Translated: 818 of 843 (97 %) • Remaining: 25
Source text — English Translation — French
{"cxt": "survey_title_html", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 2743034059}Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema. Titre de l'étude: Explorer la qualité de vie des enfants et des jeunes avec un lymphoedème.
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99339100, "checksum": 3910734721}Information and Consent for Parents, Children and Young People Information et consentement éclairé pour les parents, les enfants et les adolescent et jeunes adultes
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99339100, "checksum": 1652923761}<div>Name of Researcher(s): Dr Aimee Aubeeluck, Professor Christine Moffatt, CBE and Professor Isabelle Quéré<br><br>We would like to invite you to take part in our research study. Before you decide we would like you to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. <br><br></div>
<div><strong>What is the purpose of the study?</strong></div>
<div>This study aims to explore the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema and to validate a Lymphoedema specific quality of life tool (LYMPHOQOL) for use with children and young people with Lymphoedema.</div>
<div>Nom des chercheuses : Aimee Aubeeluck, Docteur en psychologie, Professeur Christine Moffatt,CBE et Professeur Isabelle Quéré<br><br>Nous vous invitons à participer à notre recherche. Avant de décider si vous voulez y participer ou non, nous aimerions que vous compreniez pourquoi cette recherche est effectuée et ce qu'elle impliquerait pour vous.<br><br></div>
<div><strong>Quel est le but de cette recherche?</strong></div>
<div> </div>
<div>Cette recherche est une étude scientifique qui vise à explorer la qualité de vie des enfants et des jeunes adultes atteints de lymphoedème. Nous voulons valider valider un outil de qualité de vie spécifique du lymphoedème spécialement pour les enfants et les jeunes adultes (LYMPHOQOL).</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 361678037, "checksum": 2546004597}<strong>Why have I been invited?</strong><br><br>You are being invited to take part because you or your child are living with Lymphoedema.<br><br><strong>Do I have to take part?</strong><br><br>It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. When you have read this information and if you decide to take part please read the consent form below and tick your agreement to take part.<br><br>You are still free to withdraw at any time while filling in the questionnaires without providing any reason. This would not affect your legal rights. <br><br>It is important for the children and young people to answer the questionnaires themselves whenever possible, however parents can assist children to complete the questionnaires if they feel it is helpful. <br><br><strong>What will happen to me if I take part?</strong><br><br>You will be asked to complete 2 online questionnaires (LYMPHOQOL and KIDSCREEN) that are written in your own language and according to your age. These questionnaires aim to measure your quality of life and understand any worries you may be experiencing.  You will also be asked to tell us what you think about the new LYMPHOQOL questionnaire and how long it took you to complete the online survey.<br><br><strong>Expenses and payments</strong><br><br>Participants will not be paid to participate in the study.<br><br><strong>What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part? </strong><br><br>There are no anticipated disadvantages to taking part in this study although it may prompt you to think about aspects of living with Lymphoedema that are distressing to yourself. If you are upset by taking part in any aspect of the study, we will provide an email for you to contact us for help.<br><br><strong>What are the possible benefits of taking part?</strong><br><br>We cannot promise the study will help you but the information we get from this study may help provide us with a better understanding of how it feels to live with Lymphoedema and how we may better support children and young people who have the condition in the future. <br><br><strong>What happens when the research study stops?</strong><br><br>When the study stops, we will take 6 months to analyse the findings before we present them. We will provide a summary of the findings on the International Lymphoedema Framework website and will keep everyone updated this way. We will publish the results in medical journals and make the questionnaires that come out of this study widely available for use.  The study results will further be published via social media. This will help you to see how your contribution has helped the Lymphoedema Community.<br><br><strong>What if there is a problem?</strong><br><br>If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you should ask to speak to the researchers who will do their best to answer your questions.  The researcher’s contact details are given at the end of this information sheet. <strong>Pourquoi ai-je été invité?</strong><br><br>Vous êtes invités à participer parce que vous ou votre enfant vivez avec un lymphoedème.<br><br><strong>Dois-je participer?</strong><br><br>C'est à vous de décider s'il y a lieu ou non de participer. Lorsque vous aurez lu ces informations et si vous décidez de participer, il faudra alors lire le formulaire de consentement ci-dessous et donner votre accord de participation en cochant la case correspondante.<br><br>Vous êtes libre de vous retirer à tout moment tout en remplissant les questionnaires sans fournir de raison. Le consentement que vous donnez ne crée aucune obligation légale.<br><br>Il est important que les enfants et les jeunes adultes répondent eux-mêmes aux questionnaires dans la mesure du possible, mais les parents peuvent aider les enfants à remplir les questionnaires s'ils le jugent utile ou si l’enfant le préfère.<br><br><strong>Que va-t-il se passer si je participe à cette étude?</strong><br><br>Il vous sera demandé de remplir 2 questionnaires en ligne (LYMPHOQOL et KIDSCREEN) qui sont écrits en français et en fonction de votre âge ou de l’âge de votre enfant. Ces questionnaires visent à mesurer votre qualité de vie et à comprendre le retentissement du lymphoedème sur différents aspects de votre vie. On vous demandera également de nous dire ce que vous pensez du nouveau questionnaire LYMPHOQOL et combien de temps il vous a fallu pour remplir le questionnaire en ligne.<br><br><strong>Dépenses et indemnités</strong><br><br>Les participants ne seront pas indemnisés pour leur participation à l'étude.<br><br><strong>Quels sont les inconvénients potentiels de votre participation?</strong><br><br>Il n'y a aucun inconvénient prévu à prendre part à cette étude bien qu'elle puisse vous inciter à repenser aux aspects de la vie avec le lymphoedème qui vous sont pénibles. Si vous êtes contrarié ou en difficulté au cours votre participation à l'étude, nous vous fournirons un courriel pour nous contacter et que nous puissions vous aider.<br><br><strong>Quels sont les avantages possibles de la participation?</strong><br><br>Nous ne pouvons pas promettre que l'étude vous aidera personnellement, mais l'information que nous obtenons de cette étude peut nous aider à mieux évaluer ce que vivre avec un lymphoedème veut dire lorsque l’on est enfant ou jeune adulte et comment nous pourrons dans l’avenir améliorer le soutien et la prise en charge des enfants et des jeunes adultes qui ont un lymphoedème.<br><br><strong>Que se passe-t-il à la fin de l’étude?</strong><br><br>Lorsque l'étude s'arrêtera, il faudra 6 mois pour analyser les résultats avant de les rendre publiques. Nous fournirons un résumé des résultats sur le site Web international de l’ILF (International Lymphoedema Framework), sur le site du PFL (Partenariat Français du Lymphoedème), du Centre de Référence des Maladies Vasculaires Rares, de la filière FAVA-Multi et nous vous tiendrons tous informés directement. Nous publierons les résultats dans des revues médicales et rendrons les questionnaires qui sortent de cette étude largement disponibles à tous. Les résultats de l'étude seront également publiés sur les réseaux sociaux. Cela vous aidera à voir comment votre contribution a rendu service aux familles, aux enfants et jeunes adultes avec lymphoedème ainsi qu’aux professionnels.<br><br><strong>Que se passe-t-t-il en cas de problème?</strong><br><br>Si vous avez un problème quelconque au sujet de cette étude, le mieux est d’en parler aux chercheurs qui feront de leur mieux pour répondre à vos questions. Les coordonnées du chercheur responsable en France est indiqué à la fin de cette fiche d'information.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 361678038, "checksum": 4231961993}<strong>Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?</strong><br><br>We will follow ethical and legal practice and all information about you will be handled in confidence.<br><br>If you join the study, the data collected for the study will be looked at by authorised persons from the University of Nottingham and the University of Montpellier Hospital who are jointly organising the research. <br><br>Under UK Data protection laws the University of Nottingham is the data controller (legally responsible for the data security) and the chief investigators of this study are the data custodians who manage access to the data. This means we are responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. Your rights to access, change or movement of your information are limited as we need to manage your information in specific ways to comply with certain laws and for the research to be reliable and accurate. To safeguard your rights we will use the minimum personally identifiable information possible. You can find out more about how we use your information and to read our privacy notice at<br><br>The data could be looked at by authorised people to check that the study is being carried out correctly. All will have a duty of confidentiality to you as a research participant and we will do our best to meet this duty. <br><br><strong>What will happen if I don’t want to carry on with the study?