Translated: 817 of 843 (96 %) • Remaining: 26
Source text — English Translation — Dutch
{"cxt": "survey_title_html", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 2292290182}Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema. Titel van de studie: onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van leven van kinderen en jongeren met lymfoedeem.
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99339100, "checksum": 4157968706}Information and Consent for Parents, Children and Young People Informatie en toestemming voor ouders, kinderen en jongeren
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99339100, "checksum": 1998465071}<div>Name of Researcher(s): Dr Aimee Aubeeluck, Professor Christine Moffatt, CBE and Professor Isabelle Quéré<br><br>We would like to invite you to take part in our research study. Before you decide we would like you to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. <br><br></div>
<div><strong>What is the purpose of the study?</strong></div>
<div>This study aims to explore the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema and to validate a Lymphoedema specific quality of life tool (LYMPHOQOL) for use with children and young people with Lymphoedema.</div>
<div>Naam van de onderzoeker (s): Dr. Aimee Aubeeluck, professor Christine Moffatt, CBE en professor Isabelle Quéré<br><br>Graag nodigen wij je uit om deel te nemen aan ons onderzoek. Voordat je besluit, willen we graag dat je begrijpt waarom het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd en wat het voor je zou betekenen.<br><br></div>
<div><strong>Wat is het doel van het onderzoek?</strong></div>
<div>Deze studie heeft als doel de levenskwaliteit van kinderen en jongeren met lymfoedeem te onderzoeken en een Lymfoedeem-specifieke kwaliteit van leven vragenlijst (LYMPHOQOL) te valideren voor gebruik bij kinderen en jongeren met lymfoedeem.</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 361678037, "checksum": 3011539366}<strong>Why have I been invited?</strong><br><br>You are being invited to take part because you or your child are living with Lymphoedema.<br><br><strong>Do I have to take part?</strong><br><br>It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. When you have read this information and if you decide to take part please read the consent form below and tick your agreement to take part.<br><br>You are still free to withdraw at any time while filling in the questionnaires without providing any reason. This would not affect your legal rights. <br><br>It is important for the children and young people to answer the questionnaires themselves whenever possible, however parents can assist children to complete the questionnaires if they feel it is helpful. <br><br><strong>What will happen to me if I take part?</strong><br><br>You will be asked to complete 2 online questionnaires (LYMPHOQOL and KIDSCREEN) that are written in your own language and according to your age. These questionnaires aim to measure your quality of life and understand any worries you may be experiencing.  You will also be asked to tell us what you think about the new LYMPHOQOL questionnaire and how long it took you to complete the online survey.<br><br><strong>Expenses and payments</strong><br><br>Participants will not be paid to participate in the study.<br><br><strong>What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part? </strong><br><br>There are no anticipated disadvantages to taking part in this study although it may prompt you to think about aspects of living with Lymphoedema that are distressing to yourself. If you are upset by taking part in any aspect of the study, we will provide an email for you to contact us for help.<br><br><strong>What are the possible benefits of taking part?</strong><br><br>We cannot promise the study will help you but the information we get from this study may help provide us with a better understanding of how it feels to live with Lymphoedema and how we may better support children and young people who have the condition in the future. <br><br><strong>What happens when the research study stops?</strong><br><br>When the study stops, we will take 6 months to analyse the findings before we present them. We will provide a summary of the findings on the International Lymphoedema Framework website and will keep everyone updated this way. We will publish the results in medical journals and make the questionnaires that come out of this study widely available for use.  The study results will further be published via social media. This will help you to see how your contribution has helped the Lymphoedema Community.<br><br><strong>What if there is a problem?</strong><br><br>If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you should ask to speak to the researchers who will do their best to answer your questions.  The researcher’s contact details are given at the end of this information sheet. <strong>Waarom ben ik uitgenodigd?</strong><br><br>Je wordt uitgenodigd om deel te nemen omdat jij, of je kind, met lymfoedeem leeft.<br><br><strong>Moet ik meedoen?</strong><br><br>Het is aan jouw om te beslissen of je al dan niet deelneemt. Wanneer je deze informatie hebt gelezen en als je besluit deel te nemen, lees dan het onderstaande toestemmingsformulier en vink je instemming aan om deel te nemen.<br><br>Je bent nog steeds vrij om je op elk gewenst moment terug te trekken, tijdens het invullen van de vragenlijsten, zonder opgave van reden. Dit heeft geen invloed op je wettelijke rechten.<br><br>Het is belangrijk voor de kinderen en jongeren om de vragenlijsten waar mogelijk zelf te beantwoorden, maar ouders kunnen kinderen helpen om de vragenlijsten in te vullen als ze denken dat dit ze helpt.<br><br><strong>Wat gebeurt er met mij als ik meedoe?</strong><br><br>Je wordt gevraagd om 2 online vragenlijsten (LYMPHOQOL en KIDSCREEN) in te vullen die in je eigen taal en conform je leeftijd zijn geschreven. Deze vragenlijsten zijn bedoeld om je kwaliteit van leven te meten en eventuele zorgen inzichtelijk te maken. Je wordt ook gevraagd om ons te vertellen wat je denkt van de nieuwe LYMPHOQOL-vragenlijst en hoe lang het heeft geduurd om de online-enquête in te vullen.<br><br><strong>Uitgaven en betalingen</strong><br><br>Deelnemers worden niet betaald om deel te nemen aan het onderzoek.<br><br><strong>Wat zijn de mogelijke nadelen en risico's van deelname?</strong><br><br>Er zijn geen nadelen te verwachten aan deelname aan dit onderzoek, hoewel het je misschien kan aanzetten om na te denken over aspecten van het leven met lymfoedeem die confronterend kunnen zijn. In In het geval dat je van streek bent door deelname aan enig onderdeel van het onderzoek, geven we je een e-mailadres, zodat je ons om hulp kunt vragen. <br><br><strong>Wat zijn de mogelijke voordelen van deelname?</strong><br><br>We kunnen niet beloven dat het onderzoek je zal helpen, maar de informatie die we uit dit onderzoek krijgen, kan ons helpen beter te begrijpen hoe het voelt om met lymfoedeem te leven en hoe we kinderen en jongeren die de aandoening in de toekomst krijgen, beter kunnen ondersteunen.<br><br><strong>Wat gebeurt er als het onderzoek stopt?</strong><br><br>Wanneer het onderzoek stopt, zullen we 6 maanden de tijd nemen om de bevindingen te analyseren voordat we ze presenteren. We zullen een samenvatting geven van de bevindingen op de International Lymphoedema Framework-website en houden iedereen op deze manier op de hoogte. We zullen de resultaten publiceren in medische tijdschriften en de vragenlijsten die uit dit onderzoek komen, breed beschikbaar maken voor gebruik. De onderzoeksresultaten worden verder gepubliceerd via sociale media. Dit zal je helpen om te zien hoe jouw bijdrage de lymfoedeem-gemeenschap heeft geholpen.<br><br><strong>Wat als er een probleem is?</strong><br><br>Als u zich zorgen maakt over enig aspect van deze studie, moet u vragen om met de onderzoekers te spreken die hun best zullen doen om uw vragen te beantwoorden. De contactgegevens van de onderzoeker staan ​​aan het einde van dit informatieblad.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 361678038, "checksum": 2455735025}<strong>Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?</strong><br><br>We will follow ethical and legal practice and all information about you will be handled in confidence.<br><br>If you join the study, the data collected for the study will be looked at by authorised persons from the University of Nottingham and the University of Montpellier Hospital who are jointly organising the research. <br><br>Under UK Data protection laws the University of Nottingham is the data controller (legally responsible for the data security) and the chief investigators of this study are the data custodians who manage access to the data. This means we are responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. Your rights to access, change or movement of your information are limited as we need to manage your information in specific ways to comply with certain laws and for the research to be reliable and accurate. To safeguard your rights we will use the minimum personally identifiable information possible. You can find out more about how we use your information and to read our privacy notice at<br><br>The data could be looked at by authorised people to check that the study is being carried out correctly. All will have a duty of confidentiality to you as a research participant and we will do our best to meet this duty. <br><br><strong>What will happen if I don’t want to carry on with the study?</strong><br><br>Your participation is voluntary, you are free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, and without your legal rights being affected. If you withdraw then any anonymous information collected so far cannot be erased and this information may still be used in the project analysis. Any identifiable data already collected will be withdrawn at your request.  <br><br>All information which is collected about you during the course of the research will be kept <strong>strictly confidential</strong> and stored on a password protected database.  <br><br>You will have a choice of whether you provide your name and contact details for us. This would only be used with your consent and if you wished us to contact you to participate in future studies using the questionnaires. <br><br>All other data (research data) will be kept securely for 7 years and then safely disposed of. During this time all precautions will be taken by all those involved to maintain your confidentiality, only members of the research team will have access to your personal data.<br><br><strong>Involvement of the General Practitioner/Family doctor (GP)</strong> <br><br>There will be no involvement of your GP / Family doctor.<br><br><strong>Who is organising and funding the research?</strong><br><br>This research is being organised by the University of Nottingham and is being sponsored by the the Centre de Reference des maladies Lymphatiques Primaires, University Hospital of Montpellier and supported by the International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF), a UK registered charity. <br><br><strong>Who has reviewed the study?</strong><br><br>This study has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by The University of Nottingham, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee<br><br><strong>Further information and contact details</strong><br><br>Professor Christine Moffatt CBE Emeritus Professor, University of Nottingham,<br>Clinical Professor<br>Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust<br>Queens Medical Centre,<br>Derby Road,<br>Nottingham, NG7 2UH<br>Email: <br><br> <strong>Wordt mijn deelname aan het onderzoek vertrouwelijk gehouden?</strong><br><br>We zullen ethisch en juridisch handelen en alle informatie over u wordt vertrouwelijk behandeld. <br><br>Als u deelneemt aan het onderzoek, worden de gegevens die voor het onderzoek zijn verzameld, bekeken door bevoegde personen van de Universiteit van Nottingham en het Universitair Ziekenhuis van Montpellier die samen het onderzoek organiseren.<br><br>Volgens de Britse wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming is de universiteit van Nottingham de gegevensbeheerder (juridisch verantwoordelijk voor de gegevensbeveiliging) en zijn de hoofdonderzoekers van deze studie de gegevens bewaarders die de toegang tot de gegevens beheren. Dit betekent dat wij verantwoordelijk zijn voor het verzorgen en correct gebruiken van uw informatie. Uw rechten op toegang tot, wijziging of verplaatsing van uw informatie zijn beperkt, omdat we uw informatie op specifieke manieren moeten beheren om aan bepaalde wetten te voldoen en het onderzoek betrouwbaar en nauwkeurig moet zijn. Om uw rechten te beschermen zullen we de minimaal persoonlijk identificeerbare informatie gebruiken. U kunt meer informatie vinden over hoe wij uw informatie gebruiken en onze privacyverklaring lezen op<br><br>De gegevens kunnen door geautoriseerde personen worden bekeken om te controleren of het onderzoek correct wordt uitgevoerd. Iedereen heeft een geheimhoudingsplicht jegens u als onderzoeksdeelnemer en we zullen ons best doen om aan deze plicht te voldoen.<br><br><strong>Wat gebeurt er als ik het onderzoek niet wil voortzetten?</strong><br><br>Je deelname is vrijwillig, je kunt je op elk moment terugtrekken zonder opgaaf van reden en zonder dat je wettelijke rechten worden aangetast. Als je zich terugtrekt, kan alle tot nu toe verzamelde anonieme informatie niet worden gewist en deze informatie kan nog steeds worden gebruikt in de projectanalyse. Alle identificeerbare gegevens die al zijn verzameld, worden op jouw verzoek ingetrokken.<br><br>Alle informatie die tijdens het onderzoek over je wordt verzameld, blijft <strong>strikt vertrouwelijk</strong> en wordt opgeslagen in een met een wachtwoord beveiligde database.<br><br>Je kunt kiezen of je jouw naam en contactgegevens aan ons opgeeft. Deze kunnen alleen worden gebruikt met jouw toestemming en als je wenst dat wij contact met je opnemen om deel te nemen aan toekomstige studies met behulp van de vragenlijsten.<br><br>Alle andere gegevens (onderzoeksgegevens) worden gedurende 7 jaar veilig bewaard en vervolgens veilig verwijderd. Gedurende deze tijd zullen alle betrokkenen alle voorzorgsmaatregelen nemen om jouw vertrouwelijkheid te bewaren, alleen leden van het onderzoeksteam hebben toegang tot je persoonlijke gegevens.<br><br><strong>Betrokkenheid van de huisarts</strong><br><br>Er is geen betrokkenheid van uw huisarts.<br><br><strong>Wie organiseert en financiert het onderzoek?</strong><br><br>Dit onderzoek wordt georganiseerd door de Universiteit van Nottingham en wordt gesponsord door het Centre de Référence des maladies Lymphatiques Primaires, Universitair Ziekenhuis van Montpellier en ondersteund door het International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF), een in het VK geregistreerd goed doel.<br><br><strong>Wie heeft de studie beoordeeld?</strong><br><br>Deze studie is beoordeeld en er is een gunstig advies gegeven door de Universiteit van Nottingham, Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen.<br><br><strong>Verdere informatie en contactgegevens</strong><br><br>Professor Christine Moffatt CBE Emeritus Professor, Universiteit van Nottingham,<br>Clinical Professor, <br>Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust,<br>Queens Medical Centre,<br>Derby Road,<br>Nottingham, NG7 2UH<br>Email:<br><br>In Nederland: Dr. Robert Damstra, dermatoloog<br>Expertise centrum lymfo-vasculaire geneeskunde ECL<br>Ziekenhuis Nij Smellinghe<br>E-mail:
