |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204654, "checksum": 1236401822}What age were you when your lymphoedema was diagnosed by a specialist? | In welchem Alter waren Sie, als Ihr Lymphödem von einem Spezialisten diagnostiziert wurde? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542245}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}. | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542249, "checksum": 4108050209}0 | 0 |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542250, "checksum": 4252452532}21 | 21 |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263246033, "checksum": 837694376}Years | Jahre |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204664, "checksum": 1352532428}Have you ever had cellulitis related to your Lymphoedema (an infection)? | Hatten Sie jemals eine Entzündung (Zellulitis) an ihrem Lymphödem? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444963, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes | Ja |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444965, "checksum": 178677096}No | Nein |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444968, "checksum": 3701121575}Don’t know | Unbekannt |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204665, "checksum": 3926964008}Would you like to provide us with personal information for us to be able to contact you directly for further information on new studies? | Möchten Sie uns Ihre persönlichen Kontaktdaten geben, damit wir Sie später direkt für weitere Informationen über neue Studien informieren können? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444972, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes | Ja |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444973, "checksum": 178677096}No | Nein |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342600253, "checksum": 2897409613}If Yes, please complete the following: | Wenn ja, bitte füllen Sie die folgenden Zeilen aus: |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106863, "checksum": 4262580536}Name | Name |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106865, "checksum": 216150410}Address | Adresse |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106866, "checksum": 2352487364}Address 2 | Adresse 2 |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106867, "checksum": 3471228350}City/Town | Ort |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106868, "checksum": 52626438}State/Province | Bundesland/Kanton |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106869, "checksum": 1150242625}ZIP/Postal Code | PLZ |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106870, "checksum": 137525990}Country | Land |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106871, "checksum": 3141398607}Email Address | E-Mail-Adresse |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106872, "checksum": 3397603325}Phone Number | Telefonnummer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106864, "checksum": 2361576312}Company | Unternehmen |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94866576, "checksum": 346138113}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL – Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 13-21 years) | Fragebogen LYMPHOQOL – Kinder und junge Erwachsene (13 bis 21 Jahre) |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342196403, "checksum": 3527046169}<strong>General considerations (Age range: 13-21)</strong> | <strong>Allgemeines: (13-21)</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342183613, "checksum": 2577936177}You and other children/peers | Du und andere Kinder, usw. |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296898, "checksum": 3817565349}Do you find it easy to talk about your lymphoedema? | Fällt es dir leicht, über dein Lymphödem zu sprechen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296899, "checksum": 2773852357}Do you worry about other children/young people seeing your lymphoedema? | Machst du dir Sorgen darüber, dass andere Kinder dein Lymphödem sehen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296900, "checksum": 3947740346}Do other children/young people treat you differently because of your lymphoedema? | Behandeln die Andere dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296901, "checksum": 883664188}Can you find shoes that you like to wear? | Kannst du Schuhe finden, die du gerne trägst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296902, "checksum": 276476127}Can you find clothes that you like to wear? | Kannst du Kleidung finden, die du gerne trägst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296903, "checksum": 2996094686}Do other children/young people bully you because of your lymphoedema? | Mobben die Andere dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296904, "checksum": 2548220076}Does spending time with other children/young people with lymphoedema made you feel better? | Fühlst du dich besser wenn du Zeit mit anderen Kindern verbringst, die auch ein Lymphödem haben? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296905, "checksum": 2003631377}Never | Niemals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296906, "checksum": 2422791353}Sometimes | Manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296907, "checksum": 3762842347}Often | Oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296908, "checksum": 2277911729}Very often | Sehr oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296909, "checksum": 3154326906}Always | Immer |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153901, "checksum": 1767072530}You and your physical activity | Du und deine körperliche Aktivität |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312052, "checksum": 2003631377}Never | Niemals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312054, "checksum": 2422791353}Sometimes | Manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312056, "checksum": 3762842347}Often | Oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312059, "checksum": 2277911729}Very often | Sehr oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312062, "checksum": 3154326906}Always | Immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098302, "checksum": 3821898275}Does your lymphoedema bother you while you are taking part in sports or physical activity? | Stört dein Lymphödem dich wenn du Sport machst oder körperlich aktiv bist? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098303, "checksum": 2872551622}Are there sports or physical activities that you cannot do because of your lymphoedema? | Gibt es Sportarten oder körperliche Aktivitäten die du nicht machen kannst aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098304, "checksum": 1535181127}Do you avoid sports or physical activities because of your lymphoedema? | Vermeidest du Sport oder körperliche Aktivitäten aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098305, "checksum": 4014044889}Do you enjoy taking part in physical activity? | Macht es dir Freude, an körperlichen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153910, "checksum": 2887391}At school/college/work | In der Schule, Hochschule, Arbeitsplatz |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319553, "checksum": 2534317970}Do you find it hard to concentrate because of your lymphoedema? | Macht das Lymphödem es dir schwer dich zu konzentrieren? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098339, "checksum": 3029179383}Does your teacher(s)/lecturer/manager treat you differently from other children/young people because of your lymphoedema? | Behandeln deine Lehrer, usw. dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders als andere Kinder? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098340, "checksum": 3859073167}Are your friends protective of you at school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? | Beschützen dich deine Freunde in der Schule, usw. aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098341, "checksum": 1379714709}Do you ever miss school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? | Fehlst du jemals aufgrund deines Lymphödems in der Schule, usw.? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098342, "checksum": 1298117392}Are you sad about missing school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? | Macht es dich traurig, wenn du in der Schule, usw. aufgrund deines Lymphödems fehlst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098343, "checksum": 2561677444}Does your lymphoedema make it hard to do your school/college/job work? | Erschwert das Lymphödem es dir deine Schularbeiten, usw. zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319554, "checksum": 2003631377}Never | Niemals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319555, "checksum": 2422791353}Sometimes | Manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319556, "checksum": 3762842347}Often | Oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319559, "checksum": 2277911729}Very often | Sehr oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319561, "checksum": 3154326906}Always | Immer |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153923, "checksum": 2563857514}At home | Zu Hause |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325684, "checksum": 2085199880}Are you allowed to do special things because of your lymphoedema? | Darfst du aufgrund deines Lymphödems besondere Dinge machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098420, "checksum": 2587043322}Do your parents stop you from doing certain things because of your lymphoedema? | Halten deine Eltern dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems davon ab, bestimmte Sachen zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098421, "checksum": 3460771823}Does looking after your lymphoedema affect your family time? | Hat die Tatsache, dass du dich um dein Lymphödem kümmern musst, Auswirkungen auf die Zeit mit deiner Familie? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098422, "checksum": 2742875269}Are you treated differently from your brothers and sisters because of your lymphoedema? | Wirst du aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders behandelt als deine Geschwister? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098423, "checksum": 2417551387}Do you find it difficult to get dressed or undressed because of your lymphoedema? | Ist das An- oder Ausziehen für dich aufgrund des Lymphödems schwierig? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098424, "checksum": 1166791453}Do you find it hard to sleep because of your lymphoedema? | Erschwert das Lymphödem dir das Schlafen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325685, "checksum": 2003631377}Never | Niemals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325687, "checksum": 2422791353}Sometimes | Manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325689, "checksum": 3762842347}Often | Oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325690, "checksum": 2277911729}Very often | Sehr oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325691, "checksum": 3154326906}Always | Immer |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153937, "checksum": 4106426152}You and your feelings | Du und deine Gefühle |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337069, "checksum": 3609770079}Are you worried about getting an infection or injury? | Machst du dir Sorgen, dass du eine Infektion bekommen oder dich verletzen könntest? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337071, "checksum": 4139580016}Do you feel special because of your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems als etwas Besonderes? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337073, "checksum": 3415658529}Do you feel alone because of your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems allein? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337075, "checksum": 4144542811}Do you feel angry because of your lymphoedema? | Bist du aufgrund deines Lymphödems ärgerlich? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337076, "checksum": 1080299691}Do you feel cared for because of your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems gut versorgt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098504, "checksum": 4263035716}Do you feel sad because of your lymphoedema? | Bist du aufgrund deines Lymphödems traurig? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098505, "checksum": 49312545}Do you feel different to others because of your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders als andere? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098506, "checksum": 1007982494}Do you feel embarrassed because of your lymphoedema? | Ist dir dein Lymphödem peinlich? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098507, "checksum": 2803804225}Are you worried about the future because of your lymphoedema? | Machst du dir aufgrund deines Lymphödems Sorgen um die Zukunft? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098508, "checksum": 3723137595}Are you afraid that your lymphoedema might get worse? | Hast du Angst, dass dein Lymphödem schlimmer werden könnte? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337078, "checksum": 2003631377}Never | Niemals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337079, "checksum": 2422791353}Sometimes | Manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337080, "checksum": 3762842347}Often | Oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337081, "checksum": 2277911729}Very often | Sehr oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337082, "checksum": 3154326906}Always | Immer |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153954, "checksum": 1781184081}You and your free time | Du und deine Freizeit |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344287, "checksum": 2003631377}Never | Niemals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344288, "checksum": 2422791353}Sometimes | Manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344289, "checksum": 3762842347}Often | Oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344290, "checksum": 2277911729}Very often | Sehr oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344291, "checksum": 3154326906}Always | Immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098639, "checksum": 3257841885}Does your lymphoedema stop you from doing things? | Hält dein Lymphödem dich davon ab bestimmte Sachen zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098641, "checksum": 3056191718}Are you too closely watched because of your lymphoedema? | Wirst du aufgrund deines Lymphödems zu sehr beaufsichtigt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098642, "checksum": 2543012798}Are you able to do the same things as other children/young people who do not have lymphoedema? | Bist du in der Lage die gleichen Dinge zu machen wie die Andere ohne Lymphödem? |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94879594, "checksum": 346138113}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL – Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 13-21 years) | Fragebogen LYMPHOQOL – Kinder und junge Erwachsene (13 bis 21 Jahre) |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342201769, "checksum": 1437405510}<strong>Treatment considerations</strong> | <strong>Überlegungen zur Therapie</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153962, "checksum": 2177097160}You, your treatment and self-management | Du, deine Therapie und Selbstmanagement |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349982, "checksum": 909631329}Do you feel confident taking care of your lymphoedema by yourself? | Traust du es dir zu, dich selbst um dein Lymphödem zu kümmern? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349984, "checksum": 2590537248}Can you solve problems you have with your lymphoedema if you try hard enough? | Kannst du Probleme mit deinem Lymphödem selbst lösen, wenn du dir wirklich Mühe gibst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349985, "checksum": 935865097}Are you able to stay calm when problems with your lymphoedema happen? | Bist du in der Lage ruhig zu bleiben, wenn Probleme mit deinem Lymphödem aufkommen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349986, "checksum": 845013183}Do you want to stop your treatment? | Möchtest du deine Therapie gerne abbrechen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349988, "checksum": 3550401467}Does your treatment get in the way of other activities? | Hält dich deine Therapie davon ab, andere Aktivitäten zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098680, "checksum": 152553387}Has anyone explained to you what lymphoedema is? | Hat dir jemand erklärt, was ein Lymphödem ist? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098682, "checksum": 1393954737}Do you find it find it hard to follow your recommended treatment? | Findest du es schwierig die Therapie durchzuführen, die dir empfohlen wurde? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098683, "checksum": 2250932240}Is your treatment making you feel better? | Fühlst du dich durch die Therapie besser? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098685, "checksum": 3263312443}Can you look after your lymphoedema if it gets worse? | Kannst du dich um dein Lymphödem kümmern, falls es schlimmer werden sollte? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098687, "checksum": 566995212}Can you stick to your recommended treatment? | Kannst du dich an die dir empfohlene Therapie halten? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349990, "checksum": 2003631377}Never | Niemals |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349992, "checksum": 2422791353}Sometimes | Manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349993, "checksum": 3762842347}Often | Oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349994, "checksum": 2277911729}Very often | Sehr oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349995, "checksum": 3154326906}Always | Immer |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342154052, "checksum": 3201233488}You and your overall life quality <br>Can/will you tell us: | Du und deine allgemeine Lebensqualität<br>Bitte erzähle uns: |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355882, "checksum": 315971316}What good treatment means for you: | Was eine gute Therapie für dich bedeutet: |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355884, "checksum": 1857559439}How good your life is overall: | Wie gut dein Leben allgemein ist: |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355883, "checksum": 890817618}What makes living with lymphoedema better or worse for you: | Was das Leben mit dem Lymphödem für dich verbessert oder verschlechtert: |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342192632, "checksum": 518546146}Is there anything else you would like us to know about you and your lymphoedema? | Möchtest du noch etwas über dich und dein Lymphödem wissen? |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99731931, "checksum": 3933499045}<strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> | <strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> |