</strong><br><br>Your participation is voluntary, you are free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, and without your legal rights being affected. If you withdraw then any anonymous information collected so far cannot be erased and this information may still be used in the project analysis. Any identifiable data already collected will be withdrawn at your request.  <br><br>All information which is collected about you during the course of the research will be kept <strong>strictly confidential</strong> and stored on a password protected database.  <br><br>You will have a choice of whether you provide your name and contact details for us. This would only be used with your consent and if you wished us to contact you to participate in future studies using the questionnaires. <br><br>All other data (research data) will be kept securely for 7 years and then safely disposed of. During this time all precautions will be taken by all those involved to maintain your confidentiality, only members of the research team will have access to your personal data.<br><br><strong>Involvement of the General Practitioner/Family doctor (GP)</strong> <br><br>There will be no involvement of your GP / Family doctor.<br><br><strong>Who is organising and funding the research?</strong><br><br>This research is being organised by the University of Nottingham and is being sponsored by the the Centre de Reference des maladies Lymphatiques Primaires, University Hospital of Montpellier and supported by the International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF), a UK registered charity. <br><br><strong>Who has reviewed the study?</strong><br><br>This study has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by The University of Nottingham, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee<br><br><strong>Further information and contact details</strong><br><br>Professor Christine Moffatt CBE Emeritus Professor, University of Nottingham,<br>Clinical Professor<br>Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust<br>Queens Medical Centre,<br>Derby Road,<br>Nottingham, NG7 2UH<br>Email: <br><br> <strong>Ma participation à l'étude restera-t-elle confidentielle?</strong><br><br>Nous suivrons la pratique éthique et juridique habituelle et toutes les informations vous concernant seront traitées en toute confidentialité.<br><br>Si vous vous joignez à l'étude, les données recueillies pour l'étude seront examinées par des personnes autorisées de l'Université de Nottingham, de l'Université et du CHU de Montpellier qui organisent conjointement la recherche.<br><br>En vertu des lois britanniques sur la protection des données, l'Université de Nottingham est le contrôleur des données (légalement responsable de la sécurité des données) et les chercheurs en chef de cette étude sont les dépositaires de données qui gèrent l'accès aux données. Cela signifie que nous sommes responsables de s'occuper de vos informations et de les utiliser correctement. Vos droits d'accès, de modification ou de circulation de vos informations sont limités car nous avons besoin de gérer vos informations de manière spécifique pour se conformer à certaines lois et pour que la recherche soit fiable et précise. Pour protéger vos droits, nous utiliserons le minimum d'informations personnellement identifiables possibles. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur la façon dont nous utilisons vos informations et lire notre avis de confidentialité à<br>[<br>En vertu des lois françaises sur la protection des données personnelles, une déclaration complémentaire à la CNIL a été faite et nous avons obtenu une autorisation du comité d’éthique en France (n° étude).<br>]<br>Les données pourraient être examinées par des personnes autorisées pour vérifier que l'étude est menée correctement. Tous auront un devoir de confidentialité envers vous en tant que participant à la recherche et nous ferons de notre mieux pour remplir ce devoir.<br><br><strong>Que se passera-t-il si je ne veux pas poursuivre l'étude?</strong><br><br>Votre participation est volontaire, vous êtes libre de vous retirer à tout moment, sans donner aucune raison, et sans que vos droits ne soient affectés. Si vous vous retirez de l’étude, les informations anonymes recueillies jusqu'à présent ne peuvent pas être effacées et ces informations peuvent encore être utilisées dans l'analyse de projet. Toutes les données identifiables déjà collectées seront retirées à votre demande.<br><br>Toutes les informations recueillies à votre sujet au cours de la recherche seront <strong>strictement confidentielles</strong> et stockées dans une base de données protégée par mot de passe.<br><br>Vous aurez le choix de nous fournir votre nom et votre numéro de téléphone. Cela ne serait utilisé qu'avec votre consentement et si vous souhaitiez que nous vous contactions pour participer à de futures études à l'aide des questionnaires.<br><br>Toutes les autres données (données de recherche) seront conservées en toute sécurité pendant 7 ans, puis éliminées en toute sécurité. Pendant ce temps, toutes les précautions seront prises par toutes les personnes concernées pour maintenir votre confidentialité, seuls les membres de l'équipe de recherche auront accès à vos données personnelles.<br><br><strong>Participation du médecin généraliste/médecin de famille (GP)</strong><br><br>Il n'y aura aucune implication directe de votre médecin généraliste / médecin de famille. [Vous pouvez bien-sûr lui en parler ou en parlez aux professionnels qui vous suivent pour le lymphoedème et il peut pour un complément d’information contacter le médecin chercheur responsable en France de cette étude.]<br><br><strong>Qui organise et finance la recherche?</strong><br><br>Cette recherche est organisée par l'Université de Nottingham et le Centre de Référence des maladies Lymphatiques Primaires, Université Hôpital de Montpellier. Elle est parrainée par l'International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF), structure associative de loi anglaise, le PFL (Partenariat Français du Lymphoedème), et la filière FAVA-Multi. Elle est financée par un Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique (ref…) pour la partie Française, le Partenariat Français du Lymphoedème, et le Centre de Référence des Maladies Vasculaires Rares (Programme de financement gouvernemental de soutien aux maladies rares) pour la coordination internationale.<br><br><strong>Qui a examiné cette étude?</strong><br><br>Cette étude a été examinée et a reçu un avis favorable de la Faculté de médecine et du Comité d'éthique de la recherche en sciences de la santé au Royaume Uni et en France ainsi qu’une autorisation CNIL (n°).<br><br><strong>Plus d'informations et coordonnées</strong><br><br>Professor Christine Moffatt CBE Emeritus Professor, University of Nottingham,<br>Clinical Professor, <br>Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust,<br>Queens Medical Centre,<br>Derby Road,<br>Nottingham, NG7 2UH<br>Email:
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94878240, "checksum": 3874226968}Consent for Parents, Children and Young People Consentement éclairé pour les parents, les enfants et les adolescent et jeunes adultes
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204620, "checksum": 3356701013}I confirm I have read and understand the study information above je confirme que j'ai lu et que je comprends l'information qui m'est donnée sur cette étude
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444806, "checksum": 3802220448}Yes Oui
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444807, "checksum": 3442098927}No Non
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311278344, "checksum": 3509901753}This question requires an answer. Cette question nécessite une réponse.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204623, "checksum": 2491719172}For the child or young person to answer Questions pour l'enfant, l'adolescent ou les jeunes adultes
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444817, "checksum": 3865432944}Yes, I agree to take part in the study Oui, je souhaite participer à cette étude
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444818, "checksum": 4182241926}No, I do not want to take part in the study Non, je ne souhaite pas participer à cette étude
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311279511, "checksum": 3509901753}This question requires an answer. Cette question nécessite une réponse.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204624, "checksum": 3121728324}Parental Consent (For all children under the age of 16 years) Autorisation et consentement des parents (pour les enfants de moins de 16 ans)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444819, "checksum": 16366860}I agree to my child taking part in the study J'accepte que mon enfant participe à cette étude
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444820, "checksum": 2136847774}I do not agree to my child taking part in the study Je n'accepte pas que mon enfant participe à cette étude
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2613062130}NA
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2613080760, "checksum": 3509901753}This question requires an answer. Cette question nécessite une réponse.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204626, "checksum": 2118848993}Please tell us your gender Dis-nous, s'il te plaît, si tu es un garçon ou une fille (enfants)/de sexe masculin ou féminin (pour les adolescents et jeunes adultes)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444821, "checksum": 2856764333}Male Masculin
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444822, "checksum": 851878109}Female Féminin
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444823, "checksum": 1224584354}Prefer not to say Préfère ne pas le dire
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204648, "checksum": 238816001}Please tell us your age Dis-nous ton âge s'il te plaît
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260455995, "checksum": 2902055886}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}. Angiv et helt tal mellem {0} og {1}.