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94878240, "checksum": 215528723}Consent for Parents, Children and Young People Toestemming voor ouders, kinderen en jongeren
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204620, "checksum": 3899780176}I confirm I have read and understand the study information above Ik bevestig dat ik de bovenstaande onderzoeksinformatie heb gelezen en begrepen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444806, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes Ja
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444807, "checksum": 2685891565}No Nee
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311278344, "checksum": 2457512398}This question requires an answer. Voor deze vraag is een antwoord vereist.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204623, "checksum": 3466239517}For the child or young person to answer Voor het kind of de jonge persoon om te beantwoorden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444817, "checksum": 222395433}Yes, I agree to take part in the study Ja, ik ga ermee akkoord om deel te nemen aan het onderzoek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444818, "checksum": 4109359749}No, I do not want to take part in the study Nee, ik wil niet deelnemen aan het onderzoek
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311279511, "checksum": 2457512398}This question requires an answer. Voor deze vraag is een antwoord vereist.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204624, "checksum": 1460512430}Parental Consent (For all children under the age of 16 years) Ouderlijke toestemming (voor alle kinderen jonger dan 16 jaar)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444819, "checksum": 2132164091}I agree to my child taking part in the study Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn kind deelneemt aan het onderzoek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444820, "checksum": 986076438}I do not agree to my child taking part in the study Ik ben het er niet mee eens dat mijn kind deelneemt aan het onderzoek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2613062130}NA
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2613080760, "checksum": 2457512398}This question requires an answer. Voor deze vraag is een antwoord vereist.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204626, "checksum": 1332609328}Please tell us your gender Wat is je geslacht?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444821, "checksum": 1374671160}Male Man
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444822, "checksum": 1877295184}Female Vrouw
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444823, "checksum": 2135545173}Prefer not to say Zeg ik liever niet
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204648, "checksum": 3864341462}Please tell us your age Wat is je leeftijd?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260455995}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}.
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260456002, "checksum": 2987280400}Years Jaren
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260456001, "checksum": 4252452532}21 21
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260455999, "checksum": 2226203566}5 5
{"cxt": "question_required", "id": 2311271385, "checksum": 2457512398}This question requires an answer. Voor deze vraag is een antwoord vereist.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204649, "checksum": 1338078396}Please tell us the country you live in In welk land woon je?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532254, "checksum": 898914774}Canada Canada
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532255, "checksum": 1506543518}Denmark Denemarken
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532256, "checksum": 2540385452}France Frankrijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444909, "checksum": 2602572091}United Kingdom Verenigd Koninkrijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263257266, "checksum": 946605931}Germany Duitsland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532257, "checksum": 4013668359}Italy Italië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532258, "checksum": 3588643194}Japan Japan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532259, "checksum": 3963072919}Afghanistan Afghanistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532260, "checksum": 272713045}Albania Albanië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532261, "checksum": 2899997206}Algeria Algerije
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532262, "checksum": 852496325}Andorra Andorra
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532263, "checksum": 1162053508}Angola Angola
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532264, "checksum": 2336326999}Anguilla Anguilla
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532265, "checksum": 1975048322}Antigua &amp; Barbuda Antigua en Barbuda
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532266, "checksum": 3435168757}Argentina Argentinië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532267, "checksum": 594982611}Armenia Armenië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532268, "checksum": 1738757367}Australia Australië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532269, "checksum": 2288053477}Austria Oostenrijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532270, "checksum": 3122806988}Azerbaijan Azerbeidzjan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532271, "checksum": 758504247}Bahamas De Bahama's
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532272, "checksum": 3037570608}Bahrain Bahrein
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532273, "checksum": 3756708338}Bangladesh Bangladesh
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532274, "checksum": 1634627899}Barbados Barbados
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532275, "checksum": 6244248}Belarus Wit-Rusland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532276, "checksum": 170360435}Belgium België
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532277, "checksum": 2088652358}Belize Belize
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532278, "checksum": 3029696926}Benin Benin
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532279, "checksum": 897707104}Bermuda Bermuda
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532290, "checksum": 2212868307}Bhutan Bhutan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532291, "checksum": 1933619622}Bolivia Bolivia
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532295, "checksum": 2374736260}Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina Bosnië en Herzegovina
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532296, "checksum": 596893160}Botswana Botswana
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532297, "checksum": 2087162865}Brazil Brazilië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532298, "checksum": 2020591476}Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532300, "checksum": 731015447}Bulgaria Bulgarije
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532301, "checksum": 1011078324}Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532303, "checksum": 3176289576}Burundi Burundi
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532305, "checksum": 827667413}Cambodia Cambodja
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532307, "checksum": 3918632333}Cameroon Kameroen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532308, "checksum": 898914774}Canada Canada
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532310, "checksum": 1099031103}Cape Verde Kaapverdië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532312, "checksum": 327631004}Cayman Islands Kaaiman Eilanden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532313, "checksum": 1167689400}Central African Republic Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532314, "checksum": 3004709002}Chad Tsjaad
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532315, "checksum": 2646804368}Chile Chili
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532316, "checksum": 2704207136}China China
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532317, "checksum": 1935972774}China - Hong Kong China - Hong Kong
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532318, "checksum": 3952292102}China - Macau China - Macau
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532319, "checksum": 3608131686}Colombia Colombia
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532321, "checksum": 4131337791}Comoros Comoren
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532322, "checksum": 265049426}Congo Congo
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532323, "checksum": 4246852072}Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC) Congo, Democratische Republiek (DRC)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532325, "checksum": 2133546300}Costa Rica Costa Rica
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532326, "checksum": 895097387}Croatia Kroatië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532329, "checksum": 2543966879}Cuba Cuba
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532331, "checksum": 1807936072}Cyprus Cyprus
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532332, "checksum": 3324764097}Czech Republic Tsjechische Republiek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532333, "checksum": 1506543518}Denmark Denemarken
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532335, "checksum": 1702384266}Djibouti Djibouti
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532338, "checksum": 2111389695}Dominica Dominica
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532340, "checksum": 2257738599}Dominican Republic Dominicaanse Republiek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532343, "checksum": 2754020105}Ecuador Ecuador
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532346, "checksum": 4043849538}Egypt Egypte
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532348, "checksum": 3931414468}El Salvador El Salvador
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532349, "checksum": 3825761784}Equatorial Guinea Equatoriaal-Guinea
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532350, "checksum": 3363862927}Eritrea Eritrea
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532351, "checksum": 2214573572}Estonia Estland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532354, "checksum": 132244067}Eswatini Eswatini
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532356, "checksum": 1530716126}Ethiopia Ethiopië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532357, "checksum": 1933668995}Fiji Fiji
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532358, "checksum": 973734471}Finland Finland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532359, "checksum": 2540385452}France Frankrijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532360, "checksum": 4171606359}French Guiana Frans Guyana
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532361, "checksum": 2891433819}Gabon Gabon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532362, "checksum": 1830639123}Gambia, Republic of The Gambia, Republiek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532363, "checksum": 2774579207}Georgia Georgië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532364, "checksum": 946605931}Germany Duitsland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532365, "checksum": 1522342488}Ghana Ghana
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532366, "checksum": 647838900}Great Britain Groot Brittannië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532367, "checksum": 1884107803}Greece Griekenland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532368, "checksum": 2721062452}Grenada Grenada
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532369, "checksum": 1627627404}Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532370, "checksum": 659484291}Guatemala Guatemala
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532371, "checksum": 3035980871}Guinea Guinea
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532372, "checksum": 306655734}Guinea-Bissau Guinee-Bissau
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532373, "checksum": 205827374}Guyana Guyana
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532374, "checksum": 1064978916}Haiti Haïti
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532375, "checksum": 43389802}Honduras Honduras