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99731931, "checksum": 4176698326}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Child and Adolescent Version</div> | <div>Gesundheitsfragebogen für Kinder und Jugendliche<br>Kinder- und Jugendlichenversion</div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460288, "checksum": 1702417298}Hello,<br>How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.<br>Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.<br>Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.<br>You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it. | Hallo!<br>Wie geht es dir? Wie fühlst du dich? Das möchten wir von dir wissen.<br>Bitte lies dir jede Frage genau durch. Was kommt dir als Antwort zuerst in den Sinn? Wähle den Kreis aus, der am besten zu deiner Antwort passt, und kreuze ihn an.<br>Übrigens: Das ist keine Prüfung! Du kannst also nichts falsch machen. Wichtig ist aber, dass du möglichst alle Fragen beantwortest und dass deine Kreuze deutlich zu sehen sind. Bitte denke dabei an die letzte Woche, also an die letzten sieben Tage.<br>Du musst deinen Fragebogen niemandem zeigen. Und niemand, der dich kennt, schaut deinen Fragebogen nachher an. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460289, "checksum": 2007337034}<strong>1. </strong><strong>Physical Activities and Health</strong> | <strong>1.</strong><strong> Deine Gesundheit und Bewegung<strong></strong></strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460290, "checksum": 652928904}In general, how would you say your health is? | Wie würdest du deine Gesundheit im Allgemeinen beschreiben? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140201, "checksum": 3300520633}excellent | ausgezeichnet |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140202, "checksum": 290217677}very good | sehr gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140203, "checksum": 3086564385}good | gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140204, "checksum": 2917518638}fair | weniger gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140205, "checksum": 4192415451}poor | schlecht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119894, "checksum": 163128923}* | * |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460292, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119903, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119904, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119905, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119906, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119907, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119900, "checksum": 3158957417}Have you felt fit and well? | Hast du dich fit und wohl gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119901, "checksum": 3495588287}Have you been physically active (e. g. running, climbing, biking)? | Hast du dich viel bewegt (z.B. Beim Rennen, Klettern, Fahrradfahren)? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119902, "checksum": 4115676609}Have you been able to run well? | Konntest du gut rennen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460293, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119909, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119910, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119911, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119912, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119913, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119908, "checksum": 3528496173}Have you felt full of energy? | Bist du voller Energie gewesen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460294, "checksum": 2043066875}<strong>General Mood and Feelings about Yourself</strong> | <strong>Deine Gefühle und Stimmungen</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460295, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119916, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119917, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119918, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119919, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119920, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119915, "checksum": 724565406}Has your life been enjoyable? | Hat dir dein Leben gefallen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460296, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119922, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119923, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119924, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119925, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119926, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119927, "checksum": 206882498}Have you had fun? | Hast du Spaß gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119928, "checksum": 3264242877}Have you been in a good mood? | Hast du gute Laune gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460297, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119930, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119931, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119932, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119933, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119934, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119935, "checksum": 232988580}Have you felt lonely? | Hast du dich einsam gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119936, "checksum": 411454561}Have you been happy with the way you are? | Bist du zufrieden gewesen, so wie du bist? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119937, "checksum": 24915654}Have you felt sad? | Hast du dich traurig gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119938, "checksum": 3210828899}Have you felt so bad that you didn’t want to do anything? | Hast du dich so schlecht gefühlt, dass du gar nichts machen wolltest? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460298, "checksum": 1124471157}<strong>Family and Free Time</strong> | <strong>Familie und Freizeit</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460299, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119941, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119942, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119943, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119944, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119945, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119946, "checksum": 2737515523}Have you been able talk to your parent(s) when you wanted to? | Konntest du mit deiner Mutter / deinem Vater reden, wenn du wolltest? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119947, "checksum": 1623067254}Have you had enough money to do the same things as your friends? | Hast du genug Geld gehabt, um das Gleiche zu machen wie deine Freunde? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119948, "checksum": 563385775}Have you had enough money for your expenses? | Hattest du genug Geld für die Sachen, die du brauchst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119949, "checksum": 1727844833}Have you had enough time for yourself? | Hast du genug Zeit für dich selbst gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119950, "checksum": 618016950}Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? | Konntest du in deiner Freizeit die Dinge machen, die du tun wolltest? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119951, "checksum": 171996767}Have your parent(s) had enough time for you? | Haben deine Mutter / dein Vater genug Zeit für dich gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119952, "checksum": 206462309}Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? | Haben deine Mutter / dein Vater dich gerecht behandelt? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460300, "checksum": 3331003967}<strong>Friends</strong> | <strong>Freunde</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460301, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119955, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119956, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119957, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119958, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119959, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119960, "checksum": 2185415716}Have you spent time with your friends? | Hast du Zeit mit deinen Freunden verbracht? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119961, "checksum": 3624561005}Have you had fun with your friends? | Hast du mit deinen Freunden Spaß gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119962, "checksum": 2244200491}Have you and your friends helped each other? | Haben du und deine Freunde euch gegenseitig geholfen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119963, "checksum": 2546547894}Have you been able to rely on your friends? | Hast du dich auf deine Freunde verlassen können? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460302, "checksum": 3732927054}<strong>School and Learning</strong> | <strong>Schule und Lernen</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460303, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119968, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119969, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119970, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119971, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119972, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119966, "checksum": 1940477528}Have you been happy at school? | Bist du in der Schule glücklich gewesen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119967, "checksum": 1771450501}Have you got on well at school? | Bist du in der Schule gut zurechtgekommen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460304, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119979, "checksum": 1003826201}Have you been able to pay attention? | Konntest du gut aufpassen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119980, "checksum": 640028441}Have you got along well with your teachers? | Bist du gut mit deinen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern ausgekommen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119974, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119975, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119976, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119977, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119978, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95583679, "checksum": 290674787}Thank you | Danke |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344971587, "checksum": 4251189582}Thank you for completing this questionnaire! | Vielen Dank für das Ausfüllen dieses Fragebogens! |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 364392714, "checksum": 2975209740}About the LYMPHOQOL questionnaire, I found it | Über den LYMPHOQOL-Fragebogen: ich fand ihn |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048911, "checksum": 3563192503}Easy to use | einfach auszufüllen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048912, "checksum": 2583221099}Helpful | hilfreich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048913, "checksum": 3451690415}Meaningful | sinnvoll |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048914, "checksum": 3685855891}Thought provoking | zum Nachdenken anregend |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048915, "checksum": 2043344187}Useful | nützlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048918, "checksum": 3730652654}Moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048923, "checksum": 3407319012}Not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048916, "checksum": 100476954}Extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048917, "checksum": 1145577224}Very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048921, "checksum": 1334991173}Not very | nicht sehr |
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2407048924, "checksum": 1321726771}Please add any other comments | Bitte fügen Sie weitere Kommentare hinzu |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362198415, "checksum": 3930234966}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark<br></span> | <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span> |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95586932, "checksum": 2477581144}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL – Younger Children (Age range : 5-12 years) | Fragebogen LYMPHOQOL – junge Kinder (5 bis 12 Jahre) |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985505, "checksum": 1344933999}<strong>General considerations (Age range: 5-12)</strong> | <strong>Allgemeines: (5-12)</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985506, "checksum": 1811950603}You and other children | Du und andere Kinder |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798025, "checksum": 883664188}Can you find shoes that you like to wear? | Kannst du Schuhe finden, die du gerne trägst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798026, "checksum": 276476127}Can you find clothes that you like to wear? | Kannst du Kleidung finden, die du gerne trägst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798022, "checksum": 3817565349}Is it easy to talk about your lymphoedema? | Fällt es dir leicht, über dein Lymphödem zu sprechen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798023, "checksum": 2773852357}Are you worried about other children seeing your lymphoedema? | Machst du dir Sorgen darüber, dass andere Kinder dein Lymphödem sehen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798024, "checksum": 2747670499}Do other children treat you differently because of your lymphoedema? | Behandeln andere Kinder dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798027, "checksum": 59869978}Do other children bully you because of your lymphoedema? | Mobben andere Kinder dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798028, "checksum": 2548220076}Does spending time with other children with lymphoedema make you feel better? | Fühlst du dich besser wenn du Zeit mit anderen Kindern verbringst, die auch ein Lymphödem haben? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798029}<img alt="Thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798030}<img alt="Middling" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798031}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985507, "checksum": 1767072530}You and your physical activity | Du und deine körperliche Aktivität |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798045, "checksum": 3821898275}Does your lymphoedema hurt you when you play outside? | Stört dein Lymphödem dich wenn du Sport machst oder körperlich aktiv bist? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798046, "checksum": 2872551622}Is there outdoor play you cannot do because of your lymphoedema? | Gibt es Sportarten oder körperliche Aktivitäten die du nicht machen kannst aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798048, "checksum": 4014044889}Do you enjoy taking part in outdoor play? | Macht es dir Freude, an körperlichen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798047, "checksum": 1535181127}Do you avoid outdoor play because of your lymphoedema? | Vermeidest du Sport oder körperliche Aktivitäten aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798040}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798041}<img alt="Middling" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798042}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985508, "checksum": 2433978751}At school | In der Schule |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798056, "checksum": 2534317970}Is it difficult to work hard at school because of your lymphoedema? | Macht das Lymphödem es dir schwer dich zu konzentrieren? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798062, "checksum": 3395284737}Does your teacher treat you differently from other children because of your lymphoedema? | Behandeln deine Lehrer dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders als andere Kinder? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798063, "checksum": 3858272593}Are your friends kind to you because of your lymphoedema? | Beschützen dich deine Freunde in der Schule aufgrund deines Lymphödems? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798064, "checksum": 2901070864}Do you ever miss school because of your lymphoedema? | Fehlst du jemals aufgrund deines Lymphödems in der Schule? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798065, "checksum": 3553865009}Are you sad about missing school because of your lymphoedema? | Macht es dich traurig, wenn du in der Schule aufgrund deines Lymphödems fehlst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798066, "checksum": 3467571971}Does your lymphoedema make it hard to do your school work? | Erschwert das Lymphödem es dir deine Schularbeiten zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798057}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798058}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798059}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985509, "checksum": 2563857514}At home | Zu Hause |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798073, "checksum": 2085199880}Are you allowed to do special things because of your lymphoedema? | Darfst du aufgrund deines Lymphödems besondere Dinge machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798081, "checksum": 2742875269}Are you treated differently from your brothers and sisters because of your lymphoedema? | Wirst du aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders behandelt als deine Geschwister? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798082, "checksum": 2417551387}Do you find it difficult to get dressed or undressed because of your lymphoedema? | Ist das An- oder Ausziehen für dich aufgrund des Lymphödems schwierig? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798083, "checksum": 1166791453}Do you find it hard to sleep because of your lymphoedema? | Erschwert das Lymphödem dir das Schlafen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798079, "checksum": 2587043322}Do your parents stop you from doing things because of your lymphoedema? | Halten deine Eltern dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems davon ab, bestimmte Sachen zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798080, "checksum": 3460771823}Does looking after your lymphoedema take a lot of time? | Hat die Tatsache, dass du dich um dein Lymphödem kümmern musst, Auswirkungen auf die Zeit mit deiner Familie? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798074}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798075}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798076}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985510, "checksum": 4106426152}You and your feelings | Du und deine Gefühle |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798091, "checksum": 4139580016}Do you feel special because of your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems als etwas Besonderes? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798093, "checksum": 4144542811}Do you feel angry because of your lymphoedema? | Bist du aufgrund deines Lymphödems ärgerlich? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798100, "checksum": 4263035716}Do you feel sad because of your lymphoedema? | Bist du aufgrund deines Lymphödems traurig? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798101, "checksum": 49312545}Do you feel different to others because of your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems anders als andere? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798102, "checksum": 1007982494}Do you feel embarrassed because of your lymphoedema? | Ist dir dein Lymphödem peinlich? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798104, "checksum": 3723137595}Are you afraid that your lymphoedema might get worse? | Hast du Angst, dass dein Lymphödem schlimmer werden könnte? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798090, "checksum": 3609770079}Are you worried about getting hurt or injured? | Machst du dir Sorgen, dass du eine Infektion bekommen oder dich verletzen könntest? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798092, "checksum": 3415658529}Do you feel lonely because of your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems allein? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798094, "checksum": 1080299691}Do you feel people care about your lymphoedema? | Fühlst du dich aufgrund deines Lymphödems gut versorgt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798103, "checksum": 2803804225}Are you worried about things that might happen because of your lymphoedema? | Machst du dir aufgrund deines Lymphödems Sorgen um die Zukunft? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798095}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798096}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798097}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985511, "checksum": 1781184081}You and your free time | Du und deine Freizeit |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798116, "checksum": 3257841885}Does your lymphoedema stop you from doing things? | Hält dein Lymphödem dich davon ab bestimmte Sachen zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798117, "checksum": 3056191718}Do your parents watch you because of your lymphoedema? | Wirst du aufgrund deines Lymphödems zu sehr beaufsichtigt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798118, "checksum": 61221304}Are you able to do the same things as other children who do not have lymphoedema? | Bist du in der Lage die gleichen Dinge zu machen wie andere Kinder ohne Lymphödem? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798111}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798112}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798113}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95586993, "checksum": 2477581144}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL – Younger Children (Age range : 5-12 years) | Fragebogen LYMPHOQOL – junge Kinder (5 bis 12 Jahre) |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985854, "checksum": 1437405510}<strong>Treatment considerations</strong> | <strong>Überlegungen zur Therapie</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985855, "checksum": 2177097160}You, your treatment and self-management | Du, deine Therapie und Selbstmanagement |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800352, "checksum": 909631329}Do you feel confident taking care of your lymphoedema by yourself? | Traust du es dir zu, dich selbst um dein Lymphödem zu kümmern? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800355, "checksum": 845013183}Do you want to stop your treatment? | Möchtest du deine Therapie gerne abbrechen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800356, "checksum": 3550401467}Does your treatment get in the way of other activities? | Hält dich deine Therapie davon ab, andere Aktivitäten zu machen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800364, "checksum": 2250932240}Is your treatment making you feel better? | Fühlst du dich durch die Therapie besser? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800365, "checksum": 3263312443}Can you look after your lymphoedema if it gets worse? | Kannst du dich um dein Lymphödem kümmern, falls es schlimmer werden sollte? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800353, "checksum": 2590537248}Can you solve problems you have with your lymphoedema if you try hard? | Kannst du Probleme mit deinem Lymphödem selbst lösen, wenn du dir wirklich Mühe gibst? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800354, "checksum": 935865097}Are you able to stay calm if you have problems with your lymphoedema? | Bist du in der Lage ruhig zu bleiben, wenn Probleme mit deinem Lymphödem aufkommen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800362, "checksum": 152553387}Do you know what lymphoedema is? | Hat dir jemand erklärt, was ein Lymphödem ist? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800366, "checksum": 566995212}Can you stick to your treatment? | Kannst du dich an die dir empfohlene Therapie halten? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800363, "checksum": 1393954737}Is your treatment difficult to follow? | Findest du es schwierig die Therapie durchzuführen, die dir empfohlen wurde? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800357}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800358}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800359}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50"> | |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985856, "checksum": 3201233488}You and your overall life quality <br>Can/will you tell us: | Du und deine allgemeine Lebensqualität<br>Bitte erzähle uns: |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800373, "checksum": 315971316}What is good about your treatment: | Was eine gute Therapie für dich bedeutet: |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800374, "checksum": 890817618}What makes lymphoedema better or worse for you: | Was das Leben mit dem Lymphödem für dich verbessert oder verschlechtert: |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800375, "checksum": 1857559439}The good things about life: | Wie gut dein Leben allgemein ist: |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985857, "checksum": 518546146}Is there anything else you would like us to know about you and your lymphoedema? | Möchtest du noch etwas über dich und dein Lymphödem wissen? |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99732710, "checksum": 2437551069}<strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> | <strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> |