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260456002, "checksum": 1248827931}Years Âge (ans)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260456001, "checksum": 4252452532}21 21
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260455999, "checksum": 2226203566}5 5
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311271385, "checksum": 3509901753}This question requires an answer. Cette question nécessite une réponse.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204649, "checksum": 3032191123}Please tell us the country you live in Dans quel pays vis-tu, s'il te plaît?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532254, "checksum": 898914774}Canada Canada
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532255, "checksum": 3240685397}Denmark Danemark
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532256, "checksum": 1493835906}France France
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444909, "checksum": 2268020743}United Kingdom Royaume-Uni
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263257266, "checksum": 3582796711}Germany Allemagne
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532257, "checksum": 3732364051}Italy Italie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532258, "checksum": 1264940276}Japan Japon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532259, "checksum": 3963072919}Afghanistan Afghanistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532260, "checksum": 2883615178}Albania Albanie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532261, "checksum": 2578856426}Algeria Algérie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532262, "checksum": 901630940}Andorra Andorre
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532263, "checksum": 1162053508}Angola Angola
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532264, "checksum": 2336326999}Anguilla Anguilla
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532265, "checksum": 1280708717}Antigua &amp; Barbuda Antigua et Barbuda
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532266, "checksum": 2487395379}Argentina Argentine
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532267, "checksum": 451979019}Armenia Arménie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532268, "checksum": 1321291211}Australia Australie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532269, "checksum": 1427707965}Austria L'Autriche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532270, "checksum": 3639193393}Azerbaijan Azerbaïdjan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532271, "checksum": 2135056096}Bahamas Les Bahamas
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532272, "checksum": 3037570608}Bahrain Bahrein
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532273, "checksum": 3756708338}Bangladesh Bangladesh
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532274, "checksum": 3929108885}Barbados Barbade
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532275, "checksum": 2082672743}Belarus Biélorussie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532276, "checksum": 4290625357}Belgium Belgique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532277, "checksum": 2088652358}Belize Belize
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532278, "checksum": 838382811}Benin Bénin
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532279, "checksum": 853928635}Bermuda Bermudes
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532290, "checksum": 1757958174}Bhutan Bhoutan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532291, "checksum": 1949136319}Bolivia Bolivie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532295, "checksum": 629770469}Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina Bosnie et Herzégovine
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532296, "checksum": 596893160}Botswana Botswana
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532297, "checksum": 810088692}Brazil Brésil
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532298, "checksum": 2020591476}Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532300, "checksum": 3118917736}Bulgaria Bulgarie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532301, "checksum": 1011078324}Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532303, "checksum": 3176289576}Burundi Burundi
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532305, "checksum": 2207680897}Cambodia Cambodge
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532307, "checksum": 1891015785}Cameroon Cameroun
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532308, "checksum": 898914774}Canada Canada
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532310, "checksum": 932793510}Cape Verde Cap-Vert
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532312, "checksum": 4214998023}Cayman Islands Îles Caïmans
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532313, "checksum": 1239466097}Central African Republic République centrafricaine
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532314, "checksum": 1390388164}Chad Tchad
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532315, "checksum": 2646804368}Chile Chili
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532316, "checksum": 2789419321}China Chine
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532317, "checksum": 3017667376}China - Hong Kong Chine - Hong Kong
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532318, "checksum": 1260231024}China - Macau Chine - Macao
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532319, "checksum": 3496115327}Colombia Colombie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532321, "checksum": 3088510254}Comoros Les Comores
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532322, "checksum": 265049426}Congo Congo
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532323, "checksum": 2967652003}Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC) Congo, République démocratique de (RDC)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532325, "checksum": 2133546300}Costa Rica Costa Rica
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532326, "checksum": 3968002335}Croatia Croatie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532329, "checksum": 2543966879}Cuba Cuba
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532331, "checksum": 4082887688}Cyprus Chypre
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532332, "checksum": 2109761839}Czech Republic République Tchèque
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532333, "checksum": 3240685397}Denmark Danemark
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532335, "checksum": 1702384266}Djibouti Djibouti
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532338, "checksum": 2233175611}Dominica La Dominique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532340, "checksum": 2280762561}Dominican Republic République Dominicaine
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532343, "checksum": 3633778529}Ecuador Équateur
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532346, "checksum": 4043849538}Egypt Egypte
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532348, "checksum": 1829538443}El Salvador Le Salvador
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532349, "checksum": 3976956351}Equatorial Guinea Guinée Équatoriale
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532350, "checksum": 3434803409}Eritrea Erythrée
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532351, "checksum": 2723215494}Estonia Estonie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532354, "checksum": 132244067}Eswatini Eswatini
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532356, "checksum": 3534665199}Ethiopia Ethiopie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532357, "checksum": 3005078352}Fiji Fidji
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532358, "checksum": 123249771}Finland Finlande
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532359, "checksum": 1493835906}France France
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532360, "checksum": 2425658414}French Guiana Guyane Française
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532361, "checksum": 2891433819}Gabon Gabon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532362, "checksum": 2724285379}Gambia, Republic of The Gambie, République de
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532363, "checksum": 2612511162}Georgia Géorgie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532364, "checksum": 3582796711}Germany Allemagne
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532365, "checksum": 1522342488}Ghana Ghana
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532366, "checksum": 2258392769}Great Britain Grande Bretagne
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532367, "checksum": 3759589467}Greece Grèce
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532368, "checksum": 2774391341}Grenada Grenade
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532369, "checksum": 1627627404}Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532370, "checksum": 659484291}Guatemala Guatemala
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532371, "checksum": 3640666009}Guinea Guinée
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532372, "checksum": 3430067941}Guinea-Bissau Guinée Bissau
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532373, "checksum": 187263287}Guyana Guyane
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532374, "checksum": 1064978916}Haiti Haïti
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532375, "checksum": 43389802}Honduras Honduras
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532376, "checksum": 1296803454}Hungary Hongrie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532377, "checksum": 1611745231}Iceland Islande
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532378, "checksum": 3109557749}India Inde
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532379, "checksum": 1336129017}Indonesia Indonésie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532380, "checksum": 1187078700}Iran Iran
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532381, "checksum": 917214883}Iraq Irak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532382, "checksum": 2023731504}Israel and the Occupied Territories Israël et les territoires occupés
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532383, "checksum": 3732364051}Italy Italie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532384, "checksum": 4125678555}Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Côte d'Ivoire (Cote d'Ivoire)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532385, "checksum": 421744019}Jamaica Jamaïque
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532386, "checksum": 1264940276}Japan Japon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532387, "checksum": 1550284135}Jordan Jordan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532388, "checksum": 3916878237}Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532389, "checksum": 1677257775}Kenya Kenya
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532390, "checksum": 89436316}Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea) Corée du Nord
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532391, "checksum": 193626156}Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Corée du Sud
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532392, "checksum": 1364630086}Kosovo Kosovo
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532393, "checksum": 2493271989}Kuwait Koweit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532394, "checksum": 69637120}Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) Kirghizistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532395, "checksum": 2465910368}Laos Laos
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532396, "checksum": 4136904215}Latvia Lettonie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532397, "checksum": 2159080235}Lebanon Liban
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532398, "checksum": 3088612922}Lesotho Lesotho
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532399, "checksum": 120280630}Liberia Libéria
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532400, "checksum": 2507780858}Libya Libye
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532401, "checksum": 2822517842}Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532402, "checksum": 3968537312}Lithuania Lituanie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532403, "checksum": 3543890541}Luxembourg Luxembourg
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532404, "checksum": 4209232243}Madagascar Madagascar
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532405, "checksum": 3399694733}Malawi Malawi
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532406, "checksum": 3093427553}Malaysia Malaisie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532407, "checksum": 774587047}Maldives Maldives
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532408, "checksum": 4228449212}Mali Mali
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532409, "checksum": 3533562082}Malta Malte
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532410, "checksum": 1089480288}Martinique Martinique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532411, "checksum": 923534495}Mauritania Mauritanie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532412, "checksum": 3205647756}Mauritius Maurice
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532413, "checksum": 3387726714}Mayotte Mayotte
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532414, "checksum": 1436966058}Mexico Mexique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532415, "checksum": 2380456712}Moldova, Republic of La Moldavie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532416, "checksum": 408370439}Monaco Monaco
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532417, "checksum": 415719686}Mongolia Mongolie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532418, "checksum": 1945793098}Montenegro Monténégro
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532420, "checksum": 3086700570}Montserrat Montserrat
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532421, "checksum": 2221932599}Morocco Maroc
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532422, "checksum": 810613305}Mozambique Mozambique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532423, "checksum": 2478386662}Myanmar/Burma Myanmar / Birmanie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532424, "checksum": 2949143719}Namibia Namibie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532425, "checksum": 1985286654}Nepal Népal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532426, "checksum": 3274834183}New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532427, "checksum": 1676074813}Nicaragua Nicaragua
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532428, "checksum": 2362899435}Niger Niger
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532429, "checksum": 1488330426}Nigeria Nigeria
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532430, "checksum": 2857362415}North Macedonia, Republic of Macédoine du Nord
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532431, "checksum": 2957291416}Norway Norvège
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532432, "checksum": 1959844285}Oman Oman
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532433, "checksum": 4243562190}Pacific Islands îles du Pacifique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532434, "checksum": 390748188}Pakistan Pakistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532435, "checksum": 1628738218}Panama Panama
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532436, "checksum": 4216668897}Papua New Guinea Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532437, "checksum": 960612236}Paraguay Le Paraguay
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532438, "checksum": 3068470069}Peru Pérou
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532439, "checksum": 2679287736}Philippines Philippines
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532440, "checksum": 4087543812}Poland Pologne
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532441, "checksum": 1225894082}Portugal Le Portugal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532442, "checksum": 2729059134}Puerto Rico Porto Rico
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532443, "checksum": 3520990074}Qatar Qatar
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532444, "checksum": 1415957237}Reunion Réunion
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532445, "checksum": 2108033829}Romania Roumanie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532446, "checksum": 1735195554}Russian Federation Russie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532447, "checksum": 1099021729}Rwanda Rwanda
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532448, "checksum": 3682276209}Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532449, "checksum": 1342918017}Saint Lucia Sainte-Lucie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532450, "checksum": 3948132102}Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532451, "checksum": 2731846837}Samoa Samoa
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532452, "checksum": 3208421344}Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomé et Principe
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532453, "checksum": 2638813286}Saudi Arabia Arabie Saoudite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532454, "checksum": 1386135530}Senegal Sénégal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532455, "checksum": 1770525095}Serbia Serbie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532456, "checksum": 1698381687}Seychelles Les Seychelles
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532457, "checksum": 587004761}Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532458, "checksum": 3434034440}Singapore Singapour
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532459, "checksum": 639334591}Slovak Republic (Slovakia) Slovaquie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532460, "checksum": 2849835830}Slovenia La Slovénie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532461, "checksum": 304921845}Solomon Islands Les îles Salomon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532462, "checksum": 1558299964}Somalia Somalie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532463, "checksum": 3237091260}South Africa Afrique du Sud
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532464, "checksum": 3138050363}South Sudan Soudan du sud
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532465, "checksum": 4154426429}Spain Espagne
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532466, "checksum": 3125662550}Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532467, "checksum": 3848871565}Sudan Soudan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532468, "checksum": 2910112812}Suriname Suriname
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532469, "checksum": 2234565121}Sweden Suède
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532470, "checksum": 599352615}Switzerland Suisse
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532471, "checksum": 1899254807}Syria Syrie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532472, "checksum": 3384813067}Tajikistan Tadjikistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532473, "checksum": 1344782389}Tanzania Tanzanie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532474, "checksum": 476593284}Thailand Thaïlande
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532475, "checksum": 2393152752}Netherlands Les Pays-Bas
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532476, "checksum": 3048291601}Taiwan Taïwan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532477, "checksum": 3882446197}Timor Leste Timor Leste
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532478, "checksum": 3507571293}Togo Togo
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532479, "checksum": 3948316824}Trinidad &amp; Tobago Trinité et Tobago
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532480, "checksum": 2925882429}Tunisia Tunisie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532481, "checksum": 4272146116}Turkey Turc
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532482, "checksum": 613673983}Turkmenistan Turkménistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532483, "checksum": 484697529}Turks &amp; Caicos Islands Îles Turks et Caicos
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532484, "checksum": 2770691296}Uganda Ouganda
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532485, "checksum": 261809775}Ukraine Ukraine
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532486, "checksum": 2324363352}United Arab Emirates Emirats Arabes Unis
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532487, "checksum": 2981605782}United States of America (USA) Les États-Unis d'Amérique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532488, "checksum": 984427620}Uruguay Uruguay
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532489, "checksum": 437627956}Uzbekistan Ouzbekistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532490, "checksum": 2929262514}Venezuela Venezuela
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532491, "checksum": 1253127102}Vietnam Vietnam
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532492, "checksum": 2405570254}Virgin Islands (UK) Îles Vierges britanniques
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532493, "checksum": 2690886653}Virgin Islands (US) Îles Vierges américaines
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532494, "checksum": 4128946134}Yemen Yémen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532495, "checksum": 3011354982}Zambia Zambie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532496, "checksum": 2099115062}Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409240, "checksum": 2873988202}Ireland Irlande
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409241, "checksum": 2050247299}Kiribati Kiribati
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409242, "checksum": 4214401937}Marshall Islands Iles Marshall
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409243, "checksum": 3736396960}Micronesia Micronésie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409244, "checksum": 3441931567}Nauru Nauru
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409245, "checksum": 1626293665}Palau Palau
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409246, "checksum": 4100799982}San Marino Saint Marin
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409247, "checksum": 984888263}Tonga Tonga
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409248, "checksum": 4186536882}Tuvalu Tuvalu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409249, "checksum": 1175183064}Vanuatu Vanuatu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409250, "checksum": 562979665}Vatican City Cité du Vatican
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532251, "checksum": 1106470714}Please enter a comment. Veuillez saisir un commentaire.