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532376, "checksum": 3294158659}Hungary Hongarije
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532377, "checksum": 3574224389}Iceland IJsland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532378, "checksum": 3976617277}India Indië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532379, "checksum": 3232242496}Indonesia Indonesië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532380, "checksum": 1187078700}Iran Iran
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532381, "checksum": 917214883}Iraq Irak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532382, "checksum": 3125172063}Israel and the Occupied Territories Israël en de bezette gebieden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532383, "checksum": 4013668359}Italy Italië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532384, "checksum": 1844665723}Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Ivoorkust (Ivoorkust)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532385, "checksum": 1877250857}Jamaica Jamaica
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532386, "checksum": 3588643194}Japan Japan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532387, "checksum": 3583144929}Jordan Jordanië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532388, "checksum": 86332400}Kazakhstan Kazachstan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532389, "checksum": 691732094}Kenya Kenia
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532390, "checksum": 3817051583}Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea) Noord Korea
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532391, "checksum": 3318465020}Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Zuid-Korea
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532392, "checksum": 1364630086}Kosovo Kosovo
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532393, "checksum": 682839914}Kuwait Koeweit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532394, "checksum": 1830393730}Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) Kirgizië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532395, "checksum": 2465910368}Laos Laos
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532396, "checksum": 3286766161}Latvia Letland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532397, "checksum": 1534261175}Lebanon Libanon
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532398, "checksum": 3088612922}Lesotho Lesotho
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532399, "checksum": 130646243}Liberia Liberia
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532400, "checksum": 713051970}Libya Libië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532401, "checksum": 2822517842}Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532402, "checksum": 825250672}Lithuania Litouwen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532403, "checksum": 3519656620}Luxembourg Luxemburg
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532404, "checksum": 4109408459}Madagascar Madagaskar
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532405, "checksum": 3399694733}Malawi Malawi
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532406, "checksum": 3402103983}Malaysia Maleisië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532407, "checksum": 1294806654}Maldives Maldiven
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532408, "checksum": 4228449212}Mali Mali
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532409, "checksum": 3589285115}Malta Malta
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532410, "checksum": 1089480288}Martinique Martinique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532411, "checksum": 198970451}Mauritania Mauritanië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532412, "checksum": 2165472496}Mauritius Mauritius
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532413, "checksum": 3387726714}Mayotte Mayotte
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532414, "checksum": 696679517}Mexico Mexico
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532415, "checksum": 331318987}Moldova, Republic of Moldavië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532416, "checksum": 408370439}Monaco Monaco
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532417, "checksum": 2183195862}Mongolia Mongolië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532418, "checksum": 688719438}Montenegro Montenegro
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532420, "checksum": 3086700570}Montserrat Montserrat
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532421, "checksum": 2227808678}Morocco Marokko
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532422, "checksum": 810613305}Mozambique Mozambique
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532423, "checksum": 3532177619}Myanmar/Burma Myanmar / Birma
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532424, "checksum": 591818901}Namibia Namibië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532425, "checksum": 1091176897}Nepal Nepal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532426, "checksum": 1035795156}New Zealand Nieuw-Zeeland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532427, "checksum": 1676074813}Nicaragua Nicaragua
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532428, "checksum": 2362899435}Niger Niger
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532429, "checksum": 1488330426}Nigeria Nigeria
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532430, "checksum": 1262819717}North Macedonia, Republic of Noord Macedonië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532431, "checksum": 2056575772}Norway Noorwegen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532432, "checksum": 1959844285}Oman Oman
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532433, "checksum": 1995283531}Pacific Islands Pacifische eilanden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532434, "checksum": 390748188}Pakistan Pakistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532435, "checksum": 1628738218}Panama Panama
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532436, "checksum": 3104078402}Papua New Guinea Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532437, "checksum": 1586065334}Paraguay Paraguay
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532438, "checksum": 2570274738}Peru Peru
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532439, "checksum": 3661721340}Philippines Filippijnen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532440, "checksum": 1849245306}Poland Polen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532441, "checksum": 785973496}Portugal Portugal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532442, "checksum": 1849910666}Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532443, "checksum": 4220421209}Qatar Katar
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532444, "checksum": 1415957237}Reunion Réunion
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532445, "checksum": 2994521792}Romania Roemenië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532446, "checksum": 1174350665}Russian Federation Rusland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532447, "checksum": 1099021729}Rwanda Rwanda
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532448, "checksum": 2486360991}Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts en Nevis
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532449, "checksum": 2603417664}Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532450, "checksum": 302627585}Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent en de Grenadines
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532451, "checksum": 2731846837}Samoa Samoa
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532452, "checksum": 2410712769}Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomé en Principe
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532453, "checksum": 527434779}Saudi Arabia Saoedi-Arabië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532454, "checksum": 2296960656}Senegal Senegal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532455, "checksum": 4244369424}Serbia Servië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532456, "checksum": 2580844893}Seychelles Seychellen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532457, "checksum": 587004761}Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532458, "checksum": 4007432}Singapore Singapore
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532459, "checksum": 3975288118}Slovak Republic (Slovakia) Slowakije
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532460, "checksum": 3874060406}Slovenia Slovenië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532461, "checksum": 135986719}Solomon Islands Solomoneilanden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532462, "checksum": 1147671488}Somalia Somalië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532463, "checksum": 50830156}South Africa Zuid-Afrika
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532464, "checksum": 2392338947}South Sudan Zuid Soedan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532465, "checksum": 2702400387}Spain Spanje
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532466, "checksum": 3125662550}Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532467, "checksum": 3044034834}Sudan Soedan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532468, "checksum": 2910112812}Suriname Suriname
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532469, "checksum": 2793603485}Sweden Zweden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532470, "checksum": 2989944588}Switzerland Zwitserland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532471, "checksum": 3908648721}Syria Syrië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532472, "checksum": 1039762690}Tajikistan Tadzjikistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532473, "checksum": 1464468524}Tanzania Tanzania
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532474, "checksum": 3537494992}Thailand Thailand
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532475, "checksum": 1170484624}Netherlands Nederland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532476, "checksum": 1140024666}Taiwan Taiwan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532477, "checksum": 435675140}Timor Leste Oost-Timor
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532478, "checksum": 3507571293}Togo Togo
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532479, "checksum": 1289373777}Trinidad &amp; Tobago Trinidad en Tobago
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532480, "checksum": 4134357758}Tunisia Tunesië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532481, "checksum": 2615192400}Turkey Turkije
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532482, "checksum": 796223240}Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532483, "checksum": 3425353484}Turks &amp; Caicos Islands Turks- en Caicoseilanden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532484, "checksum": 2800969339}Uganda Oeganda
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532485, "checksum": 1683625156}Ukraine Oekraïne
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532486, "checksum": 3921990340}United Arab Emirates Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532487, "checksum": 3234467150}United States of America (USA) De Verenigde Staten van Amerika
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532488, "checksum": 984427620}Uruguay Uruguay
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532489, "checksum": 1035677148}Uzbekistan Oezbekistan
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532490, "checksum": 2929262514}Venezuela Venezuela
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532491, "checksum": 1253127102}Vietnam Vietnam
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532492, "checksum": 3297168232}Virgin Islands (UK) Maagdeneilanden (VK)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532493, "checksum": 1184715569}Virgin Islands (US) Maagdeneilanden (VS)
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532494, "checksum": 706099978}Yemen Jemen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532495, "checksum": 3020973439}Zambia Zambia
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532496, "checksum": 2099115062}Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409240, "checksum": 512804950}Ireland Ierland
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409241, "checksum": 2050247299}Kiribati Kiribati
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409242, "checksum": 2800720732}Marshall Islands Marshall eilanden
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409243, "checksum": 1371490841}Micronesia Micronesië
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409244, "checksum": 3441931567}Nauru Nauru
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409245, "checksum": 1626293665}Palau Palau
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409246, "checksum": 1203416792}San Marino San Marino
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409247, "checksum": 984888263}Tonga Tonga
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409248, "checksum": 4186536882}Tuvalu Tuvalu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409249, "checksum": 1175183064}Vanuatu Vanuatu
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2287409250, "checksum": 3169822693}Vatican City Vaticaanstad
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260532251, "checksum": 576082194}Please enter a comment. Graag uw reactie hier
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2260532497, "checksum": 2488238412}Other (please specify) Anders (specificeer)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204650, "checksum": 1716008161}Please tell us about your Lymphoedema &ndash; what part of your body is affected? Tick all that apply. Vertel ons over je lymfoedeem - welk deel van je lichaam is aangetast? Vink alles aan wat van toepassing is.