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99732710, "checksum": 4176698326}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Child and Adolescent Version</div> | <div>Gesundheitsfragebogen für Kinder und Jugendliche<br>Kinder- und Jugendlichenversion</div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464050, "checksum": 1702417298}Hello,<br>How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.<br>Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.<br>Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.<br>You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it. | Hallo!<br>Wie geht es dir? Wie fühlst du dich? Das möchten wir von dir wissen.<br>Bitte lies dir jede Frage genau durch. Was kommt dir als Antwort zuerst in den Sinn? Wähle den Kreis aus, der am besten zu deiner Antwort passt, und kreuze ihn an.<br>Übrigens: Das ist keine Prüfung! Du kannst also nichts falsch machen. Wichtig ist aber, dass du möglichst alle Fragen beantwortest und dass deine Kreuze deutlich zu sehen sind. Bitte denke dabei an die letzte Woche, also an die letzten sieben Tage.<br>Du musst deinen Fragebogen niemandem zeigen. Und niemand, der dich kennt, schaut deinen Fragebogen nachher an. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464051, "checksum": 3138475317}<strong>About Your Health</strong> | <strong>Zu deiner Gesundheit</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464052, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137872, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137873, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137874, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137875, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137876, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137877, "checksum": 3158957417}Have you felt fit and well? | Hast du dich fit und wohl gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464053, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137878, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137879, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137880, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137881, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137882, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137883, "checksum": 24915654}Have you felt sad? | Hast du dich traurig gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137884, "checksum": 232988580}Have you felt lonely? | Hast du dich einsam gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137885, "checksum": 1727844833}Have you had enough time for yourself? | Hast du genug Zeit für dich selbst gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137886, "checksum": 618016950}Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? | Konntest du in deiner Freizeit die Dinge machen, die du tun wolltest? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137887, "checksum": 206462309}Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? | Haben deine Mutter / dein Vater dich gerecht behandelt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137888, "checksum": 3624561005}Have you had fun with your friends? | Hast du mit deinen Freunden Spaß gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137889, "checksum": 3528496173}Have you felt full of energy? | Bist du voller Energie gewesen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464055, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137891, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137892, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137893, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137894, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137895, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137896, "checksum": 1771450501}Have you got on well at school? | Bist du in der Schule gut zurechtgekommen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464056, "checksum": 1905730934}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn du an die letzte Woche denkst...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137898, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137899, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137900, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137901, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137902, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137903, "checksum": 1003826201}Have you been able to pay attention? | Konntest du gut aufpassen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464057, "checksum": 652928904}In general, how would you say your health is? | Wie würdest du deine Gesundheit im Allgemeinen beschreiben? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137906, "checksum": 3300520633}excellent | ausgezeichnet |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137907, "checksum": 290217677}very good | sehr gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137908, "checksum": 3086564385}good | gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137909, "checksum": 2917518638}fair | weniger gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137910, "checksum": 4192415451}poor | schlecht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137905, "checksum": 163128923}* | * |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95587326, "checksum": 290674787}Thank you | Danke |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344987327, "checksum": 2670607868}<div style="text-align: center;">Thank you for completing this questionnaire!</div> | <div style="text-align: center;">Danke, dass du diesen Fragebogen ausgefüllt hast!</div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 364395758, "checksum": 2975209740}About the LYMPHOQOL questionnaire, I found it | Über den LYMPHOQOL-Fragebogen: ich fand ihn |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051038, "checksum": 3563192503}Easy to use | einfach auszufüllen |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051039, "checksum": 2583221099}Helpful | hilfreich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051040, "checksum": 3451690415}Meaningful | sinnvoll |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051041, "checksum": 3685855891}Thought provoking | zum Nachdenken anregend |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051042, "checksum": 2043344187}Useful | nützlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051045, "checksum": 3730652654}Moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051047, "checksum": 3407319012}Not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051043, "checksum": 100476954}Extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051044, "checksum": 1145577224}Very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051046, "checksum": 1334991173}Not very | nicht sehr |
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2407051048, "checksum": 1321726771}Please add any other comments | Bitte fügen Sie weitere Kommentare hinzu |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344987328, "checksum": 2584135038}<div style="text-align: center;"> </div> | <div style="text-align: center;"> </div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362198275, "checksum": 3930234966}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span> | <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span> |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94886268, "checksum": 1228426091}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL – Younger Children/Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 5-12/13-21 years) | Fragebogen LYMPHOQOL – Kinder und junge Erwachsene (5 bis 21 Jahre) |
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 94886268, "checksum": 2729260828}<div>Thank you for considering taking part in this survey. </div>
<div><br></div> <div>Sadly, as you have not given valid consent, we are unable to allow you to proceed. If you wish to reconsider, please return to page 1 or contact us again to obtain a new login. </div> <div><br></div> <div>Kind regards</div> |
<div>Vielen Dank, dass Sie erwogen haben, an dieser Umfrage teilzunehmen.</div>
<div><br></div> <div>Leider können wir Ihnen nicht erlauben, fortzufahren, da Sie keine gültige Einwilligung erteilt haben. Wenn Sie es noch einmal überdenken möchten, kehren Sie bitte zu Seite 1 zurück oder kontaktieren Sie uns erneut, um ein neues Login zu erhalten. </div> <div><br></div> <div>Mit freundlichen Grüßen</div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362197722, "checksum": 3672709765}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10/27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br></span> | <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10/27 Index, Kinder- und Jugendlichenversion<br></span> |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99730677, "checksum": 3933499045}<strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> | <strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> |