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2260532497, "checksum": 2846268878}Other (please specify) Autre (veuillez préciser)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204650, "checksum": 1245199379}Please tell us about your Lymphoedema &ndash; what part of your body is affected? Tick all that apply. Parles-nous un peu de ton lymphoedème
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444910, "checksum": 3442290285}Head Tête
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444911, "checksum": 3637287335}Face Visage
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444912, "checksum": 3662981506}Eyes Les yeux
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444913, "checksum": 21726244}Lips Lèvres
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444914, "checksum": 4193710908}Cheek Joue
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444915, "checksum": 2499506360}Tongue Langue
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444916, "checksum": 1335302224}Neck Cou
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444917, "checksum": 2102053353}Left&nbsp;shoulder Épaule guache
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444918, "checksum": 1387106170}Left upper chest/breast Poitrine gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2331358863, "checksum": 1387106170}Left lower chest/breast Poitrine gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2331358866, "checksum": 658341878}Right lower chest/breast Poitrine droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192244, "checksum": 2227488082}Left&nbsp;abdomen Abdomen gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192245, "checksum": 834766973}Left buttocks Fesse gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192246, "checksum": 2253016799}Left upper arm Bras gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192247, "checksum": 3036249525}Left lower arm Avant-bras gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192248, "checksum": 747275206}Left upper leg Cuisse gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192249, "checksum": 114184471}Left lower leg Jambe gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192250, "checksum": 2236417552}Left hand Main gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192251, "checksum": 1456842359}Left fingers doigt gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192252, "checksum": 2215387380}Left foot Pied gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192253, "checksum": 2591934835}Left toes orteils gauche
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192254, "checksum": 1119996143}Right shoulder Épaule droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192255, "checksum": 658341878}Right upper chest/breast Poitrine droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192256, "checksum": 2411588754}Right abdomen Abdomen droit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192257, "checksum": 1648503889}Right buttocks Fesse doigt
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192258, "checksum": 4091199059}Right upper arm Bras droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192259, "checksum": 3244920121}Right lower arm Avant-bras droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192260, "checksum": 1494905674}Right upper leg Cuisse droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192261, "checksum": 1935581595}Right lower leg Jambe droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192262, "checksum": 4041078428}Right hand Main droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192263, "checksum": 3994950344}Right fingers droigt droit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192264, "checksum": 4053586040}Right foot Pied droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192265, "checksum": 4025301503}Right toes orteils droite
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192266, "checksum": 685827131}Vulva Vulve
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192267, "checksum": 3553973632}Scrotum Scrotum
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192268, "checksum": 3451070885}Penis Penis
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263259570, "checksum": 1106470714}Please enter a comment. Veuillez saisir un commentaire.
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2263259578, "checksum": 2846268878}Other (please specify) Autre (veuillez préciser)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204651, "checksum": 1205068140}Has your Lymphoedema been diagnosed by a specialist? Est-ce que c'est un spécialiste du lymphoedème qui a fait le diagnostic que ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444920, "checksum": 3802220448}Yes Oui
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444921, "checksum": 3442098927}No Non
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444922, "checksum": 2235065907}Don’t know Ne sais pas
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204652, "checksum": 3500801409}What age were you when you developed your Lymphoedema? Quel âge avais-tu quand le lymphoedème a commencé?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540848, "checksum": 2902055886}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}. Angiv et helt tal mellem {0} og {1}.
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540852, "checksum": 4108050209}0 0
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540853, "checksum": 4252452532}21 21
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540854, "checksum": 1248827931}Years Âge (ans)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204654, "checksum": 3500801409}What age were you when your lymphoedema was diagnosed by a specialist? Quel âge avais-tu quand le lymphoedème a commencé?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542245, "checksum": 2902055886}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}. Angiv et helt tal mellem {0} og {1}.
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542249, "checksum": 4108050209}0 0
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542250, "checksum": 4252452532}21 21
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263246033, "checksum": 1248827931}Years Âge (ans)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204664, "checksum": 3537591921}Have you ever had cellulitis related to your Lymphoedema (an infection)? Est-ce que tu as déjà eu un érysipèle (jambe rouge, douloureuse que l'on soigne avec un antibiotique) sur ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444963, "checksum": 3802220448}Yes Oui
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444965, "checksum": 3442098927}No Non
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444968, "checksum": 2235065907}Don’t know Ne sais pas
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204665, "checksum": 2614304850}Would you like to provide us with personal information for us to be able to contact you directly for further information on new studies? Veux-tu nous communiquer les informations qui nous permettraient de te contacter directement pour t'informer sur des études ou des activités organisées dans le futur?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444972, "checksum": 3802220448}Yes Oui
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444973, "checksum": 3442098927}No Non
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342600253, "checksum": 1814357604}If Yes, please complete the following: si tu es d'accord, alors réponds aux questions suivantes
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106863, "checksum": 1411584853}Name Nom
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106865, "checksum": 216150410}Address Adresse
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106866, "checksum": 2352487364}Address 2 Adresse 2
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106867, "checksum": 2181232327}City/Town Ville
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106868, "checksum": 2325584167}State/Province État/Province
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106869, "checksum": 1344832290}ZIP/Postal Code Code postal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106870, "checksum": 2494403472}Country Pays
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106871, "checksum": 3092884057}Email Address Adresse e-mail
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106872, "checksum": 3198193243}Phone Number Téléphone
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106864, "checksum": 3008055337}Company Société
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94866576, "checksum": 1127769255}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 13-21 years) Questionnaire pour les adolescents et les jeunes adultes de 13 à 21 ans
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342196403, "checksum": 3582312701}<strong>General considerations (Age range: 13-21)</strong> <strong>Module général (Age range: 13-21)</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342183613, "checksum": 1238489976}You and other children/peers Toi et les autres enfants/camarades
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296898, "checksum": 4113954588}Do you find it easy to talk about your lymphoedema? Es-tu à l’aise pour parler de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296899, "checksum": 455509653}Do you worry about other children/young people seeing your lymphoedema? Est-ce que cela te dérange que les autres enfants/jeunes voient ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296900, "checksum": 373911001}Do other children/young people treat you differently because of your lymphoedema? Les autres te traitent-ils différemment parce que tu as un lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296901, "checksum": 775088556}Can you find shoes that you like to wear? Trouves-tu facilement les chaussures que tu aimerais mettre?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296902, "checksum": 4277207049}Can you find clothes that you like to wear? Trouves-tu facilement les vêtements que tu aimerais porter?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296903, "checksum": 1210272376}Do other children/young people bully you because of your lymphoedema? D’autres enfants t’ont-ils déjà embêté (e) à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296904, "checksum": 3896098079}Does spending time with other children/young people with lymphoedema made you feel better? Est-ce que être avec des enfants qui ont aussi un lymphœdème te fait du bien?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296905, "checksum": 1178183925}Never Jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296906, "checksum": 3740699955}Sometimes Parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296907, "checksum": 3953130467}Often Souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296908, "checksum": 98862109}Very often Très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296909, "checksum": 2762447835}Always Toujours
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153901, "checksum": 1821809874}You and your physical activity Toi et ton activité physique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312052, "checksum": 1178183925}Never Jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312054, "checksum": 3740699955}Sometimes Parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312056, "checksum": 3953130467}Often Souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312059, "checksum": 98862109}Very often Très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312062, "checksum": 2762447835}Always Toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098302, "checksum": 3493400644}Does your lymphoedema bother you while you are taking part in sports or physical activity? Es-tu gêné ou limité par ton lymphoedème lorsque tu pratiques un sport ou une activité physique?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098303, "checksum": 2102421853}Are there sports or physical activities that you cannot do because of your lymphoedema? &nbsp; Y a-t-il des sports ou des activités physiques que tu ne peux pas faire à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098304, "checksum": 1918967140}Do you avoid sports or physical activities because of your lymphoedema? Evites-tu certains sports ou activités physiques à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098305, "checksum": 2322171747}Do you enjoy taking part in physical activity? Aimes-tu faire du sport de façon générale?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153910, "checksum": 4066572916}At school/college/work À l'école/au lycée/au travail
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319553, "checksum": 899949481}Do you find it hard to concentrate because of your lymphoedema? As-tu du mal à te concentrer à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098339, "checksum": 239065787}Does your teacher(s)/lecturer/manager treat you differently from other children/young people because of your lymphoedema? Ton maître ou ta maîtresse/ton professeur(e)/responsable te traitent-ils différemment des autres à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098340, "checksum": 4070770490}Are your friends protective of you at school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tes amis d'école, de collège, du lycée ou au travail font attention à toi à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098341, "checksum": 1932395004}Do you ever miss school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? As-tu déjà manqué l’école/collège/lycée/université/travail à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098342, "checksum": 408072091}Are you sad about missing school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? Es-tu triste s’il t’arrive de manquer l'école à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098343, "checksum": 23878785}Does your lymphoedema make it hard to do your school/college/job work? Ton lymphœdème a-t-il rendu ton travail à l’école difficile?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319554, "checksum": 1178183925}Never Jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319555, "checksum": 3740699955}Sometimes Parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319556, "checksum": 3953130467}Often Souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319559, "checksum": 98862109}Very often Très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319561, "checksum": 2762447835}Always Toujours
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153923, "checksum": 1161168391}At home À la maison
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325684, "checksum": 3007629442}Are you allowed to do special things because of your lymphoedema? Il y a-t-il des choses que l’on ne t’autorise pas à faire parce que tu as ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098420, "checksum": 25764434}Do your parents stop you from doing certain things because of your lymphoedema? Tes parents t-ont-ils déjà interdit de faire certaines choses à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098421, "checksum": 599449344}Does looking after your lymphoedema affect your family time? Le fait de s’occuper de ton lymphœdème a-t-il des conséquences sur ta vie de famille?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098422, "checksum": 915403325}Are you treated differently from your brothers and sisters because of your lymphoedema? Es-tu traité différemment de tes frères et/ou sœurs (si tu en as) à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098423, "checksum": 1366063381}Do you find it difficult to get dressed or undressed because of your lymphoedema? As-tu des difficultés pour t’habiller ou te déshabiller à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098424, "checksum": 1258687147}Do you find it hard to sleep because of your lymphoedema? As-tu du mal à dormir à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325685, "checksum": 1178183925}Never Jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325687, "checksum": 3740699955}Sometimes Parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325689, "checksum": 3953130467}Often Souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325690, "checksum": 98862109}Very often Très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325691, "checksum": 2762447835}Always Toujours