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444910, "checksum": 4145538749}Head Hoofd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444911, "checksum": 23620468}Face Gezicht
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444912, "checksum": 489396591}Eyes Ogen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444913, "checksum": 3493094905}Lips Lippen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444914, "checksum": 371456962}Cheek Wang
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444915, "checksum": 235436326}Tongue Tong
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444916, "checksum": 1202675434}Neck Nek
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444917, "checksum": 1421296515}Left&nbsp;shoulder Linker schouder
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444918, "checksum": 576717567}Left upper chest/breast Linker bovenste deel romp / borst
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2331358863, "checksum": 4111385463}Left lower chest/breast Linker onderste deel romp / borst
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2331358866, "checksum": 111187968}Right lower chest/breast Rechter onderste deel romp / borst
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192244, "checksum": 1894313508}Left&nbsp;abdomen Linker buik
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192245, "checksum": 3531735879}Left buttocks Linker billen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192246, "checksum": 1496512542}Left upper arm Linker bovenarm
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192247, "checksum": 814853580}Left lower arm Linker onderarm
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192248, "checksum": 1096498266}Left upper leg Linker bovenbeen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192249, "checksum": 703540471}Left lower leg Linker onderbeen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192250, "checksum": 101819108}Left hand Linkerhand
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192251, "checksum": 725854426}Left fingers Linker vingers
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192252, "checksum": 2678016691}Left foot Linker voet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192253, "checksum": 1611571547}Left toes Linker tenen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192254, "checksum": 290393968}Right shoulder Rechterschouder
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192255, "checksum": 3519961480}Right upper chest/breast Rechter bovenste deel romp / borst
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192256, "checksum": 2357733026}Right abdomen Rechter buik
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192257, "checksum": 719620712}Right buttocks Rechter billen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192258, "checksum": 3746169745}Right upper arm Rechter bovenarm
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192259, "checksum": 3068745283}Right lower arm Rechter onderarm
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192260, "checksum": 1020975632}Right upper leg Rechter bovenbeen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192261, "checksum": 1416547005}Right lower leg Rechter onderbeen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192262, "checksum": 669271612}Right hand Rechter hand
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192263, "checksum": 2154492682}Right fingers Rechter vingers
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192264, "checksum": 1677689397}Right foot Rechter voet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192265, "checksum": 1680467846}Right toes Rechter tenen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192266, "checksum": 3763610533}Vulva Schaamlippen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192267, "checksum": 3641709362}Scrotum Balzak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2279192268, "checksum": 957829563}Penis Piemel
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263259570, "checksum": 576082194}Please enter a comment. Graag uw reactie hier
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2263259578, "checksum": 2488238412}Other (please specify) Anders (specificeer)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204651, "checksum": 2328091747}Has your Lymphoedema been diagnosed by a specialist? Is je lymfoedeem gediagnosticeerd door een specialist?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444920, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes Ja
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444921, "checksum": 2685891565}No Nee
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444922, "checksum": 528741342}Don’t know Weet ik niet
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204652, "checksum": 2608181544}What age were you when you developed your Lymphoedema? Hoe oud was je toen je lymfoedeem ontwikkelde?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540848}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}.
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540852, "checksum": 4108050209}0 0
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540853, "checksum": 4252452532}21 21
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260540854, "checksum": 2987280400}Years Jaren
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204654, "checksum": 3549137206}What age were you when your lymphoedema was diagnosed by a specialist? Hoe oud was je toen je lymfoedeem werd vastgesteld door een specialist?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542245}Please enter a whole number between {0} and {1}.
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542249, "checksum": 4108050209}0 0
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260542250, "checksum": 4252452532}21 21
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263246033, "checksum": 2987280400}Years Jaren
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204664, "checksum": 801896925}Have you ever had cellulitis related to your Lymphoedema (an infection)? Heb je ooit een huidinfectie gehad die verband houdt met je lymfoedeem (wondroos)?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444963, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes Ja
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444965, "checksum": 2685891565}No Nee
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444968, "checksum": 528741342}Don’t know Weet ik niet
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342204665, "checksum": 2600043633}Would you like to provide us with personal information for us to be able to contact you directly for further information on new studies? Wil je ons persoonlijke informatie verstrekken, zodat we rechtstreeks contact met je kunnen opnemen voor verdere informatie over nieuwe studies?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444972, "checksum": 1912267966}Yes Ja
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260444973, "checksum": 2685891565}No Nee
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342600253, "checksum": 1225194244}If Yes, please complete the following: Zo ja, vul dan het volgende in:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106863, "checksum": 1551832582}Name Naam
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106865, "checksum": 2433148394}Address Adres
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106866, "checksum": 1752955722}Address 2 Adres 2
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106867, "checksum": 2841550365}City/Town Plaats
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106868, "checksum": 1443280041}State/Province Provincie
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106869, "checksum": 2588919367}ZIP/Postal Code Postcode
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106870, "checksum": 137525990}Country Land
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106871, "checksum": 816558355}Email Address E-mailadres
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106872, "checksum": 1366559192}Phone Number Telefoonnummer
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2263106864, "checksum": 3347065778}Company Bedrijf
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94866576, "checksum": 498726678}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 13-21 years) Vragenlijst LYMPHOQOL - Jongeren / jong volwassenen (leeftijdscategorie: 13-21 jaar)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342196403, "checksum": 297230405}<strong>General considerations (Age range: 13-21)</strong> <strong>Algemene overwegingen (Leeftijdscategorie: 13-21)</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342183613, "checksum": 55437326}You and other children/peers Jij en andere kinderen / leeftijdsgenoten
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296898, "checksum": 2300683690}Do you find it easy to talk about your lymphoedema? Vindt je het gemakkelijk om over je lymfoedeem te praten?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296899, "checksum": 589703946}Do you worry about other children/young people seeing your lymphoedema? Ben je ongerust dat andere kinderen / jongeren je lymfoedeem zien?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296900, "checksum": 2625685018}Do other children/young people treat you differently because of your lymphoedema? Behandelen andere kinderen / jongeren je anders vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296901, "checksum": 162411663}Can you find shoes that you like to wear? Kun je schoenen vinden die je graag draagt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296902, "checksum": 266745110}Can you find clothes that you like to wear? Kun je kleding vinden die je graag draagt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296903, "checksum": 2878939908}Do other children/young people bully you because of your lymphoedema? Pesten andere kinderen / jongeren je vanwege jouw lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296904, "checksum": 356986497}Does spending time with other children/young people with lymphoedema made you feel better? Voel je je beter als je tijd doorbrengt met andere kinderen / jongeren met lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296905, "checksum": 3799523254}Never Nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296906, "checksum": 2720581153}Sometimes Soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296907, "checksum": 548523075}Often Vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296908, "checksum": 3723895912}Very often Heel vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260296909, "checksum": 1603404590}Always Altijd
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153901, "checksum": 2271587177}You and your physical activity Jij en je lichamelijke activiteit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312052, "checksum": 3799523254}Never Nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312054, "checksum": 2720581153}Sometimes Soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312056, "checksum": 548523075}Often Vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312059, "checksum": 3723895912}Very often Heel vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260312062, "checksum": 1603404590}Always Altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098302, "checksum": 3414700098}Does your lymphoedema bother you while you are taking part in sports or physical activity? Heb je last van je lymfoedeem terwijl je deelneemt aan sport of lichamelijke activiteit?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098303, "checksum": 2123809476}Are there sports or physical activities that you cannot do because of your lymphoedema? &nbsp; Zijn er sport of fysieke activiteiten die je niet kunt doen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098304, "checksum": 191406584}Do you avoid sports or physical activities because of your lymphoedema? Vermijd je sport of lichamelijke activiteiten vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098305, "checksum": 1138481639}Do you enjoy taking part in physical activity? Vind je het leuk om deel te nemen aan lichamelijke activiteit?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153910, "checksum": 3280548954}At school/college/work Op school / universiteit / werk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319553, "checksum": 3383138871}Do you find it hard to concentrate because of your lymphoedema? Vind je het moeilijk om je te concentreren vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098339, "checksum": 2789382236}Does your teacher(s)/lecturer/manager treat you differently from other children/young people because of your lymphoedema? Behandelt je leraar(-es) / docent / manager je anders dan andere kinderen / jongeren vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098340, "checksum": 1251759439}Are your friends protective of you at school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? Beschermen je vrienden je op school / universiteit / werk vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098341, "checksum": 3113879124}Do you ever miss school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? Mis je ooit school / universiteit / werk vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098342, "checksum": 2636499906}Are you sad about missing school/college/work because of your lymphoedema? Ben je verdrietig over het missen van school / universiteit / werk vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098343, "checksum": 2108957226}Does your lymphoedema make it hard to do your school/college/job work? Is het door je lymfoedeem moeilijk om je school / universiteit / werk te doen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319554, "checksum": 3799523254}Never Nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319555, "checksum": 2720581153}Sometimes Soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319556, "checksum": 548523075}Often Vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319559, "checksum": 3723895912}Very often Heel vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260319561, "checksum": 1603404590}Always Altijd
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153923, "checksum": 3660192553}At home Thuis
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325684, "checksum": 1720410076}Are you allowed to do special things because of your lymphoedema? Mag je speciale dingen doen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098420, "checksum": 2553417072}Do your parents stop you from doing certain things because of your lymphoedema? Houden je ouders je tegen om bepaalde dingen te doen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098421, "checksum": 837740127}Does looking after your lymphoedema affect your family time? Heeft de verzorging van je lymfoedeem invloed op de gezinstijd?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098422, "checksum": 557748119}Are you treated differently from your brothers and sisters because of your lymphoedema? Word je anders behandeld dan je broers en zussen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098423, "checksum": 3606664741}Do you find it difficult to get dressed or undressed because of your lymphoedema? Vind je het moeilijk om je aan- of uit te kleden vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098424, "checksum": 2373498721}Do you find it hard to sleep because of your lymphoedema? Vind je het moeilijk om te slapen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325685, "checksum": 3799523254}Never Nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325687, "checksum": 2720581153}Sometimes Soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325689, "checksum": 548523075}Often Vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325690, "checksum": 3723895912}Very often Heel vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260325691, "checksum": 1603404590}Always Altijd
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153937, "checksum": 5115805}You and your feelings Jij en je gevoelens