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99730677, "checksum": 3290553295}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Parent Version</div> | <div>Gesundheitsfragebogen für Kinder und Jugendliche<br>Elternversion</div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363455909, "checksum": 123337190}Dear Parents,<br>How is your child? How does she/he feel? This is what we would like to know from you.<br>Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, ensuring that the answers you give reflect the perspective of your child. Please try to remember your child’s experiences over the last week... | Liebe Eltern,<br>Wie geht es Ihrem Kind? Wie fühlt es sich? Das möchten wir gerne von Ihnen wissen.<br>Bitte überlegen Sie, wie es Ihrem Kind in der letzten Woche gegangen ist. Beantworten Sie dann bitte die folgenden Fragen, so wie Sie es von Ihrem Kind und seinen Erfahrungen wissen oder vermuten. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456658, "checksum": 2007337034}<strong>1. </strong><strong>Physical Activities and Health</strong> | <strong>1.</strong><strong> Deine Gesundheit und Bewegung<strong></strong></strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456293, "checksum": 3040912856}In general, how would your child rate her/his health? | Was denken Sie: Wie würde Ihr Kind seine Gesundheit im Allgemeinen beschreiben? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139315, "checksum": 3300520633}excellent | ausgezeichnet |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139316, "checksum": 290217677}very good | sehr gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139317, "checksum": 3086564385}good | gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139318, "checksum": 2917518638}fair | weniger gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139319, "checksum": 4192415451}poor | schlecht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401098880, "checksum": 163128923}* | * |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456768, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457439, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104920, "checksum": 3948670950}Has your child felt fit and well? | Hat sich Ihr Kind fit und wohl gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104921, "checksum": 2800160102}Has your child been physically active (e.g. running, climbing, biking)? | Hat sich Ihr Kind viel bewegt (z.B. beim Rennen, Klettern, Fahrradfahren)? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104922, "checksum": 494396001}Has your child been able to run well? | Konnte Ihr Kind gut rennen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104923, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104924, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104925, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104926, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104927, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457581, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105720, "checksum": 2130216494}Has your child felt full of energy? | Ist Ihr Kind voller Energie gewesen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105721, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105722, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105723, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105724, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105725, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457870, "checksum": 756536874}<strong>General Mood and Your Child’s Feelings</strong> | <strong>Gefühle und Stimmungen</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457779, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106678, "checksum": 1867181571}Has your child felt that life was enjoyable? | Hatte Ihr Kind das Gefühl, dass sein Leben ihm gefällt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106680, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106681, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106682, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106683, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106684, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458346, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109307, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109308, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109309, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109310, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109311, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110431, "checksum": 3768317859}Has your child had fun? | Hat Ihr Kind Spaß gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109306, "checksum": 1181599769}Has your child been in a good mood? | Hat Ihr Kind gute Laune gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458534, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110464, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110465, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110466, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110467, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110468, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110945, "checksum": 808387436}Has your child felt lonely? | Hat Ihr Kind sich einsam gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110946, "checksum": 3054679496}Has your child been happy with the way he/she is? | Ist Ihr Kind zufrieden gewesen, so wie es ist? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110463, "checksum": 607430982}Has your child felt sad? | Hat sich Ihr Kind traurig gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110469, "checksum": 974683460}Has your child felt so bad that he/she didn’t want to do anything? | Hat Ihr Kind sich so schlecht gefühlt, dass es gar nichts machen wollte? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458953, "checksum": 1124471157}<strong>Family and Your Child’s Free Time</strong> | <strong>Familie und Freizeit</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458657, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111111, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111112, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111113, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111114, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111115, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112363, "checksum": 3949670369}Has your child been able to talk to his/her parent(s) when he/she wanted to? | Konnte Ihr Kind mit seinen Eltern reden, wenn es wollte? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112364, "checksum": 11285049}Has your child had enough money to do the same things as his/her friends? | Hat Ihr Kind genug Geld gehabt, um das Gleiche zu machen wie seine Freunde? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112365, "checksum": 1744894751}Has your child felt that he/she had enough money for his/her expenses? | Hatte Ihr Kind genug Geld für die Sachen, die es braucht? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111110, "checksum": 441303774}Has your child had enough time for him/herself? | Hat Ihr Kind genug Zeit für sich selbst gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111116, "checksum": 251701585}Has your child been able to do the things that he/she wants to do in his/her free time? | Konnte Ihr Kind in seiner Freizeit die Dinge machen, die es tun wollte? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111117, "checksum": 3742870265}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) had enough time for him/her? | Hatte Ihr Kind das Gefühl, dass seine Eltern genug Zeit für es hatten? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111118, "checksum": 826058864}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) treated him/her fairly? | Hat sich Ihr Kind durch seine Mutter / seinen Vater gerecht behandelt gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459084, "checksum": 3331003967}<strong>Friends</strong> | <strong>Freunde</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459099, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113559, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113560, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113561, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113562, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113563, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113558, "checksum": 3575533316}Has your child spent time with his/her friends? | Hat Ihr Kind Zeit mit seinen Freunden verbracht? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113564, "checksum": 3121294838}Has your child had fun with his/her friends? | Hat Ihr Kind mit seinen Freunden Spaß gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113565, "checksum": 2640375036}Have your child and his/her friends helped each other? | Haben Ihr Kind und seine Freunde sich gegenseitig geholfen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113566, "checksum": 554678865}Has your child been able to rely on his/her friends? | Hat Ihr Kind sich auf seine Freunde verlassen können? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459688, "checksum": 3732927054}<strong>School and Learning</strong> | <strong>Schule und Lernen</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459709, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116834, "checksum": 3809198735}Has your child been happy at school? | Ist Ihr Kind in der Schule glücklich gewesen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116840, "checksum": 1907479910}Has your child got on well at school? | Ist Ihr Kind in der Schule gut zurechtgekommen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116835, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116836, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116837, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116838, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116839, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460034, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118368, "checksum": 1090985258}Has your child been able to pay attention? | Konnte Ihr Kind gut aufpassen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118374, "checksum": 1091361366}Has your child got along well with his/her teachers? | Ist Ihr Kind gut mit seinen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern ausgekommen? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118369, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118370, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118371, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118372, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118373, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99732464, "checksum": 2437551069}<strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> | <strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> |