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153937, "checksum": 3464547429}You and your feelings Ce que tu ressens
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337069, "checksum": 4187184552}Are you worried about getting an infection or injury? As-tu peur de te blesser ou d’une infection sur ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337071, "checksum": 3355803900}Do you feel special because of your lymphoedema? Te sens-tu spécial(e) à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337073, "checksum": 2839637954}Do you feel alone because of your lymphoedema? Te sens-tu seul(e) à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337075, "checksum": 1923090830}Do you feel angry because of your lymphoedema? Te sens-tu en colère à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337076, "checksum": 3724307936}Do you feel cared for because of your lymphoedema? Te sens-tu bien soigné(e)?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098504, "checksum": 252088242}Do you feel sad because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu te es triste parfois à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098505, "checksum": 1514119641}Do you feel different to others because of your lymphoedema? Te sens-tu différent(e) des autres à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098506, "checksum": 3267377343}Do you feel embarrassed because of your lymphoedema? T’es-tu déjà senti(e) mal à l’aise à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098507, "checksum": 4032703086}Are you worried about the future because of your lymphoedema? Es-tu inquiet(e) pour l'avenir à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098508, "checksum": 2458937349}Are you afraid that your lymphoedema might get worse? As-tu peur que ton lymphœdème s'aggrave?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337078, "checksum": 1178183925}Never Jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337079, "checksum": 3740699955}Sometimes Parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337080, "checksum": 3953130467}Often Souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337081, "checksum": 98862109}Very often Très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337082, "checksum": 2762447835}Always Toujours
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153954, "checksum": 600117346}You and your free time Toi et ton temps libre
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344287, "checksum": 1178183925}Never Jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344288, "checksum": 3740699955}Sometimes Parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344289, "checksum": 3953130467}Often Souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344290, "checksum": 98862109}Very often Très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344291, "checksum": 2762447835}Always Toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098639, "checksum": 3576484791}Does your lymphoedema stop you from doing things? Ton lymphœdème t’a t-il déjà empêché(e) de faire certaines activités?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098641, "checksum": 2420272015}Are you too closely watched because of your lymphoedema? Es-tu parfois trop surveillé(e) à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098642, "checksum": 3907468222}Are you able to do the same things as other children/young people who do not have lymphoedema? Peux-tu faire la même chose que d’autres enfants/jeunes qui n’ont pas de lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94879594, "checksum": 1127769255}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 13-21 years) Questionnaire pour les adolescents et les jeunes adultes de 13 à 21 ans
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342201769, "checksum": 1227578770}<strong>Treatment considerations</strong> <strong>A propos de ton traitement</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153962, "checksum": 120839655}You, your treatment and self-management Toi et ton traitement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349982, "checksum": 2506427611}Do you feel confident taking care of your lymphoedema by yourself? Te sens-tu capable de t’occuper de ton lymphœdème toi-même?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349984, "checksum": 430533572}Can you solve problems you have with your lymphoedema if you try hard enough? Est-ce que tu arrives à trouver des solutions quand cela va mal avec ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349985, "checksum": 2757749983}Are you able to stay calm when problems with your lymphoedema happen? Est-ce que tu arrives à rester calme quand cela va mal avec ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349986, "checksum": 2170120506}Do you want to stop your treatment? Veux-tu arrêter ton traitement?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349988, "checksum": 3981641673}Does your treatment get in the way of other activities? Ton traitement t’empêche-t-il de faire certaines activités?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098680, "checksum": 1448300158}Has anyone explained to you what lymphoedema is? est-ce que l'on t'a déjà expliqué ce qu'est un lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098682, "checksum": 3470387408}Do you find it find it hard to follow your recommended treatment? Est-ce que c’est difficile de bien suivre le traitement que l’on te recommande?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098683, "checksum": 4126510184}Is your treatment making you feel better? Est-ce que tu te sens mieux avec le traitement?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098685, "checksum": 1364960913}Can you look after your lymphoedema if it gets worse? Sais-tu ce qu’il faut faire si ton lymphœdème empire?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098687, "checksum": 561215223}Can you stick to your recommended treatment? Est-ce que-tu suis exactement le traitement recommandé?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349990, "checksum": 1178183925}Never Jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349992, "checksum": 3740699955}Sometimes Parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349993, "checksum": 3953130467}Often Souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349994, "checksum": 98862109}Very often Très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349995, "checksum": 2762447835}Always Toujours
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342154052, "checksum": 1555553260}You and your overall life quality <br>Can/will you tell us: Toi et la qualité de ta vie en général<br>Peux-tu nous dire:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355882, "checksum": 3465563005}What good treatment means for you: Que serait pour toi un "bon" traitement:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355884, "checksum": 3745066081}How good your life is overall: Globalement, est-ce que tu te sens bien:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355883, "checksum": 2741606268}What makes living with lymphoedema better or worse for you: Du fait de ton lymphoedème, qu’est-ce qui te facilite ou te complique la vie:
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342192632, "checksum": 2936746426}Is there anything else you would like us to know about you and your lymphoedema? Il y a t'il quelque chose d'autre que tu voudrais nous dire à propos de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99731931, "checksum": 3933499045}<strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99731931, "checksum": 1460763436}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Child and Adolescent Version</div> <div>QUALITE DE VIE DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS<br>Version enfants et adolescents<div></div></div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460288, "checksum": 2320501958}Hello,<br>How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.<br>Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.<br>Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.<br>You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it. Bonjour!<br>Ce questionnaire est composé de plusieurs parties. Tes réponses nous sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre ce qui, à ton avis, est important pour que tu te sentes heureux(se) et en bonne santé. Lis attentivement chaque question et coche la case qui correspond le plus à ce que tu penses.<br>Rappelle-toi, il n’y a pas de bonnes ou de mauvaises réponses ! Tes réponses sont secrètes, confidentielles, elles ne seront pas communiquées aux personnes de ton entourage.<br>Quand tu réponds, essaie de penser à la semaine dernière, c’est à dire aux sept derniers jours.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460289, "checksum": 3739442387}<strong>1. </strong><strong>Physical Activities and Health</strong> <strong>Activités physiques et santé</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460290, "checksum": 4057956065}In general, how would you say your health is? En général, dirais-tu que ton état de santé est?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140201, "checksum": 551958626}excellent Excellent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140202, "checksum": 839161332}very good Très bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140203, "checksum": 3291528075}good Bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140204, "checksum": 2565518063}fair Assez bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140205, "checksum": 811128504}poor Mauvais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119894, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460292, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119903, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119904, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119905, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119906, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119907, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119900, "checksum": 3833315986}Have you felt fit and well? T’es-tu senti(e) en pleine forme ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119901, "checksum": 3638022733}Have you been physically active (e. g. running, climbing, biking)? As-tu eu des activités physiques (par ex courir, escalader, faire du vélo) ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119902, "checksum": 3450135491}Have you been able to run well? As-tu pu courir correctement ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460293, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119909, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119910, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119911, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119912, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119913, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119908, "checksum": 629406766}Have you felt full of energy? T’es-tu senti(e) plein(e) d’énergie ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460294, "checksum": 418895522}<strong>General Mood and Feelings about Yourself</strong> <strong>Ton humeur en général et ce que tu ressens</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460295, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119916, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119917, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119918, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119919, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119920, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119915, "checksum": 4159776545}Has your life been enjoyable? Ta vie a-t-elle été agréable ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460296, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119922, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119923, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119924, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119925, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119926, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119927, "checksum": 3462921883}Have you had fun? T’es-tu amusé(e) ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119928, "checksum": 2045814586}Have you been in a good mood? As-tu été de bonne humeur ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460297, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119930, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119931, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119932, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119933, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119934, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119935, "checksum": 3223242590}Have you felt lonely? T’es-tu senti(e) seul(e) ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119936, "checksum": 3281310912}Have you been happy with the way you are? As-tu été content de ce que tu es ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119937, "checksum": 1221127210}Have you felt sad? T’es-tu senti(e) triste ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119938, "checksum": 3300049818}Have you felt so bad that you didn&rsquo;t want to do anything? T’es-tu senti(e) si mal que tu ne voulais rien faire ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460298, "checksum": 2074922771}<strong>Family and Free Time</strong> <strong>Vie de famille et temps libre</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460299, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119941, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119942, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119943, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119944, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119945, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119946, "checksum": 162005130}Have you been able talk to your parent(s) when you wanted to? As-tu pu parler à tes parents lorsque tu le voulais ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119947, "checksum": 278855962}Have you had enough money to do the same things as your friends? As-tu eu assez d’argent pour faire les mêmes choses que tes ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119948, "checksum": 4290883021}Have you had enough money for your expenses? As-tu assez d’argent de poche pour tes dépenses ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119949, "checksum": 4273433213}Have you had enough time for yourself? As-tu eu assez de temps pour toi ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119950, "checksum": 2286249029}Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? As-tu pu faire ce que tu voulais pendant ton temps libre ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119951, "checksum": 2356746432}Have your parent(s) had enough time for you? Tes parents ont-ils eu assez de temps à te consacrer ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119952, "checksum": 1260190408}Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? Tes parents ont-ils été justes envers toi ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460300, "checksum": 1445801686}<strong>Friends</strong> <strong>Les amis</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460301, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119955, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119956, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119957, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119958, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119959, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119960, "checksum": 4205467972}Have you spent time with your friends? As-tu passé du temps avec tes ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119961, "checksum": 3754429328}Have you had fun with your friends? T’es-tu amusé(e) avec tes ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119962, "checksum": 672409179}Have you and your friends helped each other? Vous êtes-vous entraidés toi et tes ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119963, "checksum": 1559102551}Have you been able to rely on your friends? As-tu pu compter sur tes ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460302, "checksum": 2332956329}<strong>School and Learning</strong> <strong>A l’école</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460303, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119968, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119969, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119970, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119971, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119972, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119966, "checksum": 2962813330}Have you been happy at school? As-tu été heureux / heureuse à l’école ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119967, "checksum": 4177913383}Have you got on well at school? Cela se passe-t-il bien à l’école ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460304, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119979, "checksum": 2698803985}Have you been able to pay attention? As-tu été capable d’être attentive / attentive ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119980, "checksum": 2037088301}Have you got along well with your teachers? T’es-tu bien entendu(e) avec tes professeurs ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119974, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119975, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119976, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119977, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119978, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95583679, "checksum": 1198666098}Thank you Merci
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344971587, "checksum": 3569113290}Thank you for completing this questionnaire! Merci d'avoir rempli ce questionnaire!
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 364392714, "checksum": 2077711924}About the&nbsp;LYMPHOQOL questionnaire, I found it Je trouve ce questionnaire Lymphoqol
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048911, "checksum": 3652939006}Easy to use facile à utiliser
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048912, "checksum": 32683905}Helpful pratique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048913, "checksum": 3358890170}Meaningful pertinent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048914, "checksum": 2370521876}Thought provoking il donne à réfléchir
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048915, "checksum": 2698768058}Useful utile
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048918, "checksum": 2277743305}Moderately moyennement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048923, "checksum": 3707324887}Not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048916, "checksum": 2000575780}Extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048917, "checksum": 930998139}Very très
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048921, "checksum": 1011808148}Not very pas vraiment
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2407048924, "checksum": 1499088009}Please&nbsp; add any other comments S&amp;#39;il vous plaît, ajouter d&amp;#39;autres commentaires
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362198415, "checksum": 3930234966}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark<br></span> <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span>
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95586932, "checksum": 3052997051}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Younger Children (Age range&nbsp;: 5-12 years) Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL; enfants de 5 à 12 ans
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985505, "checksum": 2186997099}<strong>General considerations (Age range: 5-12)</strong> <strong>Module général (Age range: 5-12)</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985506, "checksum": 462226454}You and other children Toi et les autres enfants
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798025, "checksum": 2233175701}Can you find shoes that you like to wear? Est-ce que tu arrives à trouver des chaussures qui t’aillent et te plaisent bien?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798026, "checksum": 3624268770}Can you find clothes that you like to wear? Est-ce que tu arrives à trouver des vêtements qui t’aillent et te plaisent bien?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798022, "checksum": 1483569732}Is it easy to talk about your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu parles facilement de ton lymphoedème avec les autres enfants?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798023, "checksum": 3977622217}Are you worried about other children seeing your lymphoedema? Est-ce que cela t’embête que les autres voient ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798024, "checksum": 294648836}Do other children treat you differently because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que les autres enfants sont différents avec toi à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798027, "checksum": 361316515}Do other children bully you because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que certains enfants t’embêtent à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798028, "checksum": 3465064279}Does spending time with other children with lymphoedema make you feel better? Est-ce qu’être avec d’autres enfants qui ont un lymphoedème te fait du bien?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798029}<img alt="Thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798030}<img alt="Middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798031}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985507, "checksum": 3403223206}You and your physical activity Toi et l’activité physique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798045, "checksum": 2768837726}Does your lymphoedema hurt you when you play outside? Est-ce que ton lymphoedème te fait mal quand tu joues dehors?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798046, "checksum": 3767176306}Is there outdoor play you cannot do because of your lymphoedema? Lorsque tu joues dehors, y-a-t-il des jeux que tu ne peux pas faire à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798048, "checksum": 1654581691}Do you enjoy taking part in outdoor play? Est-ce que tu aimes jouer dehors?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798047, "checksum": 2692199743}Do you avoid outdoor play because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu évites de jouer dehors à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798040}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798041}<img alt="Middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798042}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985508, "checksum": 3417403664}At school À l’école
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798056, "checksum": 2683692213}Is it difficult to work hard at school because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que c’est difficile de travailler beaucoup à l’école à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798062, "checksum": 2454814975}Does your teacher treat you differently from other children because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que ton maître ou ta maîtresse ou ton professeur te traitent différemment par rapport aux autres à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798063, "checksum": 2853677456}Are your friends kind to you because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que les autres enfants sont gentils avec toi parce tu as un lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798064, "checksum": 2819406464}Do you ever miss school because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu as déjà manqué l’école à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798065, "checksum": 1748978525}Are you sad about missing school because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu as déjà été triste à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798066, "checksum": 2829368314}Does your lymphoedema make it hard to do your school work? Est-ce que tu as déjà eu du mal à faire ton travail à l’école à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798057}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798058}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798059}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985509, "checksum": 1161168391}At home À la maison
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798073, "checksum": 3752097795}Are you allowed to do special things because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce qu’il y a des choses que l’on t’autorise à faire parce que tu as un lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798081, "checksum": 2086266105}Are you treated differently from your brothers and sisters because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu es traité différemment de tes frères et soeurs (si tu en as) à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798082, "checksum": 2637199449}Do you find it difficult to get dressed or undressed because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu as du mal à t’habiller ou te déshabiller à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798083, "checksum": 3694176890}Do you find it hard to sleep because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu as du mal à dormir à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798079, "checksum": 3194727705}Do your parents stop you from doing things because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tes parents t’interdisent de faire des choses à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798080, "checksum": 2727192280}Does looking after your lymphoedema take a lot of time? Est-ce que s’occuper de ton lymphoedème prend beaucoup de temps?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798074}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798075}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798076}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985510, "checksum": 2022699535}You and your feelings Toi et ce que tu ressens
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798091, "checksum": 3355803900}Do you feel special because of your lymphoedema? Te sens-tu spécial(e) à cause de ton lymphœdème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798093, "checksum": 605264003}Do you feel angry because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu te sens parfois en colère à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798100, "checksum": 3071087293}Do you feel sad because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu es triste parfois à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798101, "checksum": 2332834826}Do you feel different to others because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu te sens différent des autres à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798102, "checksum": 3157858340}Do you feel embarrassed because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu te sens parfois mal à l’aise à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798104, "checksum": 3511651201}Are you afraid that your lymphoedema might get worse? Est-ce que tu as peur que ton lymphoedème s’aggrave?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798090, "checksum": 2278968771}Are you worried about getting hurt or injured? Est-ce que tu peur d’avoir un blessure ou un coup sur ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798092, "checksum": 3679884587}Do you feel lonely because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que parfois tu te sens seul à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798094, "checksum": 3724307936}Do you feel people care about your lymphoedema? Te sens-tu bien soigné(e)?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798103, "checksum": 1504352446}Are you worried about things that might happen because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu es parfois inquiet de ce qui pourrait arriver à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798095}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798096}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798097}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985511, "checksum": 3032068124}You and your free time Toi et tes activités de loisirs
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798116, "checksum": 3125890935}Does your lymphoedema stop you from doing things? Est-ce que ton lymphoedème t’empêche de faire tes activités?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798117, "checksum": 3022783410}Do your parents watch you because of your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tes parents te surveillent de près à cause de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798118, "checksum": 1867898098}Are you able to do the same things as other children who do not have lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu fais les mêmes activités que les enfants qui n’ont pas de lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798111}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798112}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798113}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95586993, "checksum": 3052997051}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Younger Children (Age range : 5-12 years) Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL; enfants de 5 à 12 ans