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337069, "checksum": 2832327990}Are you worried about getting an infection or injury? Maak je je zorgen over het krijgen van een infectie of letsel?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337071, "checksum": 1437966802}Do you feel special because of your lymphoedema? Voel je jezelf speciaal vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337073, "checksum": 3258766441}Do you feel alone because of your lymphoedema? Voel je jezelf alleen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337075, "checksum": 3527852350}Do you feel angry because of your lymphoedema? Voel je jezelf boos vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337076, "checksum": 709490297}Do you feel cared for because of your lymphoedema? Heb je het gevoel dat er naar je om gekeken wordt vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098504, "checksum": 720965198}Do you feel sad because of your lymphoedema? Voel je je verdrietig vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098505, "checksum": 1153836225}Do you feel different to others because of your lymphoedema? Voel je je anders dan anderen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098506, "checksum": 3087172908}Do you feel embarrassed because of your lymphoedema? Schaam je jezelf voor je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098507, "checksum": 3569944317}Are you worried about the future because of your lymphoedema? Maak je je zorgen over de toekomst vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098508, "checksum": 3533488309}Are you afraid that your lymphoedema might get worse? Ben je bang dat je lymfoedeem erger wordt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337078, "checksum": 3799523254}Never Nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337079, "checksum": 2720581153}Sometimes Soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337080, "checksum": 548523075}Often Vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337081, "checksum": 3723895912}Very often Heel vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260337082, "checksum": 1603404590}Always Altijd
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153954, "checksum": 182720603}You and your free time Jij en je vrije tijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344287, "checksum": 3799523254}Never Nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344288, "checksum": 2720581153}Sometimes Soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344289, "checksum": 548523075}Often Vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344290, "checksum": 3723895912}Very often Heel vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260344291, "checksum": 1603404590}Always Altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098639, "checksum": 3607506847}Does your lymphoedema stop you from doing things? Beperkt je ​​lymfoedeem je om dingen te doen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098641, "checksum": 3366357767}Are you too closely watched because of your lymphoedema? Wordt je nauwlettend in de gaten gehouden vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098642, "checksum": 1437833885}Are you able to do the same things as other children/young people who do not have lymphoedema? Ben je in staat om dezelfde dingen te doen als andere kinderen / jongeren die geen lymfoedeem hebben?
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94879594, "checksum": 498726678}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 13-21 years) Vragenlijst LYMPHOQOL - Jongeren / jong volwassenen (leeftijdscategorie: 13-21 jaar)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342201769, "checksum": 539682940}<strong>Treatment considerations</strong> <strong>Afwegingen ten aanzien van je behandeling </strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342153962, "checksum": 316819894}You, your treatment and self-management Jij, je behandeling en zelfmanagement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349982, "checksum": 2768881351}Do you feel confident taking care of your lymphoedema by yourself? Voel jij je zeker om zelf voor je lymfoedeem te zorgen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349984, "checksum": 2827813334}Can you solve problems you have with your lymphoedema if you try hard enough? Kun je problemen met je lymfoedeem oplossen als je dit hard genoeg probeert?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349985, "checksum": 4097051614}Are you able to stay calm when problems with your lymphoedema happen? Kun je rustig blijven als er problemen met je lymfoedeem optreden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349986, "checksum": 2000627138}Do you want to stop your treatment? Wil je stoppen met je behandeling?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349988, "checksum": 3319198356}Does your treatment get in the way of other activities? Staat je behandeling andere activiteiten in de weg?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098680, "checksum": 3629274208}Has anyone explained to you what lymphoedema is? Heeft iemand je uitgelegd wat lymfoedeem is?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098682, "checksum": 4281212405}Do you find it find it hard to follow your recommended treatment? Vindt je het moeilijk om je aanbevolen behandeling te volgen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098683, "checksum": 3813615737}Is your treatment making you feel better? Voel je jezelf beter door je behandeling?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098685, "checksum": 4083294088}Can you look after your lymphoedema if it gets worse? Kun je voor je lymfoedeem zorgen als het erger wordt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260098687, "checksum": 503893779}Can you stick to your recommended treatment? Kun je jezelf aan de aanbevolen behandeling houden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349990, "checksum": 3799523254}Never Nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349992, "checksum": 2720581153}Sometimes Soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349993, "checksum": 548523075}Often Vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349994, "checksum": 3723895912}Very often Heel vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260349995, "checksum": 1603404590}Always Altijd
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342154052, "checksum": 3659621439}You and your overall life quality <br>Can/will you tell us: Jij en je algehele kwaliteit van leven<br>Kan / wil je ons vertellen:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355882, "checksum": 517692710}What good treatment means for you: Wat een goede behandeling voor jou betekent:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355884, "checksum": 1666585723}How good your life is overall: Hoe goed is jouw leven in het algemeen:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2260355883, "checksum": 234797413}What makes living with lymphoedema better or worse for you: Wat maakt het leven met lymfoedeem beter of slechter voor jou:
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 342192632, "checksum": 436497339}Is there anything else you would like us to know about you and your lymphoedema? Is er nog iets dat jij wilt dat wij over jouw en je lymfoedeem moeten weten?
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99731931, "checksum": 3933499045}<strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99731931, "checksum": 1644539091}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Child and Adolescent Version</div> <div>Een Europees onderzoek naar de gezondheid en het welzijn van kinderen & jongeren<br>Vragenlijst voor kinderen in de leeftijd van 8 tot 18 jaar</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460288, "checksum": 4033286744}Hello,<br>How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.<br>Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.<br>Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.<br>You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it. Hallo,<br>Hoe gaat het met je? Hoe voel je je? Graag willen we dat van je weten.<br>Lees elke vraag goed door, maar denk er niet te lang over na. Kies het antwoord dat het beste bij je past en kruis het hokje aan.<br>Belangrijk: Dit is geen examen! Er zijn geen goede of foute antwoorden. Het is wel belangrijk dat je de vragenlijst helemaal en zo duidelijk mogelijk invult. Probeer bij het antwoorden aan de afgelopen week te denken.<br>Je hoeft je antwoorden aan niemand te laten zien. Niemand die je kent zal deze vragenlijst kunnen zien nadat je hem hebt ingevuld en in de envelop hebt gedaan.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460289, "checksum": 502629218}<strong>1. </strong><strong>Physical Activities and Health</strong> <strong>1. </strong><strong>Lichamelijke activiteiten en gezondheid</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460290, "checksum": 912919582}In general, how would you say your health is? Hoe is je gezondheid in het algemeen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140201, "checksum": 54464177}excellent heel erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140202, "checksum": 3854686550}very good erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140203, "checksum": 2523637272}good goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140204, "checksum": 3823770718}fair redelijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401140205, "checksum": 3700646466}poor slecht
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119894, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460292, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119903, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119904, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119905, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119906, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119907, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119900, "checksum": 2937495677}Have you felt fit and well? Heb je je fit en gezond gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119901, "checksum": 445839078}Have you been physically active (e. g. running, climbing, biking)? Ben je lichamelijk actief geweest (bijv. hardlopen, klimmen, fietsen)?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119902, "checksum": 3152354802}Have you been able to run well? Heb je goed kunnen rennen?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460293, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119909, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119910, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119911, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119912, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119913, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119908, "checksum": 4045528993}Have you felt full of energy? Heb je je vol energie gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460294, "checksum": 2107366804}<strong>General Mood and Feelings about Yourself</strong> <strong>Je gevoelens en zelfbeeld</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460295, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119916, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119917, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119918, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119919, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119920, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119915, "checksum": 2342894913}Has your life been enjoyable? Is je leven plezierig geweest?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460296, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119922, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119923, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119924, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119925, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119926, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119927, "checksum": 1343697666}Have you had fun? Heb je lol gehad?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119928, "checksum": 1450653351}Have you been in a good mood? Ben je in een goed humeur geweest?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460297, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119930, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119931, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119932, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119933, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119934, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119935, "checksum": 1018411494}Have you felt lonely? Heb je je eenzaam gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119936, "checksum": 2444432794}Have you been happy with the way you are? Ben je tevreden geweest met jezelf?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119937, "checksum": 3250112989}Have you felt sad? Heb je je verdrietig gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119938, "checksum": 4127737711}Have you felt so bad that you didn&rsquo;t want to do anything? Heb je je zo naar gevoeld dat je helemaal niks wilde doen?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460298, "checksum": 956446574}<strong>Family and Free Time</strong> <strong>Familie en vrije tijd</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460299, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119941, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119942, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119943, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119944, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119945, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119946, "checksum": 1211458172}Have you been able talk to your parent(s) when you wanted to? Heb je met je ouders kunnen praten als je dat wilde?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119947, "checksum": 2674782250}Have you had enough money to do the same things as your friends? Heb je genoeg geld gehad om dezelfde dingen te doen als je vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119948, "checksum": 145088488}Have you had enough money for your expenses? Heb je genoeg geld gehad voor je uitgaven?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119949, "checksum": 2263305180}Have you had enough time for yourself? Heb je voldoende tijd voor jezelf gehad?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119950, "checksum": 2535938857}Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? Heb je in je vrije tijd de dingen kunnen doen die je wilt doen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119951, "checksum": 4043594069}Have your parent(s) had enough time for you? Hebben je ouders voldoende tijd voor je gehad?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119952, "checksum": 3486936957}Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? Hebben je ouders je eerlijk behandeld?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460300, "checksum": 3966411495}<strong>Friends</strong> <strong>Vrienden</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460301, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119955, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119956, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119957, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119958, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119959, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119960, "checksum": 2042729715}Have you spent time with your friends? Heb je tijd doorgebracht met je vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119961, "checksum": 961762801}Have you had fun with your friends? Heb je plezier gehad met je vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119962, "checksum": 3260246642}Have you and your friends helped each other? Hebben jij en je vrienden elkaar geholpen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119963, "checksum": 3239050447}Have you been able to rely on your friends? Heb je op je vrienden kunnen vertrouwen?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460302, "checksum": 2266760868}<strong>School and Learning</strong> <strong>School en leren</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460303, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119968, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119969, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119970, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119971, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119972, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119966, "checksum": 3559245855}Have you been happy at school? Heb je het naar je zin gehad op school?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119967, "checksum": 3665593256}Have you got on well at school? Is het goed gegaan op school?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460304, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119979, "checksum": 3738105028}Have you been able to pay attention? Heb je goed kunnen opletten?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119980, "checksum": 4169981667}Have you got along well with your teachers? Kon je goed overweg met de leraren?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119974, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119975, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119976, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119977, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401119978, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95583679, "checksum": 1791067471}Thank you Bedankt
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344971587, "checksum": 2722498593}Thank you for completing this questionnaire! Bedankt voor het invullen van deze vragenlijst!