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99732464, "checksum": 3290553295}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Parent Version</div> | <div>Gesundheitsfragebogen für Kinder und Jugendliche<br>Elternversion</div> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463055, "checksum": 123337190}Dear Parents,<br>How is your child? How does she/he feel? This is what we would like to know from you.<br>Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, ensuring that the answers you give reflect the perspective of your child. Please try to remember your child’s experiences over the last week... | Liebe Eltern,<br>Wie geht es Ihrem Kind? Wie fühlt es sich? Das möchten wir gerne von Ihnen wissen.<br>Bitte überlegen Sie, wie es Ihrem Kind in der letzten Woche gegangen ist. Beantworten Sie dann bitte die folgenden Fragen, so wie Sie es von Ihrem Kind und seinen Erfahrungen wissen oder vermuten. |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463056, "checksum": 1343214940}<strong>About Your Child’s Health</strong> | <strong>Zur Gesundheit Ihres Kindes</strong> |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463058, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132909, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132910, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132911, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132912, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132913, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132914, "checksum": 3948670950}Has your child felt fit and well? | Hat sich Ihr Kind fit und wohl gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463059, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132917, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132918, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132919, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132920, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132921, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135026, "checksum": 607430982}Has your child felt sad? | Hat sich Ihr Kind traurig gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135027, "checksum": 808387436}Has your child felt lonely? | Hat Ihr Kind sich einsam gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135028, "checksum": 441303774}Has your child had enough time for him/herself? | Hat Ihr Kind genug Zeit für sich selbst gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135029, "checksum": 251701585}Has your child been able to do the things that he/she wants to do in his/her free time? | Konnte Ihr Kind in seiner Freizeit die Dinge machen, die es tun wollte? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135030, "checksum": 826058864}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) treated him/her fairly? | Hat sich Ihr Kind durch seine Mutter / seinen Vater gerecht behandelt gefühlt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135031, "checksum": 3121294838}Has your child had fun with his/her friends? | Hat Ihr Kind mit seinen Freunden Spaß gehabt? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132922, "checksum": 2130216494}Has your child felt full of energy? | Ist Ihr Kind voller Energie gewesen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463061, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132924, "checksum": 3407319012}not at all | überhaupt nicht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132925, "checksum": 2178326666}slightly | ein wenig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132926, "checksum": 3730652654}moderately | mittelmäßig |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132927, "checksum": 1145577224}very | ziemlich |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132928, "checksum": 100476954}extremely | sehr |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132929, "checksum": 1907479910}Has your child got on well at school? | Ist Ihr Kind in der Schule gut zurechtgekommen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463062, "checksum": 2090383869}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> | <em>Wenn Sie an die letzte Woche denken...</em> |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132931, "checksum": 888109569}never | nie |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132932, "checksum": 4247682427}seldom | selten |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132933, "checksum": 1763622639}quite often | manchmal |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132934, "checksum": 3624217611}very often | oft |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132935, "checksum": 2109872766}always | immer |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132937, "checksum": 1090985258}Has your child been able to pay attention? | Konnte Ihr Kind gut aufpassen? |
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463070, "checksum": 3040912856}In general, how would your child rate her/his health? | Was denken Sie: Wie würde Ihr Kind seine Gesundheit im Allgemeinen beschreiben? |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132983, "checksum": 3300520633}excellent | ausgezeichnet |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132984, "checksum": 290217677}very good | sehr gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132985, "checksum": 3086564385}good | gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132986, "checksum": 2917518638}fair | weniger gut |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132987, "checksum": 4192415451}poor | schlecht |
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132988, "checksum": 163128923}* | * |
{"cxt": "survey_next", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 1120704038}Next | Weiter |
{"cxt": "survey_prev", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 4265115762}Prev | Zurück |
{"cxt": "survey_done", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 3426106465}Done | Fertig |
{"cxt": "survey_ok", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 3610695981}OK | OK |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 248325582, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249038385, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 396209653, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 394231334, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 394231023, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264170382, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264169789, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264169502, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264168992, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264164872, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264109164, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263365034, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263364275, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263364201, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_title", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 3697810073}Can you spare a few moments to take my survey? | Können Sie sich etwas Zeit nehmen und an meiner Umfrage teilnehmen? |
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_body", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 3581090958}Please take the survey titled "Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema.". Your feedback is important! | Lütfen Çocuk ve Genç yetişkinlerdeki yaşam kalitesini araştıran anketimize katılın. Geri bildiriminiz önemlidir! |
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_sharing_text", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 3429856827}Powered by <a href="#"><strong>SurveyMonkey</strong></a><br>
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{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 2373663968}Thank you for completing our survey! | Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Umfrage abgeschlossen haben! |
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_title", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 3697810073}Can you spare a few moments to take my survey? | Können Sie sich etwas Zeit nehmen und an meiner Umfrage teilnehmen? |
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_body", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 3581090958}Please take the survey titled "Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema.". Your feedback is important! | Lütfen Çocuk ve Genç yetişkinlerdeki yaşam kalitesini araştıran anketimize katılın. Geri bildiriminiz önemlidir! |
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_sharing_text", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 3429856827}Powered by <a href="#"><strong>SurveyMonkey</strong></a><br>
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