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985854, "checksum": 1227578770}<strong>Treatment considerations</strong> <strong>A propos de ton traitement</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985855, "checksum": 2386777714}You, your treatment and self-management Toi et comment tu gères ton traitement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800352, "checksum": 138098764}Do you feel confident taking care of your lymphoedema by yourself? Est-ce que tu te sens capable de t’occuper de ton lymphoedème toi même?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800355, "checksum": 2118043870}Do you want to stop your treatment? Est-ce que tu veux arrêter le traitement de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800356, "checksum": 3514736631}Does your treatment get in the way of other activities? Est-ce que le traitement de ton lymphoedème t’empêche parfois de faire certaines activités?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800364, "checksum": 4077672191}Is your treatment making you feel better? Est-ce que le traitement de ton lymphoedème t’aide à te sentir mieux?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800365, "checksum": 267152559}Can you look after your lymphoedema if it gets worse? Est-ce que tu sais ce qu’il faut faire si ton lymphoedème s’aggrave?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800353, "checksum": 430533572}Can you solve problems you have with your lymphoedema if you try hard? Est-ce que tu arrives à trouver des solutions quand cela va mal avec ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800354, "checksum": 2757749983}Are you able to stay calm if you have problems with your lymphoedema? Est-ce que tu arrives à rester calme quand cela va mal avec ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800362, "checksum": 1294718593}Do you know what lymphoedema is? Est-ce que tu sais ce que c’est un lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800366, "checksum": 1763909640}Can you stick to your treatment? Est-ce que tu fais toujours bien ton traitement?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800363, "checksum": 4027814523}Is your treatment difficult to follow? Est-ce que c’est difficile de bien suivre le traitement de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800357}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800358}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800359}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985856, "checksum": 3456205528}You and your overall life quality <br>Can/will you tell us: Toi et la qualité de ta vie en général<br>Est-ce que tu peux nous dire:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800373, "checksum": 2560514520}What is good about your treatment: Qu’est-ce que tu trouves bien dans le traitement de ton lymphoedème:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800374, "checksum": 3550723218}What makes lymphoedema better or worse for you: Qu’est-ce qui améliore ton lymphoedème et qu’est-ce qui aggrave ton lymphoedème:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800375, "checksum": 497690163}The good things about life: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes bien dans ta vie et qu’est-ce qui te fait oublier ton lymphoedème:
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985857, "checksum": 2936746426}Is there anything else you would like us to know about you and your lymphoedema? Il y a t'il quelque chose d'autre que tu voudrais nous dire à propos de ton lymphoedème?
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99732710, "checksum": 2437551069}<strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99732710, "checksum": 1460763436}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Child and Adolescent Version</div> <div>QUALITE DE VIE DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS<br>Version enfants et adolescents<div></div></div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464050, "checksum": 2320501958}Hello,<br>How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.<br>Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.<br>Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.<br>You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it. Bonjour!<br>Ce questionnaire est composé de plusieurs parties. Tes réponses nous sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre ce qui, à ton avis, est important pour que tu te sentes heureux(se) et en bonne santé. Lis attentivement chaque question et coche la case qui correspond le plus à ce que tu penses.<br>Rappelle-toi, il n’y a pas de bonnes ou de mauvaises réponses ! Tes réponses sont secrètes, confidentielles, elles ne seront pas communiquées aux personnes de ton entourage.<br>Quand tu réponds, essaie de penser à la semaine dernière, c’est à dire aux sept derniers jours.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464051, "checksum": 4090051014}<strong>About Your Health</strong> <strong>A propos de ta santé</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464052, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137872, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137873, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137874, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137875, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137876, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137877, "checksum": 3833315986}Have you felt fit and well? T’es-tu senti(e) en pleine forme ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464053, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137878, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137879, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137880, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137881, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137882, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137883, "checksum": 1221127210}Have you felt sad? T’es-tu senti(e) triste ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137884, "checksum": 3223242590}Have you felt lonely? T’es-tu senti(e) seul(e) ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137885, "checksum": 4273433213}Have you had enough time for yourself? As-tu eu assez de temps pour toi ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137886, "checksum": 2286249029}Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? As-tu pu faire ce que tu voulais pendant ton temps libre ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137887, "checksum": 1260190408}Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? Tes parents ont-ils été justes envers toi ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137888, "checksum": 3754429328}Have you had fun with your friends? T’es-tu amusé(e) avec tes ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137889, "checksum": 629406766}Have you felt full of energy? T’es-tu senti(e) plein(e) d’énergie ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464055, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137891, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137892, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137893, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137894, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137895, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137896, "checksum": 4177913383}Have you got on well at school? Cela se passe-t-il bien à l’école ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464056, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137898, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137899, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137900, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137901, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137902, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137903, "checksum": 2698803985}Have you been able to pay attention? As-tu été capable d’être attentive / attentive ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464057, "checksum": 4057956065}In general, how would you say your health is? En général, dirais-tu que ton état de santé est?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137906, "checksum": 551958626}excellent Excellent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137907, "checksum": 839161332}very good Très bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137908, "checksum": 3291528075}good Bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137909, "checksum": 2565518063}fair Assez bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137910, "checksum": 811128504}poor Mauvais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137905, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95587326, "checksum": 1198666098}Thank you Merci
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344987327, "checksum": 463883001}<div style="text-align: center;">Thank you for completing this questionnaire!</div> <div style="text-align: center;">Merci d'avoir rempli ce questionnaire!</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 364395758, "checksum": 2077711924}About the LYMPHOQOL questionnaire, I found it Je trouve ce questionnaire Lymphoqol
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051038, "checksum": 3652939006}Easy to use facile à utiliser
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051039, "checksum": 32683905}Helpful pratique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051040, "checksum": 3358890170}Meaningful pertinent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051041, "checksum": 2370521876}Thought provoking il donne à réfléchir
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051042, "checksum": 2698768058}Useful utile
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051045, "checksum": 2277743305}Moderately moyennement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051047, "checksum": 3707324887}Not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051043, "checksum": 2000575780}Extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051044, "checksum": 930998139}Very très
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051046, "checksum": 1011808148}Not very pas vraiment
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2407051048, "checksum": 1499088009}Please&nbsp; add any other comments S&amp;#39;il vous plaît, ajouter d&amp;#39;autres commentaires
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344987328, "checksum": 2584135038}<div style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: center;"> </div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362198275, "checksum": 3930234966}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span> <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span>
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94886268, "checksum": 3052997051}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Younger Children/Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 5-12/13-21 years) Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL; enfants de 5 à 12 ans
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 94886268, "checksum": 2984880448}<div>Thank you for considering taking part in this survey.&nbsp;</div>
<div>Sadly, as you have not given valid consent, we are unable to allow you to proceed. If you wish to reconsider, please return to page 1 or contact us again to obtain a new login.&nbsp;</div>
<div>Kind regards</div>
<div>Merci d'avoir participé à cette enquête.</div>
<div>Malheureusement, vous n'avez pas donné votre consentement, nous ne pouvons pas vous autoriser à y participer. Veuillez retourner à la page 1 ou nous conctacter pour obtenir une nouvelle identité de connexion (login).</div>
<div>Kind regards</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362197722, "checksum": 708166437}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10/27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br></span> <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10/27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br></span>
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99730677, "checksum": 3933499045}<strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99730677, "checksum": 51090532}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Parent Version</div> <div>QUALITE DE VIE DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS<br>Version Parents<div></div></div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363455909, "checksum": 1025905623}Dear Parents,<br>How is your child? How does she/he feel? This is what we would like to know from you.<br>Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, ensuring that the answers you give reflect the perspective of your child. Please try to remember your child’s experiences over the last week... Bonjour!<br>Vos réponses à ce questionnaire nous permettrons de mieux connaître ce dont les enfants et les adolescents ont besoin pour se sentir heureux et en bonne santé.<br>Si vous avez plusieurs enfants, nous vous demandons dans tout le questionnaire de répondre à propos de l’enfant qui remplit le questionnaire-enfant. Lisez attentivement chaque question et cochez la case qui correspond le mieux à ce que vous pensez.<br>Quand vous répondez, essayez de penser à la semaine passée.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456658, "checksum": 3739442387}<strong>1. </strong><strong>Physical Activities and Health</strong> <strong>Activités physiques et santé</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456293, "checksum": 2707212630}In general, how would your child rate her/his health? En général diriez-vous que votre enfant trouve sa santé?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139315, "checksum": 551958626}excellent Excellent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139316, "checksum": 839161332}very good Très bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139317, "checksum": 3291528075}good Bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139318, "checksum": 2565518063}fair Assez bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139319, "checksum": 811128504}poor Mauvais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401098880, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456768, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457439, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104920, "checksum": 541664054}Has your child felt fit and well? Votre enfant s’est-il senti en pleine forme ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104921, "checksum": 3610950302}Has your child been physically active (e.g. running, climbing, biking)? Votre enfant a-t-il pratiqué des activités physiques (par exemple courir, escalader, faire du vélo) ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104922, "checksum": 1678698013}Has your child been able to run well? Votre enfant a-t-il pu courrir correctement ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104923, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104924, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104925, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104926, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104927, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457581, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105720, "checksum": 363835505}Has your child felt full of energy? Votre enfant s’est-il senti plein d’énergie ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105721, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105722, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105723, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105724, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105725, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457870, "checksum": 1052604251}<strong>General Mood and Your Child’s Feelings</strong> <strong>Son humeur en général et ce que ressent votre enfant</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457779, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106678, "checksum": 2239037339}Has your child felt that life was enjoyable? Votre enfant a-t-il eu la sensation que la vie était agréable ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106680, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106681, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106682, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106683, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106684, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458346, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109307, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109308, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109309, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109310, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109311, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110431, "checksum": 826527445}Has your child had fun? Votre enfant s’est-il amusé ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109306, "checksum": 1598007795}Has your child been in a good mood? Votre enfant a-t-il été de bonne humeur ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458534, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110464, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110465, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110466, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110467, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110468, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110945, "checksum": 550381266}Has your child felt lonely? Votre enfant s’est-il senti seul ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110946, "checksum": 3942314555}Has your child been happy with the way he/she is? Votre enfant a-t-il été content de ce qu’il est ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110463, "checksum": 409224119}Has your child felt sad? Votre enfant s’est-il senti triste ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110469, "checksum": 3405028080}Has your child felt so bad that he/she didn&rsquo;t want to do anything? Votre enfant s’est-il senti si mal qu’il ne voulait rien faire ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458953, "checksum": 2074922771}<strong>Family and Your Child’s Free Time</strong> <strong>Vie de famille et temps libre</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458657, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111111, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111112, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111113, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111114, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111115, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112363, "checksum": 3950704152}Has your child been able to talk to his/her parent(s) when he/she wanted to? Votre enfant a-t-il pu parler à ses parents quand il le voulait ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112364, "checksum": 2987957376}Has your child had enough money to do the same things as his/her friends? Votre enfant a-t-il eu assez d’argent pour faire les mêmes choses que ses amis ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112365, "checksum": 3332613376}Has your child felt that he/she had enough money for his/her expenses? Votre enfant a-t-il pensé qu’il avait assez d’argent de poche pour ses dépenses ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111110, "checksum": 3430198789}Has your child had enough time for him/herself? Votre enfant a-t-il eu assez de temps pour lui ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111116, "checksum": 927667215}Has your child been able to do the things that he/she wants to do in his/her free time? Votre enfant a-t-il pu faire les choses qu’il voulait pendant son temps libre ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111117, "checksum": 485974703}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) had enough time for him/her? Votre enfant a-t-il eu l’impression que ses parents avaient assez de temps pour lui ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111118, "checksum": 562915370}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) treated him/her fairly? Votre enfant a-t-il eu l’impression que ses parents étaient justes envers lui ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459084, "checksum": 1445801686}<strong>Friends</strong> <strong>Les amis</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459099, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113559, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113560, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113561, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113562, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113563, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113558, "checksum": 462674450}Has your child spent time with his/her friends? Votre enfant a-t-il passé du temps avec ses ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113564, "checksum": 1928357605}Has your child had fun with his/her friends? Votre enfant s’est-il amusé avec ses ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113565, "checksum": 1754086888}Have your child and his/her friends helped each other? Votre enfant et ses ami(e)s se sont-ils entraidés ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113566, "checksum": 2087366095}Has your child been able to rely on his/her friends? Votre enfant a-t-il pu compter sur ses ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459688, "checksum": 2332956329}<strong>School and Learning</strong> <strong>A l’école</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459709, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116834, "checksum": 1941818183}Has your child been happy at school? Votre enfant a-t-il été heureux à l’école ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116840, "checksum": 383494534}Has your child got on well at school? Cela s’est-il bien passé à l’école pour votre enfant ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116835, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116836, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116837, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116838, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116839, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460034, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118368, "checksum": 3373560342}Has your child been able to pay attention? Votre enfant a-t-il été capable d’être attentif ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118374, "checksum": 357469888}Has your child got along well with his/her teachers? Votre enfant s’est-il bien entendu avec ses professeurs ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118369, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118370, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118371, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118372, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118373, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99732464, "checksum": 2437551069}<strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99732464, "checksum": 51090532}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Parent Version</div> <div>QUALITE DE VIE DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS<br>Version Parents<div></div></div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463055, "checksum": 1025905623}Dear Parents,<br>How is your child? How does she/he feel? This is what we would like to know from you.<br>Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, ensuring that the answers you give reflect the perspective of your child. Please try to remember your child’s experiences over the last week... Bonjour!<br>Vos réponses à ce questionnaire nous permettrons de mieux connaître ce dont les enfants et les adolescents ont besoin pour se sentir heureux et en bonne santé.<br>Si vous avez plusieurs enfants, nous vous demandons dans tout le questionnaire de répondre à propos de l’enfant qui remplit le questionnaire-enfant. Lisez attentivement chaque question et cochez la case qui correspond le mieux à ce que vous pensez.<br>Quand vous répondez, essayez de penser à la semaine passée.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463056, "checksum": 4064794247}<strong>About Your Child’s Health</strong> <strong>A propos de la santé de votre enfant</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463058, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132909, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132910, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132911, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132912, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132913, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132914, "checksum": 541664054}Has your child felt fit and well? Votre enfant s’est-il senti en pleine forme ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463059, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132917, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132918, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132919, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132920, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132921, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135026, "checksum": 409224119}Has your child felt sad? Votre enfant s’est-il senti triste ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135027, "checksum": 550381266}Has your child felt lonely? Votre enfant s’est-il senti seul ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135028, "checksum": 3430198789}Has your child had enough time for him/herself? Votre enfant a-t-il eu assez de temps pour lui ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135029, "checksum": 927667215}Has your child been able to do the things that he/she wants to do in his/her free time? Votre enfant a-t-il pu faire les choses qu’il voulait pendant son temps libre ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135030, "checksum": 562915370}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) treated him/her fairly? Votre enfant a-t-il eu l’impression que ses parents étaient justes envers lui ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135031, "checksum": 1928357605}Has your child had fun with his/her friends? Votre enfant s’est-il amusé avec ses ami(e)s ?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132922, "checksum": 363835505}Has your child felt full of energy? Votre enfant s’est-il senti plein d’énergie ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463061, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132924, "checksum": 3707324887}not at all pas du tout
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132925, "checksum": 600514}slightly un peu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132926, "checksum": 1488595889}moderately modérément
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132927, "checksum": 3031269586}very beaucoup
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132928, "checksum": 2000575780}extremely extrêmement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132929, "checksum": 383494534}Has your child got on well at school? Cela s’est-il bien passé à l’école pour votre enfant ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463062, "checksum": 1741120680}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Si vous pensez à la semaine passée...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132931, "checksum": 1100328387}never jamais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132932, "checksum": 290174127}seldom parfois
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132933, "checksum": 606257791}quite often souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132934, "checksum": 3063599080}very often très souvent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132935, "checksum": 1574041997}always toujours
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132937, "checksum": 3373560342}Has your child been able to pay attention? Votre enfant a-t-il été capable d’être attentif ?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463070, "checksum": 2707212630}In general, how would your child rate her/his health? En général diriez-vous que votre enfant trouve sa santé?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132983, "checksum": 551958626}excellent Excellent
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132984, "checksum": 839161332}very good Très bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132985, "checksum": 3291528075}good Bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132986, "checksum": 2565518063}fair Assez bon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132987, "checksum": 811128504}poor Mauvais
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132988, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "survey_next", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 130363832}Next Suiv.
{"cxt": "survey_prev", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 503908439}Prev Préc.
{"cxt": "survey_done", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 20094787}Done Terminé
{"cxt": "survey_ok", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 3610695981}OK OK
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 248325582, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249038385, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 396209653, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 394231334, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 394231023, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264170382, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264169789, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264169502, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264168992, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264164872, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264109164, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263365034, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263364275, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263364201, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_title", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 1278350007}Can you spare a few moments to take my survey? Avez-vous quelques instants à nous consacrer pour répondre à un sondage ?
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_body", "id": 249049843}Please take the survey titled "Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema.". Your feedback is important!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_sharing_text", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 645944583}Powered by <a href="#"><strong>SurveyMonkey</strong></a><br>
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{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 1255537213}Thank you for completing our survey! Merci d&amp;#39;avoir répondu à notre sondage!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_title", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 1278350007}Can you spare a few moments to take my survey? Avez-vous quelques instants à nous consacrer pour répondre à un sondage ?
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_body", "id": 249038369}Please take the survey titled "Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema.". Your feedback is important!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_sharing_text", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 645944583}Powered by <a href="#"><strong>SurveyMonkey</strong></a><br>
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