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 364392714, "checksum": 3678029246}About the&nbsp;LYMPHOQOL questionnaire, I found it Over de LYMPHOQOL-vragenlijst ik vond het
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048911, "checksum": 3595108495}Easy to use Makkelijk te gebruiken
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048912, "checksum": 1459205760}Helpful Behulpzaam
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048913, "checksum": 521858967}Meaningful Belangrijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048914, "checksum": 4140455577}Thought provoking Aanleiding geven tot andere ideeën
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048915, "checksum": 1710126674}Useful Nuttig
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048918, "checksum": 337026800}Moderately Gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048923, "checksum": 3293441901}Not at all Helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048916, "checksum": 3302993880}Extremely Extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048917, "checksum": 1204779446}Very Erg
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407048921, "checksum": 864130844}Not very Niet erg
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2407048924, "checksum": 973758594}Please&nbsp; add any other comments Voeg eventuele andere opmerkingen toe
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362198415, "checksum": 3034781724}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark<br></span> <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark<br></span>
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95586932, "checksum": 564548047}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Younger Children (Age range&nbsp;: 5-12 years) Vragenlijst LYMPHOQOL - Jonge kinderen (leeftijdscategorie: 5-12 jaar)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985505, "checksum": 237698086}<strong>General considerations (Age range: 5-12)</strong> <strong>Algemene overwegingen (leeftijdscategorie: 5-12 jaar)</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985506, "checksum": 2710105882}You and other children Jij en andere kinderen
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798025, "checksum": 162411663}Can you find shoes that you like to wear? Kun je schoenen vinden die je graag draagt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798026, "checksum": 266745110}Can you find clothes that you like to wear? Kun je kleding vinden die je graag draagt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798022, "checksum": 1489697145}Is it easy to talk about your lymphoedema? Is het gemakkelijk om over je lymfoedeem te praten?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798023, "checksum": 889567095}Are you worried about other children seeing your lymphoedema? Maak je je zorgen dat andere kinderen je lymfoedeem zien?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798024, "checksum": 1695871643}Do other children treat you differently because of your lymphoedema? Behandelen andere kinderen je anders vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798027, "checksum": 1463015730}Do other children bully you because of your lymphoedema? Pesten andere kinderen je vanwege jouw lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798028, "checksum": 1499707808}Does spending time with other children with lymphoedema make you feel better? Voel je je beter als je tijd doorbrengt met andere kinderen met lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798029}<img alt="Thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798030}<img alt="Middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798031}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985507, "checksum": 2271587177}You and your physical activity Jij en je lichamelijke activiteit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798045, "checksum": 2130312949}Does your lymphoedema hurt you when you play outside? Is je lymfoedeem pijnlijk als je buiten speelt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798046, "checksum": 1273592296}Is there outdoor play you cannot do because of your lymphoedema? Zijn er spelletjes die je met buiten spelen niet kunt doen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798048, "checksum": 2183175693}Do you enjoy taking part in outdoor play? Vind je het leuk om buiten te spelen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798047, "checksum": 2245469967}Do you avoid outdoor play because of your lymphoedema? Vermijd je buitenspelen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798040}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798041}<img alt="Middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798042}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985508, "checksum": 3432188780}At school Op school
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798056, "checksum": 4100126642}Is it difficult to work hard at school because of your lymphoedema? Is het moeilijk om hard te werken op school vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798062, "checksum": 2628047554}Does your teacher treat you differently from other children because of your lymphoedema? Behandelt je leraar jou anders dan andere kinderen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798063, "checksum": 1907541434}Are your friends kind to you because of your lymphoedema? Zijn je vrienden aardig voor je vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798064, "checksum": 2002115210}Do you ever miss school because of your lymphoedema? Mis je ooit school vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798065, "checksum": 2796929875}Are you sad about missing school because of your lymphoedema? Ben je verdrietig over het missen van school vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798066, "checksum": 1407863644}Does your lymphoedema make it hard to do your school work? Is het door je lymfoedeem moeilijk om je schoolwerk te doen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798057}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798058}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798059}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985509, "checksum": 3660192553}At home Thuis
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798073, "checksum": 1720410076}Are you allowed to do special things because of your lymphoedema? Mag je speciale dingen doen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798081, "checksum": 557748119}Are you treated differently from your brothers and sisters because of your lymphoedema? Word je anders behandeld dan je broers en zussen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798082, "checksum": 3606664741}Do you find it difficult to get dressed or undressed because of your lymphoedema? Vind je het moeilijk om je aan- of uit te kleden vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798083, "checksum": 2373498721}Do you find it hard to sleep because of your lymphoedema? Vind je het moeilijk om te slapen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798079, "checksum": 1454140675}Do your parents stop you from doing things because of your lymphoedema? Houden je ouders je tegen om dingen te doen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798080, "checksum": 28349421}Does looking after your lymphoedema take a lot of time? Neemt het zorgen voor je lymfoedeem veel tijd in beslag?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798074}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798075}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798076}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985510, "checksum": 5115805}You and your feelings Jij en je gevoelens
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798091, "checksum": 1437966802}Do you feel special because of your lymphoedema? Voel je jezelf speciaal vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798093, "checksum": 3527852350}Do you feel angry because of your lymphoedema? Voel je jezelf boos vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798100, "checksum": 720965198}Do you feel sad because of your lymphoedema? Voel je je verdrietig vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798101, "checksum": 1153836225}Do you feel different to others because of your lymphoedema? Voel je je anders dan anderen vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798102, "checksum": 3087172908}Do you feel embarrassed because of your lymphoedema? Schaam je jezelf voor je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798104, "checksum": 3533488309}Are you afraid that your lymphoedema might get worse? Ben je bang dat je lymfoedeem erger wordt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798090, "checksum": 1640298072}Are you worried about getting hurt or injured? Maak je je zorgen dat je gewond kunt raken of geblesseerd?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798092, "checksum": 2959631048}Do you feel lonely because of your lymphoedema? Voel je jezelf eenzaam vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798094, "checksum": 1526984147}Do you feel people care about your lymphoedema? Heb je het gevoel dat mensen om je lymfoedeem geven?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798103, "checksum": 1448266476}Are you worried about things that might happen because of your lymphoedema? Maak je je zorgen over dingen die kunnen gebeuren vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798095}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798096}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798097}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985511, "checksum": 182720603}You and your free time Jij en je vrije tijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798116, "checksum": 3607506847}Does your lymphoedema stop you from doing things? Beperkt je ​​lymfoedeem je om dingen te doen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798117, "checksum": 1362467586}Do your parents watch you because of your lymphoedema? Houden je ouders je in de gaten vanwege je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798118, "checksum": 1948343816}Are you able to do the same things as other children who do not have lymphoedema? Ben je in staat om dezelfde dingen te doen als andere kinderen die geen lymfoedeem hebben?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798111}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798112}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278798113}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95586993, "checksum": 564548047}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Younger Children (Age range : 5-12 years) Vragenlijst LYMPHOQOL - Jonge kinderen (leeftijdscategorie: 5-12 jaar)
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985854, "checksum": 539682940}<strong>Treatment considerations</strong> <strong>Afwegingen ten aanzien van je behandeling </strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985855, "checksum": 316819894}You, your treatment and self-management Jij, je behandeling en zelfmanagement
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800352, "checksum": 2768881351}Do you feel confident taking care of your lymphoedema by yourself? Voel jij je zeker om zelf voor je lymfoedeem te zorgen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800355, "checksum": 2000627138}Do you want to stop your treatment? Wil je stoppen met je behandeling?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800356, "checksum": 3319198356}Does your treatment get in the way of other activities? Staat je behandeling andere activiteiten in de weg?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800364, "checksum": 3813615737}Is your treatment making you feel better? Voel je jezelf beter door je behandeling?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800365, "checksum": 4083294088}Can you look after your lymphoedema if it gets worse? Kun je voor je lymfoedeem zorgen als het erger wordt?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800353, "checksum": 2549037744}Can you solve problems you have with your lymphoedema if you try hard? Kun je problemen met je lymfoedeem oplossen als je je best doet?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800354, "checksum": 3715733687}Are you able to stay calm if you have problems with your lymphoedema? Kun je rustig blijven als je problemen hebt met je lymfoedeem?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800362, "checksum": 1689335348}Do you know what lymphoedema is? Weet jij wat lymfoedeem is?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800366, "checksum": 184132352}Can you stick to your treatment? Kun je jezelf aan de behandeling houden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800363, "checksum": 1572426388}Is your treatment difficult to follow? Is je behandeling moeilijk uit te voeren?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800357}<img alt="thumb down" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800358}<img alt="middling" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800359}<img alt="thumb up" height="50" src="" width="50">
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985856, "checksum": 3659621439}You and your overall life quality <br>Can/will you tell us: Jij en je algehele kwaliteit van leven<br>Kan / wil je ons vertellen:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800373, "checksum": 4237199318}What is good about your treatment: Wat is goed aan je behandeling:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800374, "checksum": 1061397634}What makes lymphoedema better or worse for you: Wat maakt lymfoedeem beter of slechter voor jou:
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2278800375, "checksum": 1587965921}The good things about life: De goede dingen van het leven:
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344985857, "checksum": 436497339}Is there anything else you would like us to know about you and your lymphoedema? Is er nog iets dat jij wilt dat wij over jouw en je lymfoedeem moeten weten?
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99732710, "checksum": 2437551069}<strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99732710, "checksum": 1644539091}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Child and Adolescent Version</div> <div>Een Europees onderzoek naar de gezondheid en het welzijn van kinderen & jongeren<br>Vragenlijst voor kinderen in de leeftijd van 8 tot 18 jaar</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464050, "checksum": 4033286744}Hello,<br>How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.<br>Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.<br>Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.<br>You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it. Hallo,<br>Hoe gaat het met je? Hoe voel je je? Graag willen we dat van je weten.<br>Lees elke vraag goed door, maar denk er niet te lang over na. Kies het antwoord dat het beste bij je past en kruis het hokje aan.<br>Belangrijk: Dit is geen examen! Er zijn geen goede of foute antwoorden. Het is wel belangrijk dat je de vragenlijst helemaal en zo duidelijk mogelijk invult. Probeer bij het antwoorden aan de afgelopen week te denken.<br>Je hoeft je antwoorden aan niemand te laten zien. Niemand die je kent zal deze vragenlijst kunnen zien nadat je hem hebt ingevuld en in de envelop hebt gedaan.
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464051, "checksum": 3511264815}<strong>About Your Health</strong> <strong>Over je gezondheid</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464052, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137872, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137873, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137874, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137875, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137876, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137877, "checksum": 2937495677}Have you felt fit and well? Heb je je fit en gezond gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464053, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137878, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137879, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137880, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137881, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137882, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137883, "checksum": 3250112989}Have you felt sad? Heb je je verdrietig gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137884, "checksum": 1018411494}Have you felt lonely? Heb je je eenzaam gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137885, "checksum": 2263305180}Have you had enough time for yourself? Heb je voldoende tijd voor jezelf gehad?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137886, "checksum": 2535938857}Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? Heb je in je vrije tijd de dingen kunnen doen die je wilt doen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137887, "checksum": 3486936957}Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? Hebben je ouders je eerlijk behandeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137888, "checksum": 961762801}Have you had fun with your friends? Heb je plezier gehad met je vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137889, "checksum": 4045528993}Have you felt full of energy? Heb je je vol energie gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464055, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137891, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137892, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137893, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137894, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137895, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137896, "checksum": 3665593256}Have you got on well at school? Is het goed gegaan op school?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464056, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137898, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137899, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137900, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137901, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137902, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137903, "checksum": 3738105028}Have you been able to pay attention? Heb je goed kunnen opletten?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363464057, "checksum": 912919582}In general, how would you say your health is? Hoe is je gezondheid in het algemeen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137906, "checksum": 54464177}excellent heel erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137907, "checksum": 3854686550}very good erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137908, "checksum": 2523637272}good goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137909, "checksum": 3823770718}fair redelijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137910, "checksum": 3700646466}poor slecht
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401137905, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 95587326, "checksum": 1791067471}Thank you Bedankt
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344987327, "checksum": 815424198}<div style="text-align: center;">Thank you for completing this questionnaire!</div> <div style="text-align: center;">Bedankt voor het invullen van deze vragenlijst!</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 364395758, "checksum": 3678029246}About the LYMPHOQOL questionnaire, I found it Over de LYMPHOQOL-vragenlijst ik vond het
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051038, "checksum": 3595108495}Easy to use Makkelijk te gebruiken
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051039, "checksum": 1459205760}Helpful Behulpzaam
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051040, "checksum": 521858967}Meaningful Belangrijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051041, "checksum": 4140455577}Thought provoking Aanleiding geven tot andere ideeën
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051042, "checksum": 1710126674}Useful Nuttig
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051045, "checksum": 337026800}Moderately Gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051047, "checksum": 3293441901}Not at all Helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051043, "checksum": 3302993880}Extremely Extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051044, "checksum": 1204779446}Very Erg
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2407051046, "checksum": 864130844}Not very Niet erg
{"cxt": "question_other", "id": 2407051048, "checksum": 973758594}Please&nbsp; add any other comments Voeg eventuele andere opmerkingen toe
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 344987328, "checksum": 2584135038}<div style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: center;"> </div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362198275, "checksum": 3930234966}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span> <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br>By permission with Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark</span>
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 94886268, "checksum": 4111142131}Questionnaire LYMPHOQOL &ndash; Younger Children/Adolescents/Young People (Age range: 5-12/13-21 years) Vragenlijst LYMPHOQOL - Jongere kinderen / Jongeren / Jongeren (leeftijdscategorie: 5-12 / 13-21 jaar)
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 94886268, "checksum": 2085906240}<div>Thank you for considering taking part in this survey.&nbsp;</div>
<div>Sadly, as you have not given valid consent, we are unable to allow you to proceed. If you wish to reconsider, please return to page 1 or contact us again to obtain a new login.&nbsp;</div>
<div>Kind regards</div>
<div>Bedankt voor uw deelname aan deze enquête.</div>
<div>Omdat u geen geldige toestemming hebt gegeven, kunnen we u helaas niet verder laten gaan. Als u dit wilt heroverwegen, keert u terug naar pagina 1 of neem contact met ons op voor een nieuwe login.</div>
<div>Vriendelijke groeten</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 362197722, "checksum": 708166437}<span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10/27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br></span> <span style="font-size: 8pt;">LYMPOQOL © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework</span><br><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Questionnaire © 2019 International Lymphoedema Framework<br>KIDSCREEN © The KIDSCREEN Group, 2004; <br>EC Grant Number: QLG-CT-2000- 00751<br>KIDSCREEN-10/27 Index, Child and Adolescent Version<br></span>
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99730677, "checksum": 3933499045}<strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-27</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99730677, "checksum": 1493001776}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Parent Version</div> <div>Een Europees onderzoek naar de gezondheid en het welzijn van kinderen & jongeren<br>Vragenlijst voor ouders</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363455909, "checksum": 1753910685}Dear Parents,<br>How is your child? How does she/he feel? This is what we would like to know from you.<br>Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, ensuring that the answers you give reflect the perspective of your child. Please try to remember your child’s experiences over the last week... Beste ouders,<br>Hoe gaat het met uw kind? Hoe voelt uw kind zich? Graag zouden we dat van u willen horen.<br>Beantwoord de volgende vragen naar uw beste weten en zorg ervoor dat de antwoorden die u geeft het perspectief van uw kind weerspiegelt. Probeer de ervaringen van uw kind over de afgelopen week te onthouden …
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456658, "checksum": 502629218}<strong>1. </strong><strong>Physical Activities and Health</strong> <strong>1. </strong><strong>Lichamelijke activiteiten en gezondheid</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456293, "checksum": 3934095684}In general, how would your child rate her/his health? In het algemeen, hoe zou uw kind zijn/haar gezondheid beoordelen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139315, "checksum": 54464177}excellent heel erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139316, "checksum": 3854686550}very good erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139317, "checksum": 2523637272}good goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139318, "checksum": 3823770718}fair redelijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401139319, "checksum": 3700646466}poor slecht
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401098880, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363456768, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457439, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104920, "checksum": 3670860296}Has your child felt fit and well? Heeft uw kind zich fit en gezond gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104921, "checksum": 3475681648}Has your child been physically active (e.g. running, climbing, biking)? Is uw kind lichamelijk actief geweest (bijv. hardlopen, klimmen, fietsen)?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104922, "checksum": 451970559}Has your child been able to run well? Heeft uw kind goed kunnen rennen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104923, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104924, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104925, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104926, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401104927, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457581, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105720, "checksum": 3226484699}Has your child felt full of energy? Heeft uw kind zich vol energie gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105721, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105722, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105723, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105724, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401105725, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457870, "checksum": 3108476991}<strong>General Mood and Your Child’s Feelings</strong> <strong>Gevoelens en zelfbeeld</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363457779, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106678, "checksum": 1102634510}Has your child felt that life was enjoyable? Heeft uw kind het gevoel gehad dat het leven plezierig is?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106680, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106681, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106682, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106683, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401106684, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458346, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109307, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109308, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109309, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109310, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109311, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110431, "checksum": 759890451}Has your child had fun? Heeft uw kind lol gehad?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401109306, "checksum": 1262076013}Has your child been in a good mood? Is uw kind in een goed humeur geweest?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458534, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110464, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110465, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110466, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110467, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110468, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110945, "checksum": 4115079670}Has your child felt lonely? Heeft uw kind zich eenzaam gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110946, "checksum": 1267277268}Has your child been happy with the way he/she is? Is uw kind tevreden geweest met zichzelf?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110463, "checksum": 3738590323}Has your child felt sad? Heeft uw kind zich verdrietig gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401110469, "checksum": 1281000881}Has your child felt so bad that he/she didn&rsquo;t want to do anything? Heeft uw kind zich zo naar gevoeld dat hij/zij helemaal niks meer wilde doen?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458953, "checksum": 956446574}<strong>Family and Your Child’s Free Time</strong> <strong>Familie en vrije tijd</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363458657, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111111, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111112, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111113, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111114, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111115, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112363, "checksum": 2060560584}Has your child been able to talk to his/her parent(s) when he/she wanted to? Heeft uw kind met zijn/haar ouders kunnen praten als hij/zij dat wilde?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112364, "checksum": 2662106083}Has your child had enough money to do the same things as his/her friends? Heeft uw kind genoeg geld gehad om dezelfde dingen te doen als zijn/haar vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401112365, "checksum": 737601661}Has your child felt that he/she had enough money for his/her expenses? Heeft uw kind het gevoel gehad voldoende geld te hebben voor zijn haar uitgaven?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111110, "checksum": 2128287152}Has your child had enough time for him/herself? Heeft uw kind voldoende tijd voor zichzelf gehad?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111116, "checksum": 1032538994}Has your child been able to do the things that he/she wants to do in his/her free time? Heeft uw kind de dingen kunnen doen die hij/zij wil in zijn/haar vrije tijd?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111117, "checksum": 272711338}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) had enough time for him/her? Heeft uw kind het gevoel gehad dat zijn/haar ouders voldoende tijd voor hem/haar hebben?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401111118, "checksum": 1990801373}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) treated him/her fairly? Heeft uw kind het gevoel gehad eerlijk behandeld te worden door zijn/haar ouders?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459084, "checksum": 3966411495}<strong>Friends</strong> <strong>Vrienden</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459099, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113559, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113560, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113561, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113562, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113563, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113558, "checksum": 1716450655}Has your child spent time with his/her friends? Heeft uw kind tijd doorgebracht met zijn/haar vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113564, "checksum": 1312957264}Has your child had fun with his/her friends? Heeft uw kind plezier gehad met zijn/haar vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113565, "checksum": 3614381720}Have your child and his/her friends helped each other? Hebben uw kind en zijn/haar vrienden elkaar geholpen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401113566, "checksum": 3684332862}Has your child been able to rely on his/her friends? Heeft uw kind op zijn/haar vrienden kunnen vertrouwen?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459688, "checksum": 2266760868}<strong>School and Learning</strong> <strong>School en leren</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363459709, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116834, "checksum": 3493604712}Has your child been happy at school? Heeft uw kind het naar zijn/haar zin gehad op school?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116840, "checksum": 3665593256}Has your child got on well at school? Is het goed gegaan op school?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116835, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116836, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116837, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116838, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401116839, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363460034, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118368, "checksum": 2511614186}Has your child been able to pay attention? Heeft uw kind goed kunnen opletten?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118374, "checksum": 2750591934}Has your child got along well with his/her teachers? Kon uw kind goed overweg met de leraren?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118369, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118370, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118371, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118372, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401118373, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "page_heading", "id": 99732464, "checksum": 2437551069}<strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong> <strong>KIDSCREEN-10</strong>
{"cxt": "page_subheading", "id": 99732464, "checksum": 1493001776}<div>Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People<br>Parent Version</div> <div>Een Europees onderzoek naar de gezondheid en het welzijn van kinderen & jongeren<br>Vragenlijst voor ouders</div>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463055, "checksum": 1753910685}Dear Parents,<br>How is your child? How does she/he feel? This is what we would like to know from you.<br>Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, ensuring that the answers you give reflect the perspective of your child. Please try to remember your child’s experiences over the last week... Beste ouders,<br>Hoe gaat het met uw kind? Hoe voelt uw kind zich? Graag zouden we dat van u willen horen.<br>Beantwoord de volgende vragen naar uw beste weten en zorg ervoor dat de antwoorden die u geeft het perspectief van uw kind weerspiegelt. Probeer de ervaringen van uw kind over de afgelopen week te onthouden …
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463056, "checksum": 2821733570}<strong>About Your Child’s Health</strong> <strong>Over uw kinds gezondheid</strong>
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463058, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132909, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132910, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132911, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132912, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132913, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132914, "checksum": 3670860296}Has your child felt fit and well? Heeft uw kind zich fit en gezond gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463059, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132917, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132918, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132919, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132920, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132921, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135026, "checksum": 3738590323}Has your child felt sad? Heeft uw kind zich verdrietig gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135027, "checksum": 4115079670}Has your child felt lonely? Heeft uw kind zich eenzaam gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135028, "checksum": 2128287152}Has your child had enough time for him/herself? Heeft uw kind voldoende tijd voor zichzelf gehad?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135029, "checksum": 1032538994}Has your child been able to do the things that he/she wants to do in his/her free time? Heeft uw kind de dingen kunnen doen die hij/zij wil in zijn/haar vrije tijd?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135030, "checksum": 1990801373}Has your child felt that his/her parent(s) treated him/her fairly? Heeft uw kind het gevoel gehad eerlijk behandeld te worden door zijn/haar ouders?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401135031, "checksum": 1312957264}Has your child had fun with his/her friends? Heeft uw kind plezier gehad met zijn/haar vrienden?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132922, "checksum": 3226484699}Has your child felt full of energy? Heeft uw kind zich vol energie gevoeld?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463061, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132924, "checksum": 1999873176}not at all helemaal niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132925, "checksum": 2374937004}slightly bijna niet
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132926, "checksum": 2531728467}moderately gemiddeld
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132927, "checksum": 4129256276}very nogal
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132928, "checksum": 191010372}extremely extreem
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132929, "checksum": 3665593256}Has your child got on well at school? Is het goed gegaan op school?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463062, "checksum": 1025660531}<em>Thinking about the last week ...</em> <em>Denk aan de afgelopen week ...</em>
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132931, "checksum": 599339186}never nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132932, "checksum": 2367131092}seldom bijna nooit
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132933, "checksum": 35285279}quite often soms
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132934, "checksum": 3941468332}very often redelijk vaak
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132935, "checksum": 1480459800}always altijd
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132937, "checksum": 2511614186}Has your child been able to pay attention? Heeft uw kind goed kunnen opletten?
{"cxt": "question_heading", "id": 363463070, "checksum": 3934095684}In general, how would your child rate her/his health? In het algemeen, hoe zou uw kind zijn/haar gezondheid beoordelen?
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132983, "checksum": 54464177}excellent heel erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132984, "checksum": 3854686550}very good erg goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132985, "checksum": 2523637272}good goed
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132986, "checksum": 3823770718}fair redelijk
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132987, "checksum": 3700646466}poor slecht
{"cxt": "question_option_text", "id": 2401132988, "checksum": 163128923}* *
{"cxt": "survey_next", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 2907285303}Next Volgende
{"cxt": "survey_prev", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 3777190618}Prev Vorige
{"cxt": "survey_done", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 319372575}Done Klaar
{"cxt": "survey_ok", "id": 188519124, "checksum": 3610695981}OK OK
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 248325582, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249038385, "checksum": 3058109644}Thank you for completing our survey! Bedankt voor het voltooien van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 396209653, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 394231334, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 394231023, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264170382, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264169789, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264169502, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264168992, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264164872, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 264109164, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263365034, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263364275, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 263364201, "checksum": 2875591635}Thank you for completing our survey! Hartelijk dank voor het afleggen van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 3058109644}Thank you for completing our survey! Bedankt voor het voltooien van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_title", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 176289767}Can you spare a few moments to take my survey? Heb je tijd om deze enquête in te vullen?
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_body", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 4291591984}Please take the survey titled "Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema.". Your feedback is important! Neem deel aan de enquête met de titel: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema / Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van leven bij kinderen en jong volwassenen met lymfoedeem.. Uw feedback is belangrijk!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_sharing_text", "id": 249049843, "checksum": 3511646948}Powered by <a href="#"><strong>SurveyMonkey</strong></a><br>
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{"cxt": "collector_disqualification", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 3058109644}Thank you for completing our survey! Bedankt voor het voltooien van onze enquête!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_title", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 176289767}Can you spare a few moments to take my survey? Heb je tijd om deze enquête in te vullen?
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_body", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 4291591984}Please take the survey titled "Title of Study: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema.". Your feedback is important! Neem deel aan de enquête met de titel: Exploring the Quality of life of children and young people with Lymphoedema / Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van leven bij kinderen en jong volwassenen met lymfoedeem.. Uw feedback is belangrijk!
{"cxt": "collector_facebook_sharing_text", "id": 249038369, "checksum": 3511646948}Powered by <a href="#"><strong>SurveyMonkey</strong></a><br>
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